Ever meet anyone allergic to weed?


Well-Known Member
Like with any drug or substance, you should always UNDER dose and slowly increase in small increments until you figure out your limits. I'm so glad I was pretty mature when i started smoking. It's like if it's your first time going drinking, and you try to keep up with your alcoholic dad who has drank every night for years.... you're gonna get sick as fuck. Take one hit, wait a little, see how u feel, take another one, etc... The first time you try weed (or anything) it shouldn't be about getting wrecked, it should be about learning as much as you can about this new experience. (feeling sick and out of control is no fun)


Well-Known Member
i do agree start slow, just make sure your in a safe enviroment with someone in the know your first however many times and let him know you dont want to smoke a ton. 2 bowls between a newbie and an old timer shouldnt cause the new person to freak out......the key word is shouldnt i'd guess cuz ya never know what unusual reactions your body could have to cannabis


Well-Known Member
i knew nobody would believe it. i actually searched the internet for info as it was on the local news but this was in "94 which was preinternet days. i will keep looking as i know we smokers are a cynical bunch! lol


Well-Known Member
I knew a chick that use to trim with us and her arms would break out in a rash/hives if they came into contact with the buds. She had to wear long sleeves.


Well-Known Member
Weed is the only thing that helps my allergies. Stops my hardener symptoms right dead in their tracks. But everyone is different I guess.


Well-Known Member
I knew a chick that use to trim with us and her arms would break out in a rash/hives if they came into contact with the buds. She had to wear long sleeves.
I get the same thing, always have. I've been smokin for 30 years and I still have to wash my hands good after handling weed, trimming really fucks me up, I get the same hives she does....but I can smoke & eat it all day long...it's just touching it that does it...and the better the smoke, the worse the rash!....like dirty brown compressed seedy weed won't bother me...lol...glad I don't have to smoke that shit anymore:mrgreen:


I know a guy that has seizures from it as well. He isn't a bullshitter. We are in Greenhouse production together at school. He wishes he could smoke but last time he woke up in the back of a Ambulance after one bong rip. He's done all kinds of other drugs though, and pretty frequent so who knows how his brain is wired.