Ever notice


New Member
There is a phenomenon on this site I just don't understand. When I confront a conservative and prove their allegations wrong, they just go away on that subject, no comment no response, like geeze med-man, I never looked at it that way. I guess running with their tails between their legs is a natural response, ~LOL~. Now for the Unbiased Bias to come, Hoky as it may be, flame aeay.



Well-Known Member
There is a phenomenon on this site I just don't understand. When I confront a conservative and prove their allegations wrong, they just go away on that subject, no comment no response, like geeze med-man, I never looked at it that way. I guess running with their tails between their legs is a natural response, ~LOL~. Now for the Unbiased Bias to come, Hoky as it may be, flame aeay.

Yes, and you've not responded to questions often enough for it to be considered the same kind of behavior Med.


New Member
Yes, and you've not responded to questions often enough for it to be considered the same kind of behavior Med.
Ask and you shall recieve. Just don't ask for bullshit that I should not be expected to solve, Like how to fix this economic downturn. I have some opinions, like firing all the heads of these bankrupt companies and hiring some smart economic majors right out of grad school, but I'm no ecomomist either. And frivoulous questions I'll not bother to answer, like why are things the way they are. Hell man I've opinions, but they are just that opinions, like all the greedy assholes at the top are keeping way too much of the money supply, thus shorting everyone else.


Well-Known Member
Ask and you shall recieve. Just don't ask for bullshit that I should not be expected to solve, Like how to fix this economic downturn. I have some opinions, like firing all the heads of these bankrupt companies and hiring some smart economic majors right out of grad school, but I'm no ecomomist either. And frivoulous questions I'll not bother to answer, like why are things the way they are. Hell man I've opinions, but they are just that opinions, like all the greedy assholes at the top are keeping way too much of the money supply, thus shorting everyone else.
Funny thing about money, it's a very dynamic fluid changing item.

You're trying to argue that a car that some one pays $250,000 for should be considered money, when a vehicle is about as far away from money as you can get.

It's illiquid, indivisible, and loses value faster than CitiGroup Stock.


New Member
Funny thing about money, it's a very dynamic fluid changing item.

You're trying to argue that a car that some one pays $250,000 for should be considered money, when a vehicle is about as far away from money as you can get.

It's illiquid, indivisible, and loses value faster than CitiGroup Stock.
Money stored in banks, home vaults, or off shore accounte is money missing from the general populace where it is needed, thus creating a money shortage, or as us in the streets call it hard times. A 250,000 automobile is easier for me to understand, being a consumate car nut, but even that contributed to the money flow, the dealership, the corporation and all it's employees, the licencing fees going to the state, etc. It's the hoarding of money that has all of us on the down low. I mean really, how much does one dude need, a million, a thousand million (Billion), hundreds of billions. Where does the greed end.


Well-Known Member
your a conservative, med.
no getting around this....
spent time in the military, depending on your age, you have fought in a war.
you stockpile guns, and I must say you know your weapons quite well.
you argue for control and caps.

your no liberal at hart, just socially like the rest of us.
your core is very conservative..


New Member
your a conservative, med.
no getting around this....
spent time in the military, depending on your age, you have fought in a war.
you stockpile guns, and I must say you know your weapons quite well.
you argue for control and caps.

your no liberal at hart, just socially like the rest of us.
your core is very conservative..
I'm a multi-politico. Liberal about helping humanity, but conservative enough to take care of my own. I obviously never took life too seriously or I would have amassed much more wealth than I have. These are the times that whatever wealth one has, may be needed to survive. But, and it is a large But, those with excess millions or billions need to contribute to the economy. If not willingly, then through taxation. I say a wealth tax is needed. Take that money and start small companies that will employe 20-50 workers at a decent living wage. Call it socialism if you will, but at this time in our history, the wealthy must step up. Put that money back into circulation. Yes they could own the companies, but, there should be a good employee sharing plan for successful operations and profits.


Well-Known Member
But we are all people... even hitler was able to deceive many good men and women into following him and doing his dirty bidding. Do not let this forced construct of polarisation drive you appart, don't take your eye off the ball the enemy is big corparations, pharmacology, the church and the government in the dissatrous shape it is in now... shure its put new lampshades on, but its still business as usual on capitol hill.


New Member
But we are all people... even hitler was able to deceive many good men and women into following him and doing his dirty bidding. Do not let this forced construct of polarisation drive you appart, don't take your eye off the ball the enemy is big corparations, pharmacology, the church and the government in the dissatrous shape it is in now... shure its put new lampshades on, but its still business as usual on capitol hill.
I agree. I just don't know how to change it. The system breeds greed. Capitalism has run amok. It is no longer just the profit, but how much more profit can we extract from the business without a care about the employees or the comunity or the environment or the rules. Profit is God.


Well-Known Member
Money stored in banks, home vaults, or off shore accounte is money missing from the general populace where it is needed, thus creating a money shortage, or as us in the streets call it hard times. A 250,000 automobile is easier for me to understand, being a consumate car nut, but even that contributed to the money flow, the dealership, the corporation and all it's employees, the licencing fees going to the state, etc. It's the hoarding of money that has all of us on the down low. I mean really, how much does one dude need, a million, a thousand million (Billion), hundreds of billions. Where does the greed end.
Better that the money is missing. Think about the inflationary effects if the $10 Trillion that was estimated to be missing from our nation as a result of overseas holdings was suddenly dumped back in.


The thought of more $4/gallon gas, $4/gallon milk, $5/bottle shampoo, $35/laundry soap.

Of course Salaries would rise, but the question becomes would they rise faster than inflation.

Historically they haven't. Which means the poor would once again get poorer.

However, if the $10 + Trillion was dropped, it might spark another industrial-type revolution.

Of course, the only way to get that money to come back is to lower taxes to where people want to bring it back. Forcing them wont work. All they have to do is leave the country and no amount of force is going to bring them back, and I doubt that the Cayman Islands, Switzerland or any other nation where they would go is going to extradite people for tax "evasion."

I know Switzerland wouldn't, and I don't think the Cayman Islands would either.

What is that common sense approach

If you want more of something you subsidize it, regulate it or tax it less.

if you want less of something you tax it or regulate it more.

Case in point, Smoking. I know of at least 2 people (including myself) that are going to be quitting due to the tax hikes.


Well-Known Member
There is a phenomenon on this site I just don't understand. When I confront a conservative and prove their allegations wrong, they just go away on that subject, no comment no response, like geeze med-man, I never looked at it that way. I guess running with their tails between their legs is a natural response, ~LOL~. Now for the Unbiased Bias to come, Hoky as it may be, flame aeay.

i dont know about alot of the users on here, but i dont speak stupid.....so the language barrier is kinda an issue

also, did you really make a thread about this........kinda gay


Well-Known Member
Better that the money is missing. Think about the inflationary effects if the $10 Trillion that was estimated to be missing from our nation as a result of overseas holdings was suddenly dumped back in.


The thought of more $4/gallon gas, $4/gallon milk, $5/bottle shampoo, $35/laundry soap.

Of course Salaries would rise, but the question becomes would they rise faster than inflation.

Historically they haven't. Which means the poor would once again get poorer.

However, if the $10 + Trillion was dropped, it might spark another industrial-type revolution.

Of course, the only way to get that money to come back is to lower taxes to where people want to bring it back. Forcing them wont work. All they have to do is leave the country and no amount of force is going to bring them back, and I doubt that the Cayman Islands, Switzerland or any other nation where they would go is going to extradite people for tax "evasion."

I know Switzerland wouldn't, and I don't think the Cayman Islands would either.

What is that common sense approach

If you want more of something you subsidize it, regulate it or tax it less.

if you want less of something you tax it or regulate it more.

Case in point, Smoking. I know of at least 2 people (including myself) that are going to be quitting due to the tax hikes.
That is exactly what is going on with this economic downturn. The rich, or affluent people that fund business don't want to be taxed so they are showing us who is in charge. They are thinking ok, you want to tax me to death and spread my money around then I will show you what it is like if I pull my money out of everything for awhile. It sucks but if you don't feed big business they will return the favor.


New Member
That is exactly what is going on with this economic downturn. The rich, or affluent people that fund business don't want to be taxed so they are showing us who is in charge. They are thinking ok, you want to tax me to death and spread my money around then I will show you what it is like if I pull my money out of everything for awhile. It sucks but if you don't feed big business they will return the favor.
Please explain how taxing businesses with onerous taxes is "feeding" them.

Thanks ...



Well-Known Member
Please explain how taxing businesses with onerous taxes is "feeding" them.

Thanks ...

I think he was saying the opposite. He should have said, if you take food away from big business, they will return the favor.:bigjoint:

If big business wasn't corrupt and selfish, this wouldn't be a problem. I honestly believe that eventually selfish and corrupt people will be weeded out by evolution, because what they do is wrong. I find what's right usually finds a way to prevail eventually, its a natural progression. Then there will be no problems, time heals all wounds.:-P

I think society has progressed greatly relative to the past 100 years... it's all a matter of time.


New Member
I think he was saying the opposite. He should have said, if you take food away from big business, they will return the favor.:bigjoint:

If big business wasn't corrupt and selfish, this wouldn't be a problem. I honestly believe that eventually selfish and corrupt people will be weeded out by evolution, because what they do is wrong. I find what's right usually finds a way to prevail eventually, its a natural progression. Then there will be no problems, time heals all wounds.:-P

I think society has progressed greatly relative to the past 100 years... it's all a matter of time.

Big business has no conscience, it's all about the Benjamins. I say tax them, and their owners that prey on the poor and middle class with rules and tax loopholes that only benefit them. As I've been saying for all the time I've been on this site, it's not a conservative VS liberal war, It's a rich VS poor war, a classic class war. If you broke down the basic conservative view, it would basically come from those that are well off, they can afford to be conservative, for they have something to conserve. Your basic liberal makes under 50K a year and has squat. The liberal poor and middle class, although when the basic tract home was selling for 300+K, the middle class couldn't afford one without creative financing, (Thanks VI and friends) and now with housing prices correcting from the inflated prices brought on us by the greedy real estate salesmen (VI), the middle class and poor can't afford their ARMs and the derivative market has sold all their mortguages to the rich banker fucks that are now squeeling like the pigs they are and getting out tax dollars to pay their bonuses. How could an intelligent poor person not hate the rich fucks. The game is definently rigged. So now the rich fucks are leaving the shores where they made their money because they don't want to pay their fair share of taxes? I say off with their puss filled heads. Leave, but they must not be allowed to take more than the 10,000 bucks that is allowed by treasury laws. This international banking shuffel must stop. Just my opinion.