3rd Monkey
Well-Known Member
Just a meter...think you’re thinking sbout the tool the lawnmeister showed.....
Couldn't tell you one from the other. I still live in the Stone Age.
Just a meter...think you’re thinking sbout the tool the lawnmeister showed.....
Sounds like you said the same thing, just nicer lol.
Couldn't tell you one from the other. I still live in the Stone Age.
Virtually and down the road you do .A friend with weed... I have no friends. I need a weed fairy.
So..... aim at the light. Or aim at a leaf?Right. You want target ppfd on foliage. Whatever height that takes you to.
Keep on laughing. I’ll keep on smoking lmfao.
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Wish I knew how to grow worth any damn :/
No feeling sorry for myself. At all. I don’t know how to use the meters and these numbers and luxe’s and ppfd and whatever confuse me. So fucking what.Wish you quit feelin sorry for yourself...
Perfection is an impossible dream. However, in its pursuit, one might achieve excellence. Human beings are creatures of habit. We take the same route to work every day. We eat the same foods. Drink the same drinks. Use this to your advantage. I, too, have no natural talent. The single thing that I have is that I am willful and stubborn to a fault. So I use that to build new habits, just like when I started growing. I probably asked @Or_Gro a million stupid questions, but for each one I did, I googled and read in what few minutes spare time I got at work.I don’t aim to be great. My dream is to be able to sit on my porch and smoke a joint and water my plants on the porch. I can’t do that. I don’t foresee my state changing any time soon. It’s hard to want my greatest quality in life, to be a “bad” one. It’s fuckin illegal man. If I get caught, I go to prison. End of story. This is very much a “hush hush” “sneaking around” operation.
I can’t pursue being great because I know the extreme limitations I face in the state I’m in.
Cept the “figjting the system” part, i’m talking about working the system (within your own personal stds)... which is no more valid than your view...
So..... aim at the light. Or aim at a leaf?
So do ppl on the west coast eat potato salad ?
No feeling sorry for myself. At all. I don’t know how to use the meters and these numbers and luxe’s and ppfd and whatever confuse me. So fucking what.
Know how many meters or gadgets or really much more effort in those pics than I have now? None. Zero. Didn’t have a damn thing then and grew badass weed then and still will now. Just wanted to know where to put my lights lol.
Perfection is an impossible dream. However, in its pursuit, one might achieve excellence. Human beings are creatures of habit. We take the same route to work every day. We eat the same foods. Drink the same drinks. Use this to your advantage. I, too, have no natural talent. The single thing that I have is that I am willful and stubborn to a fault. So I use that to build new habits, just like when I started growing. I probably asked @Or_Gro a million stupid questions, but for each one I did, I googled and read in what few minutes spare time I got at work.
Read at break time. Read at lunch. Read when shit was slow at home or work. Lights can be a huge pain in the ass, but outside of strong genetics, they're your second most important variable. When I grow I don't worry about being perfect. Instead, I do things like watch my leaves. If they taco too hard, it's too hot. Maybe the lights are too close or my exhaust fan isn't turned up enough. If my buds start to bleach, raise my lights up. One bud sitting a little higher? Tie it down back even.
Small steps will lead you to greatness. The Great Wall is not made from a single stone, but rather a bajillion smaller stones.