Ever try to quit just to test yourself?


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone.. I dont know how to start this.. sorry ENGLISH is not my first language.. so ill try my best to explain..

I found that the more I smoke.. the more i get used to the amount i smoke.. and my doses begin to increase with time .. everytime I put more weed.. until i reach a point were i really have to smoke ALOT just to get high.. Im sure everyone understands what im saying..

My point is, we are like ROOTS.. we have to have a wet/dry cycle.. what i mean iS, there has to be a period of time were we quit smoking even if we have some stash.. and the benefits of this are many, i find that it is really important to quit for at least 2 or 3 weeks.. i usually quit for a month then come back to smoking (when i say smoking I always mean WEED) ..

here are some of the MOST important benefits out of this:

- First .. you are testing your strength of will and proving to yourself that u can quit anytime and that its not addictive ( this is also good mentally)

- When you come back to smoking, even a small dose will get you really high.. so your being more efficient because you dont have to smoke as much.. plus the time that you didnt smoke so your being economical..

- You get really high quickly .. (u lose the HIGH high feeling eventually if u smoke alot for a long period like maybe 6 months or less) then u have to quit again.

- Its really good for your health, quitting refreshes your blood and your lungs.. get it out of your system.. Then when u smoke again you feel like its your first time ..

This is what I do everytime, but its really difficult to quit specially if u got stash around u.. but this is a real self test.. prove to yourself that you can do it and you'll benefit alot out of this.. I know its hard to convince you just by what i have wrote.. EVEN my friends who are around me arent convinced and they never quit.. but i always end up having more weed.. and getting more high.. and i feel alot healthier..
Does anyone here do this?? maybe you do it unintentionally if you run out of weed..


Active Member
haha when I had some KB daily, I would have to do this sometimes and it always turned out nice :D


Well-Known Member
It didn't start by choice but I know I can and I do. When you get high after it really is like when you first started. Very F'n stoned!!!:weed:


Active Member
I totally agree with you I do the exact same thing not because of money but just because not only does it get you higher but its a treat.


I concur. Breaks are essential, I feel... It makes so much sense and it's often in my case circumstantial that I go a week or two or just a weekend without smoking. I mean, I love mozzarella... I ain't gonna eat it all day every day though because it will make me sick.

Everything in moderation, nothing in excess...


Active Member
"Approximately 15 billion years ago, life began..."
"No, it was more like 7 billion years ago..."
"Uh, well, the earth probably began about..."
"The strata may show..."
"Well, we evolutionists don't exactly agree about when, why or how the world began, but...

evolution is a fact and you are unscientific if you don't believe it?"

It is interesting to me how scientist have tricked everyone into believing in evolution. Evolution is not:
  • repeatable,
  • testable; or,
  • observable.
In other words, it doesn't even qualify as real science. Mmmm...I don't think You'll ever get me to believe a monkey is my uncle, a rat is my cousin, and that lice are my near kinsmen. Unless it's proven, as of now it's not!


Well-Known Member
7 days now with no dope. Waiting till my crops ready in a few weeks but I refuse to buy any as I'm sick of being ripped of with shit weed and sit deals. Not clucking for weed but I am having nicotene withdrawals cos I dont smoke cigarettes but I do use tobacco in my joints.


Well-Known Member
i stopped my entire second year of college, it was hard.... after 1 year of getting shit pissed drunk with my newfound buddies in my home away from home i realized the hangover wasn't worth it... i didn't stop drinking, i just drink a LOT less, and smoke more...

from then on i've been a regular weed smoker, not much of a drinker....

at first right after a break i would get high as a kite off 2 hits... now i regularly stop for a week or two, but it's because of monetary constraints...

point is: stop smoking if you feel like it would do you good... no fault in that.... you can smoke if you think it will do you good too... it's your life, your choices.... i smoke because i enjoy it and if you enjoy it, toke away.....


Well-Known Member
Yes, much agreed with everyone.. For me I function and perform Very Well, while I'm smoking, but it Does have an negative influence on the things I find not so priority.. Misc. tasks that don't interfere with my daily living, but would probably enhance my overall happiness and state of being, but is subsidized to smoking a J, everything is Good and pushed Off 2 a later DAte...:mrgreen:

I've cut back extremely over time from 3-4blunts a day, to about 1-2joints every other day, from the previous normal 2 J's everyday! Eventually I will get to blazing about 1-2 times every week to every other Week.. to about 1-2 times a month.. I find and Know that I'm able to get alot of the Misc. shit done & like most others have said, You have a better appreciation for when you do Blaze.. Everythang Good N MOderation

Also, tending 2 the Gurls brings about A felt Relaxation in itself :weed:


New Member
you should try smoking a different strain of weed that you have never tried when that happens...i know exactly how you feel


i cannot stop smoking pot, i smoke everday for about 5 years now, i wonder if i could stop for 2 weeks, never tried

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I quit cold turkey during pregnancy,and a few other times just to show myself who was boss.I've never had withdrawals or side effects.I don't "have" to have weed, I just enjoy it when I do.It does help with my depression and my bad temper.It's also great for migraines and menstrual cramps.


Well-Known Member
I just quit myself personally cold turkey. It was my choice.
Feeling a sense of slight guilt and personal responsibility for myself for showing how to grow for some strange reason.

Understand it may have it's place among society, medical use, and people's recreation of all sorts, but don't comprehend the inititiative to get this drug legalized on a broader sense, and show folks how to trip out like in that other section, and make all these concoctions of drugs.

It's your choice to drink, it's your choice to smoke, we have choices and free will, but is it having a positive effect on you?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I don't think it's a good thing when someone can go to jail for 25 years for possession of marijuana. I refuse to be ashamed for smoking it, because It ISN'T WRONG.It's all about personal choice.It's my body, and if I want to smoke pot or do other drugs, that's my business,as long as I'm not harming anyone else.
What we should be teaching our kids is responsibility before recreation.Anything done excessively can be detrimental, it isn't just drugs.Drugs aren't the reason some people go off the deep end;they're just a symptom of a problem that was already there to begin with.If a person cannot handle drugs, they should not use them.And they should not assume that everyone else can't handle them either. Once again, it comes down to the RIGHT to do with your own body as you see fit,as long as it harms noone else.I'm for legalization.Drugs should never have been made illegal in the first place.It astounds me that the government thinks it has a right to tell me what I can or cannot do with my own body.That just because some people have gone down the wrong path and blamed it on drugs, they assume everyone will react in the same manner.
There's nothing wrong with teaching people about drugs...what we've forgotten to do is teach them responsible drug use.Because our society treats it as a stigma,and assumes that all users are abusers, which is not at all the case,young people are trying drugs in unsafe ways,having bad experiences, and then blaming it on the drug.Nope.It's the user.
Yes, I want pot to be legal.I want to be able to sit on my front porch and smoke a joint in the summertime, watching the sun go down without having to worry that Johnny Law is gonna come charging in and throw me in a cell with rapists and murderers for the next quarter century.
I'll decide what's good for me,thanks.And you should be able to, as well.:peace:
I just quit myself personally cold turkey. It was my choice.

I have a feeling of guilt and personal responsibility for myself for showing how to grow for some strange reason.

I understand it may have it's place among society, medical use, and people's recreation of all sorts. But I do not comprehend the inititiative to get this drug and others legalized, and show folks how to trip out like in that other section, and make all these concoctions of drugs.

I would hope as people we understand the negatives, and some postives associated with promoting, and smoking marijuana, and other drugs to our children, and teenagers and such of the like.

I would hope we could keep this growing private, or whatever, not blast our views openly and grow grow grow.

I look toward my own employment, brain, health, drug testing, regulation, at least in my life so far, and the laws here in this country. May lead us down the wrong path of smoking and toking way too excessively, and such.

Hate me, call me a tool. Whatever, I understand that. But we have choices and regulation, laws. They are changed and corrected and regulated over time, but are they for the good of us as a people?

I once believed in legalization, thankfully we have choices and free will and such. I for one hope we can make the right and correct choices in our lives.

It's your choice to drink, it's your choice to smoke, we have choices and free will, but is it having a positive effect on you?

This is a great place to be, stay strong, be healthy.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it's a good thing when someone can go to jail for 25 years for possession of marijuana. I refuse to be ashamed for smoking it, because It ISN'T WRONG.It's all about personal choice.It's my body, and if I want to smoke pot or do other drugs, that's my business,as long as I'm not harming anyone else.
What we should be teaching our kids is responsibility before recreation.Anything done excessively can be detrimental, it isn't just drugs.Drugs aren't the reason some people go off the deep end;they're just a symptom of a problem that was already there to begin with.If a person cannot handle drugs, they should not use them.And they should not assume that everyone else can't handle them either. Once again, it comes down to the RIGHT to do with your own body as you see fit,as long as it harms noone else.I'm for legalization.Drugs should never have been made illegal in the first place.It astounds me that the government thinks it has a right to tell me what I can or cannot do with my own body.That just because some people have gone down the wrong path and blamed it on drugs, they assume everyone will react in the same manner.
There's nothing wrong with teaching people about drugs...what we've forgotten to do is teach them responsible drug use.Because our society treats it as a stigma,and assumes that all users are abusers, which is not at all the case,young people are trying drugs in unsafe ways,having bad experiences, and then blaming it on the drug.Nope.It's the user.
Yes, I want pot to be legal.I want to be able to sit on my front porch and smoke a joint in the summertime, watching the sun go down without having to worry that Johnny Law is gonna come charging in and throw me in a cell with rapists and murderers for the next quarter century.
I'll decide what's good for me,thanks.And you should be able to, as well.:peace:
go stoney!!! :clap:


I feel the same way.


Well-Known Member
I take cycles. Everything should be moderated. Everything living should follow a biorhythm. If a person can't stop a substance, or a behavior, then they can't control themselves. Dependency is bad. Oftentimes religions have this thing lodged in there called "Fasting" just to drive this point home. Even if one is not religious, they should understand that all things should be moderated. Even in the Cannabible, the author states that he suggests people should quit from time to time.

Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't.


Well-Known Member
Wow.. im happy that i made this thread im learning alot from u guys..
I didnt think many ppl would agree with me or have similar point of views..

But to be honest.. If I had some with me right now I would totally forget what I said, but its pretty DRY these days were i'm from :(
I really miss the taste and the smell and everything.. even rolling.. I just try to hold myself by looking at the pictures in this site.. sometimes I can almost smell it in the pics.
I think I quit long enough to smoke for a whole decade without quitting again hehe..

Im still waiting for my FIRST successful grow.. Hopefully Im going to start soon when all my equipment is ready :)
From were I come from, growing is reallly rare because its too dangerous, the LAW is tooo strict (death sentence) .. most of the stuff is imported, but only the BEST hash is imported..

Thats another reason why I quit sometimes, because I know that there are gonna be days like this, were i have NOTHING.. so i either go crazy trying to find.. or wait patiently and try not to think about it till I get it..


Well-Known Member
I am going on 3 months now, at first it was for monetary reasons, now I think I am not going to start again for awhile maybe even another 4 months. It sucks that I don't like to drink, so I have to find other ways to deal with my daily stress. It is nice to know that I have the ability quit, and when I start again the high is gong to be amazing.


Active Member
I want pot to be legal.I want to be able to sit on my front porch and smoke a joint in the summertime, watching the sun go down without having to worry that Johnny Law is gonna come charging in and throw me in a cell with rapists and murderers for the next quarter century.
I'll decide what's good for me,thanks.And you should be able to, as well.:peace:
god i'm glad i live in the uk, i smoke what i want where i want and have rarely been interupted and never arrested, got a police warning when i was 16 but thats about it, also 20 min drive and 30 mins on plane and your in amsterdam!

not sure if weeds holding me back, i've smoked atleast a spliff a week for the last 14 years, i work out at the gym, have a good job and a happy home life, dont see any reason to stop other than the constant smoking, could do with a vaporizer