Ever been robbed... and successfully got your things back?


Well-Known Member
One of my personal trucks got Broken into about a week ago.
I watched my neighbors security forage, 3 guys showed up at 230 am scoped it out then came back at 3 and jacked everything.
Finally posted on Facebook today offering a 500$ Reward for anyone who could help get my sub, amp, box, jacket, class ring, and my Girls purse back, or give information leading to an arrest.

I got a few different tips, then one guy that says he had info. He ended up telling me he know where he could buy my stuff back for 350$.
With the help of Facebook people and some local friends, I found out the guy that says he can get my stuff back is the guy who has my shit.
Duh right.

Proper actions are being taken, I don't care to say to much. But with the help of the locals, I know where this guy lives, where his mom lives, where his little accomplice brother lives, where his dad lives.. all different houses, mind you.
I also know all of their names, and what cars they drive.
They're pretty hardcore mexicans.. but who hasn't dealt with some sketchy mexicans before?
Anyway, I'm just curious how many people have been successful at retrieving their stolen goods after the fact, and how did you go about doing it?
I only see three ways to solve it... either continue to involve police and hope they get things taken care of..
which they won't..
handle it myself and hope it doesn't get bloody.. which it will...
Or do nothing and let these fucks get away with it... not happening.
I'm stuck trying to figure out how to resolve this without showing up at their house w 5 friends and 5 rifles...

stay smokin'
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abe supercro

Well-Known Member
I don't understand what being Mexican has to do with anything, but the logical conclusion would be to involve weapons and perhaps a loss of freedom and life. It's not like they know where you live, so you have nothing more to lose.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand what being Mexican has to do with anything, but the logical conclusion would be to involve weapons and perhaps a loss of freedom and life. It's not like they know where you live, so you have nothing more to lose.
You must be from up north.
It's just frustrating, I know where my shits at because these worthless ass people (because they're theives, not because they're Mexican) stole it and are trying to sell it back to me.
I know is wrong to have the urge to "handle" it, but I just feel like they dint deserve it and should get to see how it feels to have something forcefully removed from their possession (Not stealing because its mine).
As I said before in another thread, when someone really fucks me over, I just feel like it would be fair to burn their fuckin house down so they can see how it feels to get shit on.
It's stupid, but what I started this thread for was to get ideas for alternative actions, because I know it's wrong to wanna run up and point a gauge in their face.. but fuck it would feel good.
I just feel like if something doesn't get done quick im going to miss my chance to get 1000$+ worth of my shit back, Shit I had to work my ASS off to EARN.
You understand the thought process, no?
I have to add that these guys are tweakers, worthless drains on our society.
They are known theifs, add i learned today from many online sources that came forward trying to help, but they are all able to run free and continue on with their worthless lives...
Just frustrating

stay smokin'

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
It's expected to be pissed off and frustrated. Authorities probably can't get your belongings back, nor can you. Retaliation is usually always a bad idea. Find another way to vent your anger so you don't make a shitty situation even worse. Sorry to hear about your loss... time to appreciate what you do have, be cautious and protect your future.


Well-Known Member
Revenge is best served as a cold dish my friend .....if there doing it to you than there doing it to others ....wait a few months before you exact any revenge if you feel so strongly about doing so ......but don't do anything drastic now ....they will know it's you .....sucks to hear but wait 6 months at least and go from there .....otherwise they could cause harm to you and yours .....take a look at your children asleep and how precious they are to you ....then you decide ......race doesn't mean shit .....there's scumbags in every race my friend .....GL on whatever you decide .....I'd stop talking about revenge in public places now if that's your goal though .....GL sorry about your stuff man


Well-Known Member
Revenge is best served as a cold dish my friend .....if there doing it to you than there doing it to others ....wait a few months before you exact any revenge if you feel so strongly about doing so ......but don't do anything drastic now ....they will know it's you .....sucks to hear but wait 6 months at least and go from there .....otherwise they could cause harm to you and yours .....take a look at your children asleep and how precious they are to you ....then you decide ......race doesn't mean shit .....there's scumbags in every race my friend .....GL on whatever you decide .....I'd stop talking about revenge in public places now if that's your goal though .....GL sorry about your stuff man
I've only been victimized like this when I was the minority.
Havent been a minority in decades, narry a victim in sight:sleep:


Well-Known Member
Revenge is best served as a cold dish my friend .....if there doing it to you than there doing it to others ....wait a few months before you exact any revenge if you feel so strongly about doing so ......but don't do anything drastic now ....they will know it's you .....sucks to hear but wait 6 months at least and go from there.
This is exactly what I was going to say. Wait until they forget about you then go hit em. They'll think it was someone else they fucked with.

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
My bad for robbing you man... but if you think your punk ass gage scares me, you're an idiot. I got tons of guns and we can do this like some G's bro. Come at me.

Keep in mind, I already robbed you once... so I also know where you live. If you run up on me, you better kill me or you're fucked! Believe that!

One last thing. Know your role, you're the sheep, I'm the wolf! That will never change biatch.


Well-Known Member
My bad for robbing you man... but if you think your punk ass gage scares me, you're an idiot. I got tons of guns and we can do this like some G's bro. Come at me.

Keep in mind, I already robbed you once... so I also know where you live. If you run up on me, you better kill me or you're fucked! Believe that!

One last thing. Know your role, you're the sheep, I'm the wolf! That will never change biatch.
Damn it feels good to be a G..

It's Sunday, whatcha cooking? I'm sure you got something going..

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
Damn it feels good to be a G..

It's Sunday, whatcha cooking? I'm sure you got something going..
With all the money I got from robbing this dude?

This morning I made a simple ham, egg, and cheese sandwich for me and the fam. But tonight I'm going to be doing a shrimp boil! Mmmmm one of my favorites. Just like in this pic
Then I'm gonna go rob some more punk ass bitches!


Well-Known Member
With all the money I got from robbing this dude?

This morning I made a simple ham, egg, and cheese sandwich for me and the fam. But tonight I'm going to be doing a shrimp boil! Mmmmm one of my favorites. Just like in this pic
View attachment 3887931
Then I'm gonna go rob some more punk ass bitches!
Gotta fund the meal.. And yeah that's gonna be delicious..


Well-Known Member
My bad for robbing you man... but if you think your punk ass gage scares me, you're an idiot. I got tons of guns and we can do this like some G's bro. Come at me.

Keep in mind, I already robbed you once... so I also know where you live. If you run up on me, you better kill me or you're fucked! Believe that!

One last thing. Know your role, you're the sheep, I'm the wolf! That will never change biatch.
LoL hit gary where it hurts and steal his meat while it cooks on the grill.

He will be unable to do much out of pure shock.