Ever seen such a Foxtail?


Super lemon haze gone to waste? 8 weeks into flower and all the top colas are like this, some not as bad tho. I was looking at 4-5 oz. from each of these ladies...oh yeah, there are 2 of them both doing this. :cuss: Will these buds tighten up in the next 2-3 weeks? Or... is this a lost cause?


Im still waiting to hear someone's response... Im subscribing, i am very interested in knowing what's causing that... Temperature... Under/Over Water... Not enough light... WHAT IS IT!


Active Member
......what in the hell? No clue about that, I'd say it doesn't look too good.....at the minimum.


Well-Known Member
You either have bad phenos or the worst lighting I've ever seen.

I don't think they're getting any better.


Im still waiting to hear someone's response... Im subscribing, i am very interested in knowing what's causing that... Temperature... Under/Over Water... Not enough light... WHAT IS IT!
These were clones i got a while back. From what i hear, all clones from a plant that does this will also do the same. Most likly the parents did it also. IF NOT, the only thing I can think of is this...they got taller than the HPS light, so I had to bend them over a lot to get back under it. With the bud now horizontal the "shoots" from it started to grow upward while the bud was laying on it's side. Does this make any sense?


New Member
These were clones i got a while back. From what i hear, all clones from a plant that does this will also do the same. Most likly the parents did it also. IF NOT, the only thing I can think of is this...they got taller than the HPS light, so I had to bend them over a lot to get back under it. With the bud now horizontal the "shoots" from it started to grow upward while the bud was laying on it's side. Does this make any sense?
Honestly id just scrap that plant, Sow a new seed and call it a day i know it sucks but what are u gonna do...the only problem is what if it is environmental such as improper growing conditions...


Well-Known Member
lol thats just weird lookin? i've seen better weed grown beside a window...... Whats your Temps? did you burn them to death or what?


Thank you all for ur input! I finally got in touch with the gut I bought them from...he said the mom did it too, but he didnt think her babies would. he is even gonna replace them with sumpin else! cooooool. ( i knew I dint do anything wrong, LOL ) Oh, and i decided not to cut em. some of the lower branches arent too bad and they DO have 2 more weeks to go. worst case senario...baking material!


Well-Known Member
Thank you all for ur input! I finally got in touch with the gut I bought them from...he said the mom did it too, but he didnt think her babies would. he is even gonna replace them with sumpin else! cooooool. ( i knew I dint do anything wrong, LOL ) Oh, and i decided not to cut em. some of the lower branches arent too bad and they DO have 2 more weeks to go. worst case senario...baking material!
Glad to hear you got it straightened out. Definitely save that girl for some cooking, great idea!


Active Member
A clone is just that...a carbon copy of it's mom as it is part of the mom. Of course if the mother plant did this, it's clones will.
The guy you got the plants from is a real idiot.
I wouldn't trust his replacements....how much did you lose in time and nutes? Not to mention not getting your "product"....huge loss.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Sometimes you just have to laugh at the answers.....

Yeah, not a good pheno....holy smokes.

Still,,,it won't make the weed bad!!!!

Ever try Dr. Grinspoon? Worst yields in the world! Fantastic connoisseur buzz......go figure.
Hell "Rock Bud" from Soma is worth a little conno space too.....just for the fun...