Evaporation question


Well-Known Member
Im fairly new at BHO production.. i had an idea... Since it is unsafe to be blasting buds at my apartment, I had an idea to bring a dish my butane and buds to work and blast it there.. haha I know sounds crazy but not to worry my work is very secluded and its safe to do there.

My question is after i blast the buds in the morning; can i just let the dish sit outside undercover all day 9 hrs.. Then take the dish home for the rest of the process? or is it necessary and or better to start the hot water evaporation right away?

1. I wouldnt suggest blowing oil at work unless you work at a legal oil making lab.

2. If you leave it outside all day sun will degrade the thc

3. If you leave it outside uncovered all day your final product will contain alot of airborne contamination. Maybe even some bird poop.
As long as it's outside in an open area, and you are confident this behavior won't cost you your job, yes you can blast, and purge it several hours later.

I used to blast at bedtime and purge in the morning all the time.

Word of caution,
If you get caught you could be facing some severe charges.

Remember, anybody within your vicinity of the blast is your liability if things were to go wrong, this is a dangerous procedure and it is not to be taken lightly.

Welcome to RIU and the C&E section.
As long as it's outside in an open area, and you are confident this behavior won't cost you your job, yes you can blast, and purge it several hours later.

I used to blast at bedtime and purge in the morning all the time.

Word of caution,
If you get caught you could be facing some severe charges.

Remember, anybody within your vicinity of the blast is your liability if things were to go wrong, this is a dangerous procedure and it is not to be taken lightly.

Welcome to RIU and the C&E section.

Thanks buddy..yeah my boss is super cool, I work at a steel fab shop on a wayyy oversized lot.. its like a town haha... Its at the end of a long dead end road. The place use to be a chemical plant ,but it burnt down a long time ago.. rumour has it, it was a chemical plant used to make napalm during the war. Kinda neat, there are several abandon buildings on the property im just gonna go behind one of the huge abandon warehouses half a mile away n blast there..

I have one more question..how long after blasting would it be safe to transport the dish? Id rather not be driving around a bomb lol..

Thanks buddy..yeah my boss is super cool, I work at a steel fab shop on a wayyy oversized lot.. its like a town haha... Its at the end of a long dead end road. The place use to be a chemical plant ,but it burnt down a long time ago.. rumour has it, it was a chemical plant used to make napalm during the war. Kinda neat, there are several abandon buildings on the property im just gonna go behind one of the huge abandon warehouses half a mile away n blast there..

I have one more question..how long after blasting would it be safe to transport the dish? Id rather not be driving around a bomb lol..

Once the liquid tane is long gone,if you are cold evaporating, I'd wait at least an hour after the liquid has left the dish.

Safety, safety safety..
That is the wrong attitude. its people like you that give us all a bad name. Not trying to be a dick, but it just sounds shady as fuck to me.
go ahead and blast sounds like there will be no one around so your safe... don't worry about haters just make that oil. Next time you will see its not that big a deal, and the time after that will be a piece a cake.
^ Really I am out. Will read about it in the paper.
Get over yourself

lol thats a good idea.... i should send pics of my KILLS shatter to the paper..

How dare you accuse me of giving you guys a bad name. Clearly you are unaware of my surroundings during the blasting process, I dont know how you could have such a strong opinion.

I understand the need to be overcautious, but you are being a bit ridiculous. It is very easy to blast butane safely, it aint rocket science. Keep all sources of ignition far away..derp

I know im new here, but that doesn't mean im stupid.

The blast went very well. I in fact did NOT blow myself up :p.. I have no clue what buddys so worried about lol. found a kills spot on the property, 2 blocks away from the welding shop haha :p

Thanks to everyone that gave me advice. Except you Francy.
Fuck you I never called you stupid and was only looking after your safety. I think blasting is easy, and ultimately not that dangerous. However you started with questions like is it okay to transport in my car, and I hope you realize if something did go wrong you also put your boss and his family on the line. He could lose his business, house, and fucking kids. Even if he gave you permission. Sometimes its not all about you. Those are manufacturing a controlled substance charges. Oh yeah no need to go to multiple sites asking the same questions if your going to do it anyway. I always help people in the bho threads when I can, but not when they are going to do something I just can't condone. Sorry for thinking it was not the safest. I tried to leave, you are the asshole that dragged me back in. I think you need to get over yourself sir. if you don't have a place to make bho except behind some run down building at work then don't do it. Just my $.02 Now I am truly out.
Fuck you I never called you stupid and was only looking after your safety. I think blasting is easy, and ultimately not that dangerous. However you started with questions like is it okay to transport in my car, and I hope you realize if something did go wrong you also put your boss and his family on the line. He could lose his business, house, and fucking kids. Even if he gave you permission. Sometimes its not all about you. Those are manufacturing a controlled substance charges. Oh yeah no need to go to multiple sites asking the same questions if your going to do it anyway. I always help people in the bho threads when I can, but not when they are going to do something I just can't condone. Sorry for thinking it was not the safest. I tried to leave, you are the asshole that dragged me back in. I think you need to get over yourself sir. if you don't have a place to make bho except behind some run down building at work then don't do it. Just my $.02 Now I am truly out.

dabhead, i like the polar bear. I used to have that same pic as my avatar. Congrats on not blowing up the napalm factory that stuff looks like itcame outgood.