Even true things...


Active Member
thats why I try not to watch the news, but somehow I always seem to get suckerd back in


Well-Known Member
It was on Family Guy.

Brian wanted to go shit talk Rush Limbaugh to his face,
and Stuwie said "Isn't Rush Limbaugh a fictional character, played by Michael Moore?"
And Lois said, "No"
And Stuwie said, "But YOU reported it, YOU saw it."
And she says, "Even true things, once said on Fox news, become lies."


Active Member
It's all controlled! I mean really now?! There's no way they'ed ever tell anyone the truth! The news is to entertain you & distract you :)


Well-Known Member
all truth are the spawn of lies. think about it...
It's all controlled! I mean really now?! There's no way they'ed ever tell anyone the truth! The news is to entertain you & distract you :)
I saw something on King of the Hill once that showed where the news has gone...

All of them were in the alley way, a 2 story mansion that some chinese dude came in and built for super cheap, right next to them, was falling apart in a windstorm...

The blonde news lady neighbor ran inside saying, "I'm gonna go get my camera, this might just get bad enough to be on the news."

They aren't trying to inform us, they're trying to get us to watch :)

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Once on my way to the Market (3 am) I heard a news alert on the radio for metro Detroit. It was about a barge going against the current on the St. Clair river between Canada and the USA. It was going towards a power plant on the USA side, the news said it was headed towards the water inlet of the power plant.

They talked about what a great person the spotter was (he had a spotlight on his house to see freighters at night) and he talked about the Coast Guard, FBI, etc. He said when he turned on his flood light that a small boat sped away back to the Canadian side of the river.

Then hours later... They said it was all wrong and that the barge floated away freely and just crossed the river (against stream) by itself. What do you think really happened? I know, that southeastern Michigan was headed towards a major power outage.

The real news is on the radio very late at night. Square Biz.

Edit: They said the barge had paint stripper and paint on it.


Well-Known Member
Once on my way to the Market (3 am) I heard a news alert on the radio for metro Detroit. It was about a barge going against the current on the St. Clair river between Canada and the USA. It was going towards a power plant on the USA side, the news said it was headed towards the water inlet of the power plant.

They talked about what a great person the spotter was (he had a spotlight on his house to see freighters at night) and he talked about the Coast Guard, FBI, etc. He said when he turned on his flood light that a small boat sped away back to the Canadian side of the river.

Then hours later... They said it was all wrong and that the barge floated away freely and just crossed the river (against stream) by itself. What do you think really happened? I know, that southeastern Michigan was headed towards a major power outage.

The real news is on the radio very late at night. Square Biz.

Edit: They said the barge had paint stripper and paint on it.
That's weird...