ever lost weed?

I lose weed all the time. It SUCKS. Until a few days later you're cleaning, because you have OCD and are out of weed when BAM, you find a big fat nig. Heaven.....
i found some about a half not sure cause i didnt take the time to measure it lol... never lost any...if you count my girl takeing some nugs and stashing it on me, then giving it back when im dry...but thats about it...
not usally, my buddie lost 2 fem seeds of snow white where we smoke. at 10 bucks a pop i almost waterd the carpet.
I don't loose any. Because I'm pretty anal with My weed. But one time I found about a gram of bud in my cats bed! How the hell did that happen?! Who knows, maybe my cat is a stoner. Perhaps so....
I have misplaced a bag or two...but the worst was a 1/2 oz...me and my girl took a ride on the bike...perfect day..lets just say dont ride a bike with weed in the lower pocket on kahki shorts...swung by my moms to smoke one and low and behold...

losing it sucks..but when you hide it ....to well...and cant find..its even worse ..you just hate yourself..usually you end up finding it.usually

the washer has seen a bag or two..my gf calls me in the laundry room and pulls out a fuzzy sweater from the dryer...buds all stuck to it..i was like cool...then i was like where is my stash?!?!...we picked 2 quarters out of the cloths...i salveged a whole quarter...lmao..now its all funny..

i've found a baggie full of weed that had gone through the wash .. that sucked .. it was some good homegrown too.

another time i was drunk with some ppl over at my place and i like 100 of weed was missign the next morning
ahahah yeah i was smoking on the porch then went inside on the comp >_<
and put my bud in the dresser then an hour went by coudlt find it
and i was yelling at my brother cuase he didnt smoke any more and wanted me to
stop lol and i was like wtf! man lol but ended up coming back to me lol
I lost a dime in Seattle. I was there for a job interview. Scored a dime of some dank shit off some kid on the street. It must've fallen out of my pocket as I was walking to a bar. Once I realized it I re-traced my steps and found it lying on the sidewalk 2 blocks away! :bigjoint:

In gym class, in high school, we were running laps and I saw a quarter or so just lying on the track. WTF? I so shoulda picked it up. I watched it as I ran around, and next time around some kid in baggy shorts picked it up... musta fallen out of his crotch... LOL. That one wasn't me... but is funny as hell.
i found some about a half not sure cause i didnt take the time to measure it lol... never lost any...if you count my girl takeing some nugs and stashing it on me, then giving it back when im dry...but thats about it...

ha thats funny..my girl did the same thing...thats funny you say that...she stashed 2 zips of my last batch..and then it was like a marry christmass...good deal..
yes. finding your weed is heaven! thats one of the best feelings in the world..

like - BINGO!!! YES! YES! YES! and rolling an unexpected joint when youre dry is the best way to end the day! :)
one time me and 4 friends went to a concert like 45 minutes away, so we rolled a blunt for the way there and the way back. We smoked one of the blunts on the way there, then right after the show my buddies holdin the blunt gettin ready to light it and he has to go piss real quick. So he goes piss and like 5 minutes later I'm like hey light that blunt man! He looks all over for it and realizes it was on his lap when he got out and it fell somewhere in the random place on the side of the road he went piss. Needless to say I was furious!!!!

other than people taking it if I lose it I usually find it within the day. Probably because if I don't know where it is I'm about to go on a manhunt for that shit!

Also I just had an idea. What if you trained your dog to search out the smell of weed so he could find your bag. But not only that, you teach him all kinds of other smells and you attach that smell to an object like a smelly thing on the remote control, your telephone, keys...you'd never lose anything!