even light distribution


i found rotating my pots every other day, has made my buds on the lower stems, just as dense as the uppers. my top 3 nodes are connecting into one giant cola!!! i have 2 indica dom's that have been flowering for a month. hairs are starting to brown, and im hoping they finish before halloween. does any one else rotate they're pots? and if so, has it made a difference? P&P:weed:

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
I used to spin my plants 90 degrees every few days when they were small just to get full sun to the whole plant. Not sure if it helped any or not. Once I got a month or two into the season my plants were to big to move around so I didn't bother doing it anymore.

I can see on some plants that the buds are a bit smaller where parts of the plants got less sun (say where two plants were too close together) so I can see how it might help if a plant doesn't get full sun from all sides.


ya i had some monsters that i didn't mess with, outta fear of stressing them, but my last 2 lady's in 7 gallon pots, are 4 feet tall. one is topped and super bushy. the other was an experiment that went extremely well. i just let it grow naturally. no topping, no lst, just good ol fashioned vertical growth. she has no side branching, and has a main cola 4 inches tall, and 2 inches wide. extremely fruity smelling! ughh i can't wait to chop.