Ethos Collective "Member Berry".......

There is another member berry grow online in grow diaries his looks like his only grew about 6 inches after he switched to flowered but he topped his also so u might see more. I have member berry up next so interested how this turns out..
I didn’t top mine but more and more it looks like it will turn out just fine.........plenty of tops anotherwords. Let me shoot another pic shortly and you’ll see how the room has changed in the last few days.
Yes it is. I found these 2 threads while researching member berry for my next grow the diary is incomplete but helpful in stretch and those buds he has a pic of in week 11 don't look close to done so plenty of time to build more frost.
A few things......first off, that grower said he nute burned them in the grow AND he must be having other issues as it’s just about a 9 week grow normally, and he’s at 11 weeks........and no where close to done as it’s at least 2 or more weeks to go. He’s a newbie I’m guessing. I have this strain dialed in and mine wil be a truer test. Go look at my Zsweet Inzanity grow.
Another pic today.....I'm guessing most of the plants already are past 6 inches in the stretch. With another week or so stretching, maybe they'll reach a foot total. Some plants have not stretched more than a few inches, but most are at least 6 inches or more. Much of this has to do with light intensity, the weaker the lights the more the stretch.

Shaping up very nice Sshz!!
Off topic it looks like mac was correct. Ethos latest IG post OGKush autoflower RF5 And 4 others strains.
WOW..........I saw some info on new releases for next month but missed the "auto" release. It's all on Instagram. I don't do auto's as most I've seen don't rival the original genetics. But surely interested in the 1994 Super Skunk hybrid, blended with a 1970's Afghani and 1990's OG- it will be called "GrandPa's Stash". Sign me up. LOL I'll probably go with that next and than to the Inzane in the Membrane after that. Also looking into a strain from Australia that EastCoastMo does and is sending me some beans, might have to do a small test run over the winter and either clone or use some pollen on something with that.

2 weeks thru flowering today, and I couldn't be happier with the M.B. The plants did stretch to my liking, maybe a 12-15 inches and they started budding super quick, maybe around day 6-7. Quite a difference from the sativa leaning Zsweet Inzanity, which took 3 weeks before any signs of budding started. I'm up around 1000 ppm with the fertilizer (veg) and will now switch over to a 50/50 veg/bloom mix for around 3-4 weeks until switching fully to bloom before the flush. So, Pure Blend Pro, Cal/Mag at 10 ml per gallon, G.H. Floralicious, Flying Skull Z7 (enzyme) and not much else going in other than the weekly Purecrop1 spraying (another tonight). It's summer time and hot as shit on the east coast so I've been watering every other day. Also got my first $500 electric bill of the season. LOL August and Sept. are hell here in the mid-Atlantic.

I again want to mention the raving reports on the Zsweet Inzanity.......people just love this stuff. Rave after rave, from everyone up and down the line. Strong and long lasting, I continue to smoke (vape) it daily and after 5-6 weeks now, it continues to slam me every time. It's the best thing I've done from Ethos so far. Well worth a grow people.

Here's pic from this morning of the M.B...........

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3 weeks done flowering today, I think the stretch has finally ended. 1st week they didn't stretch at all, next 2 weeks they gained about 1 1/2 ft- so tall that some of the plants had to be bent and tied down to keep them far enough away from the bulbs. They started flowering quickly, opposed to the Zsweet Inzanity that just started flowering at this point. Not the greatest pic, but you can get the idea of the room today. Smell has a sweetness to it, which is expected- but not too strong as of now. Fertilizing is up to 1000 ppm, kept at 6.2 pH and using a 50/50 mix of veg/bloom stuff with some hydroplex (bud booster) added in. It's been very warm here, so I'm forced to water every other day which sucks but has to be done. And lastly, gave the plants a PC1 wash last night, especially down below the canopy to keep any bugs from getting any ideas.

Edit......make sure you compare the last 2 pic's to see the difference in just 1 week.

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SeedsHereNow has all the new Ethos gear up to purchase pre-release. I jumped off the Grandpa’s Stash, as I think these skunk hybrids using the old time Super Skunk just aren’t potent enough by today’s standards and bought the new Ethos ChemOG instead as I think it’s a better match i.e. heavy yield, doesn’t get too tall and the potency at THC 30% sounds just about right. With the discounts, 4 packs cost me slightly over $300 delivered.
What was the average height of the plants when u switched to 12/12 and what is there average height now . Plants are looking great!!
Just couldn't be more pleased with what I'm seeing in the room. I'm noticing 2 general pheno's, 1 that's shorter and the buds have already formed up and down the main stalk. The second stretched a bit more and are taller, and is a bit behind in development. When I open the door in the mornings to turn everything on, there is a wonderful 'sweetness" to the room odor-wise, it's very noticeable. While thinking about it, the wife hasn't said one word about the house smell to this point, 4 weeks done flowering, which is VERY rare. I believe a skunky under tone develops late in flowering, from the Skunk Berry heritage, but for now, a 3/10 on the smell meter. It's NICE for a change. LOL I'm maintaining a 950-1020 ppm, 6.2-6.3 pH, and watering every other day still since it's been in the 90's outside and the room gets a bit warmer.

You guys know my interest in Ethos stuff. I was reading that the buzz about the "Inzane in the Membrane" strain has fallen completely off, and I'm guessing more than a few crops came in under quality expectations. I've seen a number threads about it at other places. Glad I resisted.......and the 2 new strains I was most interested in, GrandPa's Stash and the Chem OG have already sold out at SHN on pre-order.

New pic up in just a few............
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It's actually about the M.B., leaning towards the indica side, starting flowering earlier. These started to flower within the first week, the Z.I. didn't start flowering til week 3. Z.I. came in arounf 66 or 67 oz. out of the room, I'm guessing these will come in around 55-56 oz but that's just a guess right now. Either way, these look great so far.

I went back and found the seed packaging and then did some research, as I was curious where the "sweetness" came from. Member Berry broken down is Skunk Berry X Mandarin Sunset. Broken down further, Skunk Berry is Blueberry X Purple Skunk. Mandarin Sunset is Herijuana X Orange Skunk. BINGO! Pleanty of potential sweetness in there.
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It figures..........

The wife says to me during dinner, "what's going on with the smell in the house?" LOL I told she hadn't said anything yet, so I figured it didn't smell. LOL I guess its time to turn the Big Blue on. So after claiming yesterday that the smell is low, I stand corrected. 5.5/10 on the smell meter. Further, the wife said the house smells like skunk. Hum...........(So, I smell sweet, she smell skunk). LOL
It's late at night, Wed will be 5 weeks thru flowering. My main observations this week are 1) the smell has definitely come on. Early in the morning it smells sweet when I open the room up. When I close the room at night, it's more skunky. But it's all good. 2) This strain is only an "above average" yielder, and it shows. The other things I've done on a large scale from Ethos, Citral Glue and Zsweet Inzanity, were both "heavy" yielders. I'm hoping for slightly more than 3 lbs, we'll see. 3) The strain is a bit sensitive to heat, I've had to raise the lights to their maximum height. Just some yellowing of sun leaves closest to the bulbs, they'll be fine though. 4) Flowering time is supposed to be 60-65 days. Since it leans to indica, I'll let them get really done- at least to 65 days, maybe more depending on the trichomes coloring and overall health of the room. 6) I'll now switch to 100% flowering ferts, letting them yellow out a bit. I'll stop fertilizing all together when I judge I have 10 days left before chopping. I'll post a pic or two in the morning.

My SeedsHereNow order came today, these Ethos pre-order seeds came quite quick- probably 12 days all told. I'm very excited to see them, 4 packs of "Chem OG" which is Colorado Chem X OG Kush. Their description reads "hits like a truck, crushes your face and twists two hours of your day, she's a day wrecker". I have found their descriptions quite accurate, so these are up next. AND, I was surprised to see some freebies in there too. I've ordered a bunch from SHN and never got any extra freebies. So, i got ten beans of Cannarado's "Orange Cheddar"- these are currently selling for $124 for a ten pack. I also got 3 seeds of Roccan PakiKush, don't know a thing about these, chime in if YOU do. I'll probably end up giving them away........

The Zsweet Inzanity is still moving well.....not too much left now. I'll need to think about how much i want to keep for myself long term, but I'll definitely be doing it again within a year for sure. I smoke it everyday, it still rips me. Very few strains I do, will I RAVE about......maybe Holy Grail from RPS, 1-2 more that escape me but it's up there with the elite. I have friends that visit dispensaries in multiple states and every one of them has said they can't get near the quality where they live- Michigan, Fla and NJ.

Let's go Eagles (but I expect them to lose)!
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