Europe on Sale

Europe on Sale
The debt crisis has one silver lining: Falling prices for vacation homes in Greece, Spain, Portugal and even Italy.
hat quintessential European villa—with a pool and maybe a lemon tree and a tennis court out back—is getting a lot cheaper.

Spain, Portugal, Greece and, to a lesser extent, Italy, all immersed in the European debt crisis, are experiencing second-home property price declines. The countries' housing markets have been battered by escalating debts, recent austerity measures and deep uncertainty in the financial markets. A glut of new homes built in boom times in many popular vacation areas is making matters worse, as rental demand falls and financing requirements become stiffer. As a result, asking prices for second homes have fallen 15% to 30% in recent months. In less fashionable areas, prices for some properties are as much as half off what they were two years ago.


Well-Known Member
yeah growing alot of non illegals. only i know of at this point is grapes, cotton(somewhat), lemon balm apple tree and raspberry


i know this has nothing to do with the original post about europe, but their markets are on sale too. this reminds me to check on asia opening up....dow futures are already way off.