Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

That restaurant I was tellin u about has all types of shit . Gotta look up the menu
Bro I’ve went over the menu about 80 times and still am unsure.

May go with the 45 dollar kitchen sink type deal and you guys can have whatever off it you want along with what you get because there’s no way we will eat all that but for the price I think that’s where it’s at..... okra greens and slaw as sides. Dank.
Wasn’t expecting this heat until I got a few hundred more miles south...... shit.

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Edit I chainsaw every fucking day at work. Chainsawing in chaps and blazing heat and mountainous hillside terrain where the power lines are at the right of way sucks dick.

Edit again shit man. Idk if that’s you or a buddy but whoever needs to put some chaps on holy hell. No way I’d ever saw without.
Chaps?!?! We don’t need no stinking chaps!!!
Shit. I’ll cut my fucking leg off man I ain’t kidding. One day those chaps will have saved my leg......
Are those the new kind that have plastic fibers In the core of the fabric in the chaps? The fibers are designed to snake into the chain and jam it before you cut yourself if I recall right
Hey true man good points. We are lugging them around basically on our backs, and for real the Appalachian Mountain terrain is a lot different than most of the US. There’s no flat. There’s no straight roads, ever. Every foot is up down left or right in some way. So we can’t even walk around with a saw without chaps on.... eh.....

See, but that's the part I like the most I think... the struggle... that rush. The end of the day and your body's all beat to shit, feels like jello. It's like a high to me lol.
I want to try it.... I'm just afraid. What if I turn into a total button slut? I've seen what can happen in the pics. I just don't know if I could go on with a button like that.
As long as you don't whip it out and play with it in public or in front of children, you can get down with your button! Give the button some love and your button will love you back. Lol
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B hole gets no love lol . I still don’t get this belly button thing.
Here's what it's all about. For 9 months you were fed through your bellybutton. Behind the bellybutton is a "pechoti" gland. When the umbilical cord is cut, the pechoti remains there.

"After the umbilical cord is cut, the Pechoti gland remains with over 70 million nerves are running over this gland to tissues and organs throughout the body. One of the oldest holistic healing systems in the world is ayurvedic medicine which is a system of medicine focusing on the balance and integration of spirit, mind, and body."

You get high but it isn't like any THC high you've ever experienced. In fact, the only way I can describe it is that it feels like the high is everywhere on/in your body all at once.

Make some RSO or a really high quality tincture with coconut oil or fractionated coconut oil. Warm the RSO so it melts before putting a little inside your belly button. Put a bandaid or a piece of tape over the button so the oil stays in.

Go about your business. In about 20 minutes to a half hour you'll be feeling the effects. They will last as long as you keep the oil in there. Once you wipe it clean, the effects go away almost immediately.