Ethnobotanical's: The Wave of the Future!


Well-Known Member
Not in my current list:( But the morning glorys are going now the woodrose have moved in, hence too many
Take a look at that PDF file when you get the chance.

There's a company in Costa Mesa which test plant species and post the results in Entheogen Review. A column in the past that was run by the Erowid Gang. ;)


Well-Known Member
ps that is not a pic of me in the avatar, joke from another thread, it will change back soon.


Well-Known Member
Just had a scan, got a caapi cut on the way, a buch of salvia cats underway but no p.viridis. I do have some cousins in the pic there though, p.ipecauahca and p. alba, guess they're next.


Well-Known Member
Yeah familiar with the trumpets! Brugs are everywhere around here and datura are almost as common. Experimented there as a teen, much more suited to a full ritual with a guide I would think!


Well-Known Member
No sweat, I'll do it in next day or so. HBWR have tailed but just been planted, I'll grab some sally shots and do the rest when they're up


Well-Known Member

Love your enthusiasm.

On another note, it's always a great thing trying to isolate other psychoactive compounds in columnar cacti. Lophophine is one of those chemical components find in Peyote and San Pedro cacti. It's said that Lophophine is very closely related to mescaline and its effects. I do wonder how much Lophophine is presented in a sizable cutting of San Pedro. :D


Oh God!

They most certainly do. :D

They refer to the oil as the "brown little chug" due to the color of safrole.
My sass plants shit on Floridas. I've got fuckers wider around than baseball bats. So what do I need to do to hustle my sass? (I know I can't sell Sassafrole, is that where the money is?)


Well-Known Member
Marketing Sassafras Oil is not a problem but you'll need to handle the process in a very professional manner, if of course, you're serious about it!

The main process involved in sassafras to safrole conversion is that of distillation. First take a look at those counterparts and get back to me. ;)

You don't want to "Hustle" Sass. She's not involved in no underground Porn Ring! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Update: 2 of each psochotria potted up, should know if they germ in 1-3 months apparently:wall: Two of the Hawaiian baby woodrose had tailed so they were potted yesterday? Anyhoo, one is up already and reaching for the light. I think I'm going to germ some Syrian Rue and Klip Dagga next. Keep on working


Well-Known Member
Your house must be very historic.

Your land mined with psychedelic paraphernalia! :lol:

Why are you always slamming your head against the wall. It's not good for you. ;)


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Active Member
it is said that psilo shrooms need our minds to express themselves, in other words, we're here, for them. interesting connection to manna also. after the jews came out of the desert after forty years of banishment, they ate a colored spore that appeared in dung only in the mornings. when they came out of the desert, they carved their penises to resemble mushrooms-circumcision may have a connection to the shroom. they were told by their "god" to extract form the manna the essence, store the extract in the arc of the covenant for all to know how to become closer to their god.