Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

3m . Do I add the monkey shit with 3 ml of the trio and gff and ph the water ?

Yea, set up your bucket, ph it, then give it about an hr and drop the bag in. You want to have as little ph fluctuation as possible when the microbes are in. If you have to lower it, try to only do .5 per hour so they can adjust.
Who’s having trouble growing the Banana Hammock? It’s been super easy just like anything I’ve grown from Ethos. And I’m in 15 gallons of supersoil outside this time.

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That's a good looker.

The one I have is very touchy. Doesn't like anything but hydro. Had it in soil at first, didn't like it. Put it in hydro, took off. Put it back into soil so I had room to take cuts of everything, it's not terribly pissed, but it's not thrilled either. Taking cuts the end of the weekend, flowering it, and depending on if I like it or not, might keep it around in cuts or just flower the rest out and not worry about it.
Had to go to the hardware store... lol.

There was a couple people in there with signs and petition boards to stop rain tax, which is another story in and of itself... but anyhow, they wanted everybody to petition against it.

There was a few people countering it, one guy in particular was being a real asshole. Didn't even know there was a rain tax, so I asked about it.

That one guy, always gotta be that one, started jumping down my throat about how I'm an asshole because I support pollution. I disregarded his comments, whatever... then he started on me about my gun.

Next thing I know, I'm being asked to leave. So I paid for my boards and was walking out, but I couldn't let it go lol. I called him outside. I'm loading my boards into the truck, he's yacking and then a bunch of people start coming out to watch, they thought there was going to be a fight lol.

This asshole runs to his lifted dodge diesel... yea, a big lifted diesel with stacks... and grabs his phone. I mentioned his diesel and the pollution that was behind the making of those 38s lol. He went ape shit about how he's a big guy and he can squash me like a turd.

All these people standing around, his attitude and now he's getting rowdy... I ask him if his dick can touch his asshole. His response, fuck yea it's bigger than I am lol. Hopped in my truck, threw it in drive and said, then go fuck yourself and shot gravel all down the side of his truck.

I could have swore I just won a NASCAR race with all the cheering lol.
Had to go to the hardware store... lol.

There was a couple people in there with signs and petition boards to stop rain tax, which is another story in and of itself... but anyhow, they wanted everybody to petition against it.

There was a few people countering it, one guy in particular was being a real asshole. Didn't even know there was a rain tax, so I asked about it.

That one guy, always gotta be that one, started jumping down my throat about how I'm an asshole because I support pollution. I disregarded his comments, whatever... then he started on me about my gun.

Next thing I know, I'm being asked to leave. So I paid for my boards and was walking out, but I couldn't let it go lol. I called him outside. I'm loading my boards into the truck, he's yacking and then a bunch of people start coming out to watch, they thought there was going to be a fight lol.

This asshole runs to his lifted dodge diesel... yea, a big lifted diesel with stacks... and grabs his phone. I mentioned his diesel and the pollution that was behind the making of those 38s lol. He went ape shit about how he's a big guy and he can squash me like a turd.

All these people standing around, his attitude and now he's getting rowdy... I ask him if his dick can touch his asshole. His response, fuck yea it's bigger than I am lol. Hopped in my truck, threw it in drive and said, then go fuck yourself and shot gravel all down the side of his truck.

I could have swore I just won a NASCAR race with all the cheering lol.
Lmao! That was like yesterday I was buying hamburger. A really fat lady looked at me said I shouldn’t eat meat that it’s bad for you . Looked her up and down and laughed at her .
Diet advice from a fatty lol. Priceless.

That's most people's problem. They can't mind their own fucking business lol.
This is the point I was trying to make the other day... LOL I mind my own fucking business if it isn’t about me, toward me, or for me I’m not fuckin with it. lol

So I decided I’m going to cull my two autos and go ahead a DNS’s flower my second Banana Hammock with the split stalk that way I can harvest these other three and hang them in my 2x4 while my DWC BH, coco BH, and coco aurora Indica flower. Once I get the others in jars I’m going to veg my DWC’s in the 2x4 and flower in the 4x4. I also just ordered two more buckets. lol I’m all in on the DWC. Especially after this...... she’s like 1 week into flower and has gotten huge on me.

Banana Hammock
Oh yea couple days in darkness didn't hurt em at all leaves raised str8 up to the light after got em out, I've got em rooted and non rooted. I prefer rooted lol both way good tho

I wasn't worried about light as much as the handling. I've seen the UPS guy just toss packages on people's porches. One job to do and they can manage to fuck it up lol.