Estimated Yield

Not a dumbass question dadio its how my girlfriend phrased it on here. I met to say Blue Mystic, MG and Hyponex soil, week one of flower, and I'm feeding her reg water and MG Tomato plant food. Its really sad the shit new growers take its truly sad. And FYI I'm not a newbie anymore, just to outdoor growing. Thanks for all the asshole remarks guys. Just made a maniac depressives day. Jackwagons

Oh come on Dude,
just havin some fun here!!
At your expense, sure but ............come on!!
you're lobbin em high and just kissin the outside corner....................................................................WHAM!!!!! It's gone

We love ya!!
No shit!!
My response was to your original question where you were asking about yield . Thats the dumbass question ! I will always say this because nobody can tell you what you will harvest. You can get 6 ozs off one plant or you could end up with shit because you killed your crop. Just take care of your baby girls , show them some love , and they will love you back. Just grow healthy girls. Bottom line........ don't worry about yield. I do wish you a sucessful harvest.
as a RIU member.. Im highly disappointed for such criticism and that the only reason she is outside and in a pot is cuz of security and alot of issues. -thread is dead-
Lol... You're worried about security and you have her outside? Please explain that one! And to answer your question, you'll be lucky to get a quarter out of that plant. Especially since summertime is almost over.
Lol... You're worried about security and you have her outside? Please explain that one! And to answer your question, you'll be lucky to get a quarter out of that plant. Especially since summertime is almost over.

yeah, let's all just kick him in the slats with Doc Martins

Take it easy guys.....................just sayin!!
Shes outside becuase I got cught selling. That a good enough answer? And dadio its cool, but like I said I didn't post the original question my girlfriend did. I'm trying to get a generalization of minimum yield if all goes well the next 6-7 weeks. I'm really trying to find some shit thats widely available that will fatten the buds. Anyone know of anything? And just for future reference, if I post something with less than 50 words and sounds dumb, it aint me posting. I got dial-up and I have my girl post sometimes, unfortunatly shes don't know shit bout MJ or how to ask a knowledgeable question. Sorry for the confusion and trouble.
I wouldn't give a damn what anybody here says man. don't even apoligize for your girl. fish emulsion is pretty common. i use it but can't think of the name right now. like alaska bloom boost. something like that. # are 0-10-10. no nitrogen in it at all. what is that in the pic? a sucker, grind one of them up lmao.
Nah man a channel cat lol. I'll chop em up but only to eat lol. About the fish emulsion, I've heard someone (cant remember who or where) say that it attracted coons or something. Ever have that problem? And as for apologizing, its alot easier to try an get along and apologize than go against the grain. Besides I'm used to taking shit being raised how I was, so it takes alot to get me rawled up lol
lol , lets all just smoke a big fat blunt and and enjoy our girls. King , I suggest you try going hydro. It seems to much easier to do.
l would but can't as of right now for security. And I'm with ya on the blunt haha. I def will get around to hydro whenever I can afford a setup.