When I was 19 I went to some couple's home with my gf and the dude there smoked a bat with me. Within a miute or two I was so fucking high I had to get out of there. Not sure where I wanted to go, but out of there was next on my list. I started driving and at a left turn red light I was so high I forgot how to drive. Light turns green, I'm sitting there, peeople honking, so now everyone's looking at me. My gf is laughing at me. I started to go and the intersection felt like it was a mile long. I am a great driver, like stunt driver, but I think that shit was laced. I went home and got in bed, pulled the sheets up over my head. I was straight trippin. Later I started playing the Sega Madden and shit finally evened out. Never saw that guy again, but if I did, I don't know if I would fight him or fuck him. Crazy high.