Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

Wish I could send you some. So smooth and just enough whisky bite... like a hot chick pressing her tits against your face with a bra on. You just want to rip that bra off... but then the whisky takes hold and suddenly you're in more of a lets hold hands and watch a movie mood lol.
You have me sold . Lol
Wish I could send you some. So smooth and just enough whisky bite... like a hot chick pressing her tits against your face with a bra on. You just want to rip that bra off... but then the whisky takes hold and suddenly you're in more of a lets hold hands and watch a movie mood lol.
I need me some of this! Fuck sake bro lol!
Think he died from drinking that horse piss so long .

Meh, they say Chuck Norris died 20 years ago. Death just hasn't worked up the courage to tell him yet.

The Dos Equis guy should be fine.

Then again, they say Chuck Norris went to Mars, and that's why there are no signs of life. That's gonna be hard for Dos Equis guy to beat.
Looking to grow some of that old cat piss bud....

Considered myself lucky to find it back in the day...

I was trying to figure out what country that smell originates from, I had found some info thru swami organic seed. Cant remember who was finding the phenos.
But gas will know exactly and turn you onto a cross can find it in his gear.
I was trying to figure out what country that smell originates from, I had found some info thru swami organic seed. Cant remember who was finding the phenos.
But gas will know exactly and turn you onto a cross can find it in his gear.

Pure skunk, cat piss, stepped in dog shit and true Christmas tree pine is what I'm always looking for, from the old school (early 90's) days....

Pepper and mint, not so much- Ha!!!

Thx for the heads up.
C18EC495-FF52-40F2-8B05-F4DC491F47D5.jpeg Bh moving alot faster now that shes under 18/6

2232B1A1-13FE-402C-8ADA-7AA8959676BB.jpeg Deez nuggs couple days old

57569DC9-1271-4CBC-AAAF-81A8BEC12960.jpeg Got 2 scarabs going as well few days old.

Took me a few to get the veg and flower sections all figured out but we are dialed in ready for action!