eu best seed breeders?

Is MidweekSong out of business? I tried to access the website, and it gives a 404 code, page not found. I also got a privacy warning that led to a 404 code. Are they out of business, or Hacked??
Barney seeds is a good breeder. But seedcity bank has a huge inventory they are in england prices are not bad,lots of delivery options....
There are so many a few are karma realgorillaseeds ace ugorg kgbeans verdant green etc but i could go on and on theres alot of people doing good work tbh id rather know what kind of weed you like then id be able to point you to the better sources that suit you best
^They might both be pics of the C-vibes, I may have mixed some of it up...hard to say if you get too stoned whilst sorting it out, lol! :bigjoint:
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I was thinking about going through them and placing a small order. Is there anything I should be worried about man
odd i searched my own post history and it seems to be gone.

no dont order from them there lying cheats. heres an example, i sent them an email asked them some questions about some strains and particular things i was looking for they were super super fast to respond a very polite hand typed email specifically answering all my questions. i found this reassuring so i placed an order then heard nothing complete radio silence. after a couple weeks i sent a polite email just asking for some confirmation, and a tracking number even if only the label had been created if it hasnt been shipped yet so i can keep track of it. an entire week goes by i finally get a response it looks as though they copy and pasted the response rather than typing it out. so i response to this email again very politely asking a couple follow up questions about tracking and such. then they send me another email in response to this follow up email they copy and pasted the exact same email they sent me the first time. at that point i felt like i was being disrespected considering i was very polite and none of my questions were either out of the norm or rude. at which point i started investigating what was going on, it turned out at the time they were shipping orderes in bulk to a location unknown and then from that location sending the orders out individually. they had over 2000 orders seized at the us border. i was concerned at the time the company could go tits up. during this time i came accross a page called trust pilot which does third party reviews of websites seedsman used to have a link to this website on there own website linking to there profile page during this time they amassed an incredible number of negative reviews but after reading a few pages of reviews it was clear that they were intentionally making fake accounts to boost there own star rating during this time. not long after this seedsman completely removed the link to there own profile on trustpilot to mitigate damage under the guise of a website redesign lol. i think trust pilot eventually caught on i think they were removed from the platform not long after. at this point i was like well fuck these guys i couldnt even get them to respond to an email so i phoned visa and i charged back the money i paid for the seeds. i got my money back and ordered the seeds from another company coincidentally both seedsman and the other company i ordered from were both located in spain. it takes 10 days for an order from spain to reach me. surprisingly seedsmans seeds did arrive 60 days after my other order arrived from that same country. however its a good thing i did get my money back from them just for shits i planted all the seeds seedsman sent me and not a single one of the seeds was viable likely due to improper storage. disclaimer to anyone else reading this: this is my own personal experience, your own experiences with seedsman may differ than mine but this is my own experience i've been flamed on the internet more than once for sharing this story if you are thinking about saying something rude about this experience to me kindly kiss my ass.

edit further proof this is there profile that was taken down

however i found something amusing during my search google got the link wrong and accidentally links people to

and people are accidentally leaving shit reviews here about seedsman by mistake lmfao.
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odd i searched my own post history and it seems to be gone.

no dont order from them there lying cheats. heres an example, i sent them an email asked them some questions about some strains and particular things i was looking for they were super super fast to respond a very polite hand typed email specifically answering all my questions. i found this reassuring so i placed an order then heard nothing complete radio silence. after a couple weeks i sent a polite email just asking for some confirmation, and a tracking number even if only the label had been created if it hasnt been shipped yet so i can keep track of it. an entire week goes by i finally get a response it looks as though they copy and pasted the response rather than typing it out. so i response to this email again very politely asking a couple follow up questions about tracking and such. then they send me another email in response to this follow up email they copy and pasted the exact same email they sent me the first time. at that point i felt like i was being disrespected considering i was very polite and none of my questions were either out of the norm or rude. at which point i started investigating what was going on, it turned out at the time they were shipping orderes in bulk to a location unknown and then from that location sending the orders out individually. they had over 2000 orders seized at the us border. i was concerned at the time the company could go tits up. during this time i came accross a page called trust pilot which does third party reviews of websites seedsman used to have a link to this website on there own website linking to there profile page during this time they amassed an incredible number of negative reviews but after reading a few pages of reviews it was clear that they were intentionally making fake accounts to boost there own star rating during this time. not long after this seedsman completely removed the link to there own profile on trustpilot to mitigate damage under the guise of a website redesign lol. i think trust pilot eventually caught on i think they were removed from the platform not long after. at this point i was like well fuck these guys i couldnt even get them to respond to an email so i phoned visa and i charged back the money i paid for the seeds. i got my money back and ordered the seeds from another company coincidentally both seedsman and the other company i ordered from were both located in spain. it takes 10 days for an order from spain to reach me. surprisingly seedsmans seeds did arrive 60 days after my other order arrived from that same country. however its a good thing i did get my money back from them just for shits i planted all the seeds seedsman sent me and not a single one of the seeds was viable likely due to improper storage. disclaimer to anyone else reading this: this is my own personal experience, your own experiences with seedsman may differ than mine but this is my own experience i've been flamed on the internet more than once for sharing this story if you are thinking about saying something rude about this experience to me kindly kiss my ass.
I'm definitely not going to place an order with them. Thank you for the info you probably saved me from getting a big headache lol.