Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

I feel like maybe you took that the wrong way...

Did you ever see those guys that go crazy and foil tape everything? They foil under the foliage to "reflect" light back. Fucking overboard. Thought it was funny.

Guess context doesn't translate so well over the interweb, so I'll just tell you that I'm a smart ass, I bust balls, and I enjoy having mine busted.
Lived next to a lady who to foiled all her windows .. say no more
Then find a black bucket and use the saved time to smoke a few more...

The only thing I buy that comes in black buckets is gear oil, transmission fluid, and tar lol.

Now you want me to spend money on an empty black bucket lol?

I'll see what I can do...
Not trying to be a dick or do memes or whatever my son says . I’m real. I jumped into an end phase of a grow into a deep end of a diff style of a grow . Just looking for guidance with a lot of shot talkin hang out zone . So lay on the constructive criticism.
Kinda thought it was purple......

I won’t lie. If it looks like that I’ll be pretty disappointed for the penny I spent. Was expecting the bag appeal of this expensive stuff to be thru the roof...... I’ll post pics of my shitty homegrown later that looks about like that........

That’s dependent on phenotypes. And if you drop your temps during Flower it’ll help bring the purps out. But it’s definitely not one of their purple strains. Purple majik, planet of the grapes, third planet are all purple strains.

Idk man that bud looks decent to me. It’s really dependent on the grower honestly genetics help but if you suck at growing I’m not sure how much help genetics will be.