Everlasting mother?

So those of you who keep a mother plant: how old is it???

As far as I understand it, some will keep a mother plant forever because the genetics are good, taking cuttings for ever new crop, correct??

So, under what light cycle is the mother kept??? Something like 18/6???

Also, how do you keep the plant short? Constant topping???

Or do I have the concept of keeping a mother plant completely wrong???



Active Member
So those of you who keep a mother plant: how old is it???

As far as I understand it, some will keep a mother plant forever because the genetics are good, taking cuttings for ever new crop, correct??

So, under what light cycle is the mother kept??? Something like 18/6???

Also, how do you keep the plant short? Constant topping???

Or do I have the concept of keeping a mother plant completely wrong???

One of mine's about 2 years old.


Most use 18/6 (I do anyway) just as good as 24/0, smaller electric bill.

Yes, constant topping/taking clones.