Euphoria Unlimited from BCSEEDS


Well-Known Member
Euphoria Unlimited Strain Review by Doogleef

Intro: By popular demand, here it is. My review of the vaunted Euphoria Unlimited. Let me start by saying I am not here to bash on BC Seeds nor am I here to pimp their products. I’m a totally impartial grower who’s run a few cycles with it so I thought I would share my findings. Here we go…

Origin: Korean, Nepal Ecuador, Brazil, Denmark Genetics

Breeder: BCSeeds

Pheno: Hybrid (75/25 Indi)

Grow Difficulty (1-10): 7 – The strain is pretty sensitive to PH swings locking out N pretty easily. If you can keep your PH in line it does really well.

Clone Difficulty (1-10): 8 – Takes a long time to root (9-10 days) compared to most hybrids I run. Droops quite a bit when cloned without dome. Will recover fine though. My friend reports better results than I get.

Yield: This is the piece that everyone is curious about. Does it REALLY yield as well as BCSEEDS claims? No, of course not! Did you really expect it to? 1.5kg per sq m is just fantasy time. That said, it does yield pretty well. With proper veg and nutrition this strain will give .8-1 gpw. NOTE: Does not do well in SOG.

Flower Time: FAST - 8 weeks and they are well done. It could be taken at 7 but the buzz at 8 is very heady still…. More on that later.

Taste: Unique flavor. I’ve tried literally dozens on different strains and this one has a flavor all its own. The description on the BCseeds site is about right: Kerosene, Multi-Fruity

Buzz: Very sativa high from an Indica dom plant. That and the flavor are really what make this strain unique. The buzz is VERY heady with little to no body at all. It goes right to your eyes and in a hurry. The buzz lasts quite a while too. 8 hrs like they claim? Of course not. But a couple hours is about right. Still long in comparison.

Smell: Once properly cured the buds have kind of a skunk smell but that hint of kerosene is still very prevalent.

Value: 4 – Should a newbie go out and grab these beans to get going in a closet? NO! But if you are a caregiver or commercial grower (legally, of course ;) ) and looking for something that not everyone has these could be for you. Very heady high in an indica time.

Overall: 7 – These beans are ridiculously expensive. If you have the $$ to burn, buy some. They are worth growing. Taking the price out of the equation makes these a real treat. In a world full of strains that are marginally different and crosses of the same thing over and over, it’s nice to find something truly unique.


Well-Known Member

doogleaf how much did you pay for the magic beans and what well known strain would you compare it to for type/potency of high/stone? ie white widow, northern lights, AK47, etc.

Thank you for the review, like everyone I've been wondering about this strain.




Well-Known Member
i actually thought BCseeds was a joke. i didnt think that they actually sent seeds.
good to see that at least they are legit (if expensive)


Well-Known Member

doogleaf how much did you pay for the magic beans and what well known strain would you compare it to for type/potency of high/stone? ie white widow, northern lights, AK47, etc.

Thank you for the review, like everyone I've been wondering about this strain.


My friend gave the full monty, $1000 for 10 beans. :o:o
It really is unique but if I had to compare to to anything it would be to a soaring haze sativa high. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Guy here in town has the new one from BC, "Oracle". I'm going to see if he'll trade me Eu + Elephant for it. I'll post one for Oracle if I can get my hands on it.


Well-Known Member
when you say money to burn,a $1000 to burn on seeds that you can get the same quality from $35 dollar genius/deepchunk seeds,(i dont know anyone that grew it except me in this neck of the woods this past year,that makes deepchunk/genius eunique as euphoria around here).and give the other $975 to coats for kids or to the food bank,or the homeless shelter,i wouldn't give those jackals the sweat off my balls at bcseeds.So did you ask them why it didnt yield the 3 pounds,your report should be strait 10,s for $1000.If we live in such a world were we need to say we paid a $1000 bucks for seeds to be somebody while kids run around hungry and without warm clothes,well i dont live in the world were bcseeds trolls.Those scam artists are just lieing thieves.So this is my take get your self some genius/deepchunk for $35 dollars and compare.and if you have some money to burn,put some food in the food bank.


Well-Known Member
doogleaf quote:Yield: This is the piece that everyone is curious about. Does it REALLY yield as well as BCSEEDS claims? No, of course not! Did you really expect it to......yes people do for a $1000,why else would they jump on it,so your ok i take it with the false claims doogleaf,you dont mind the little lies do ya,so you never got the 8 hour buzz did ya,only a couple.did you ask them why.


Well-Known Member
i love you people,who say oh man ya bcseeds lie,ya they cheat,ya none of their claims are true,but i got the only euphoria bud in town,im a is it being the only sucker to pay a 1000 for seeds a quality i want to brag about,even after the smoke never lived up to anything they say,and the best you can say is you cant compare it to anything,bullshit man.its just a soaring sativa high from an 8 week indica,bullshit.How come you cant compare it to anything,be honest,you never been around,you only smoked outdoor grown at the lake house.go burn your money on them,but dont fricken tell me if i got m0oney to burn,then i should burn it at that scam joint,because i will tell you to strait up fuckoff.

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
My friend gave the full monty, $1000 for 10 beans. :o:o
It really is unique but if I had to compare to to anything it would be to a soaring haze sativa high. :weed:
OK so we finally have a report on one of the most expensive strains out there that NOBODY is actually going to buy just to try out because of the cost, and not a single pic is posted? It's like saying, I paid a million dollars to ride to the moon and back, but I didn't take any pics so let me just describe it to you....



Oracle of Hallucinogens
ya kno d.c. beard.. I had not noticed that. Someone pays $1000 for 10 seeds and doesn't have pics, that's a lil strange.


Well-Known Member
when you say money to burn,a $1000 to burn on seeds that you can get the same quality from $35 dollar genius/deepchunk seeds,(i dont know anyone that grew it except me in this neck of the woods this past year,that makes deepchunk/genius eunique as euphoria around here).and give the other $975 to coats for kids or to the food bank,or the homeless shelter,i wouldn't give those jackals the sweat off my balls at bcseeds.

So did you ask them why it didnt yield the 3 pounds,your report should be strait 10,s for $1000.If we live in such a world were we need to say we paid a $1000 bucks for seeds to be somebody while kids run around hungry and without warm clothes,well i dont live in the world were bcseeds trolls.Those scam artists are just lieing thieves.So this is my take get your self some genius/deepchunk for $35 dollars and compare.and if you have some money to burn,put some food in the food bank.
:dunce: Far be it from me to tell anyone how to spend their money. Fact is these beans are unique all over not just in your backyard. Pure Sativa high in an 8 wk finish is unique. Like it or not. Having never seen, smoked or grown the strain i suggest you stfu on the matter.

doogleaf quote:Yield: This is the piece that everyone is curious about. Does it REALLY yield as well as BCSEEDS claims? No, of course not! Did you really expect it to......yes people do for a $1000,why else would they jump on it,so your ok i take it with the false claims doogleaf,you dont mind the little lies do ya,so you never got the 8 hour buzz did ya,only a couple.did you ask them why.
I guess I'm just used to marketing departments lying to me. Anyone expecting to get what a seedbank tells them is a fool. The canna-community is one of the worst at over-hyping and over-selling snake oils and fantasies. I view these kinda in the same way i view AN nutes lines that cost 1000 a run. I wont spring for it cause I'm broke. The difference tween these and AN products tho is when you have this you really do have a commodity that is unique and not just a pretty bottle. I can take this finished product to any dispensary in the state and trade it gram for gram for anything on the shelf, just for their curiosity if nothing else

i love you people,who say oh man ya bcseeds lie,ya they cheat,ya none of their claims are true,but i got the only euphoria bud in town,im a is it being the only sucker to pay a 1000 for seeds a quality i want to brag about,even after the smoke never lived up to anything they say,and the best you can say is you cant compare it to anything,bullshit man.its just a soaring sativa high from an 8 week indica,bullshit.How come you cant compare it to anything,be honest,you never been around,you only smoked outdoor grown at the lake house.go burn your money on them,but dont fricken tell me if i got m0oney to burn,then i should burn it at that scam joint,because i will tell you to strait up fuckoff.
K. Listen Junior. I've been in enough grow houses and co-op grow operations to go along with my own to know what's unique and whats not. Attack me all you want, does not change the fact that you're just pissy that somebody else can afford these and you can't. Don't hate the player, hate the game. Something is worth whatever somebody is willing to pay for it.

OK so we finally have a report on one of the most expensive strains out there that NOBODY is actually going to buy just to try out because of the cost, and not a single pic is posted? It's like saying, I paid a million dollars to ride to the moon and back, but I didn't take any pics so let me just describe it to you....

All the pix I have of the EU are HPS washed but ill grab em....


Well-Known Member
hey trapper, where you get your deepchunk from?
cannacopia at hemp the purple in it was nice,never expected that,but still potent weed.i noticed they were sold out,but it was a good cross thats for sure,deepchunk dominated the cross which i liked because other genius or c99 had way to many sloppy branches still good but sloppy.,i want to pop some kush/deepchunk when my health returns.


Active Member
now down to rationale: was it worth the $1000 even if you could afford it? technically if you live in a legal marijuana residence, couldn't you sue/bring bcseeds to court for making false claims? if i was going to spend $1000 on 10 seeds that could end up being 10/10 males or not even germ, i would sternly request a sample of this miracle bud from the company. after reading your smoke report, which was done quite nicely if i may add, it seems that i have grown better buds with mexi-brick weed seeds that come in at 36 seeds per 1/8th.

kudos on the grow and the overall harvest: nicely done
smack in your friends face for even considering purchasing these seeds.

p.s. if i bought them i would ask for a 200% money back guarantee if they didn't even come close to what they are talking it up to be. or their address so i could burn down their establishment.


Well-Known Member
you can tell me to stfu all you want,you can even call me junior ok dogleef,but do not call me a fool,because i aint got your $1000 will be a frozen day in hell i give those bag lickers at bcseed one red cent,got it,no matter how many times you say it is a haze high ready in 8 and if i have a $1000 to burn?.A $1000 to burn,man i guess you have been in a lot of grow probably light your cubans with 100 dollar bills,and feed joey weed and cannacopia seeds to the birds.i wanna be like you,i want to roll like you roll,i want jet planes airplanes money to burn,dont ask the reasons why,you probably tear up hotelrooms and get you accountant to pay for it,you drive a porche does 185,lost your licence now you dont drive,na just havin fun,but keep spamming the highend gear to your high end friends,sorry cant join your club dofleef,but to think $965 more i coulda been a somebody,but im 50 dollar seed my lifes suck.


Well-Known Member
doogleef quote:Don't hate the player, hate the game. Something is worth whatever somebody is willing to pay for it...........what was the game and who got played?so because you have been in all kinds of grow shows,your a playa,and because you buy $1000 seeds,your somebody who can hype shit even after the company lied to you on every thing about the product you bought,oh ya,it tasted like kerosene not diesel or chemy fuel y gas like flavor,it was kerosene,your right first i saw that flavor,wait it isn't,oh well doesn't matter.maybe my problem is i cant afford the IQ bud,because if i could and smoked some that would make me smart enough to know to buy the euphoria and the elephant.but then again if it only raises my IQ 25% points,when im thinking i need something in the 50% range.But could that not backfire?the reason i say this is,i heard of a guy who was going to buy all of their top strains,but he bought IQ bud first,and never bought another thing from them bag lickers at bcseeds.The question is why?inquiring minds want to know.