Ever seen/had a plant do this?


Active Member
The plant is 95% healthy, since its my first grow, i cant say it is 100% as i dont know that ;)

anyways, it seems this plant has split its main stalk... well at some point it did, and from the main stalk is a massive fan leaf with a very very thick stem that is hollow and split open... there is new leaf growth within the split part that is closest to the main stalk... however there is NO leaf growth on the big ass fan leaf...

i hope these pics make sense... ask questions and i will try to describe it better/take better pics.

this plant has never been fim'd, LST'd, topped, trimmed, etc.

the other leaves in the pic are also no where near yellow like presented in the picture, they are definately a darkish light green.

In the very left pic, youhave a view of the single leaf on a very large stalk in the foreground, and in the bg you see the main stalk.
The second pic is a look down the stalk of the leaf and to the main stalk... my camera phone sucks, maybe i can do better with my laptop...


Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Yes, this has happened to me once while growing a White Rhino. Honestly, nothing to worry about. It grew normally and produced 2 beautiful colas.