Too many brownies
When I party ill smoke and drink all night long probably smoke an eigth with various people and drink about half a bottle of gin or whiskey plus some puking problems here. My cousin on the other hand....hes gotten a few harsh hits drunk or not and coughed or inhaled an ember and puked...seen it a couple times hahaha 

(actually to be honest when I was about 15 I took a huge rip off of 2.5 gallon jug gravity bong....coughed for a couple minutes straight and projectile vommited......long fuckin time ago....actually about 5 years ago hahaha)

(actually to be honest when I was about 15 I took a huge rip off of 2.5 gallon jug gravity bong....coughed for a couple minutes straight and projectile vommited......long fuckin time ago....actually about 5 years ago hahaha)