Everybody has the right to grow marijuana (& your opinions)

My husband is USAF Retired 22 years Vietnam to Desert Storm. He told the VA to shove it. I'm trying to fix that but meh if we can't.
VA can be hard, but really I should be thankful, I've got a lot more help than my father did. He did 6 in the marines, then got out, then finished in the Coast Guard because he loves water and the Ocean but not the navy, and got 30 total. He needs a lot of help, I was hoping him seeing me get help would encourage him, but so far no luck.

Being a machine gunner in the Marines in Vietnam I think he was ok with, I think it was the Coast Guard that did him in, pulling kids out of the water after they turned to ice can't be easy, which he has done more than once
VA can be hard, but really I should be thankful, I've got a lot more help than my father did. He did 6 in the marines, then got out, then finished in the Coast Guard because he loves water and the Ocean but not the navy, and got 30 total. He needs a lot of help, I was hoping him seeing me get help would encourage him, but so far no luck.

Being a machine gunner in the Marines in Vietnam I think he was ok with, I think it was the Coast Guard that did him in, pulling kids out of the water after they turned to ice can't be easy, which he has done more than once
If you've 100% you've done well. What were you medically retired for?
If you've 100% you've done well. What were you medically retired for?
PTSD and TBI, oh my back and hearing are part of my percentage as well but small parts, 70% for TBI and PTSD, 10% Hearing, rest back, Basically i'm psychotic lol. Still trying to se if Mefloquin screwed my head at all. Not really a psycho, but some of the meds they had me on were anti psychotics. 3 years of high dose Seroquel, fuck that drug man, makes you a fucking zombie.

My current doc knows i smoke, and is ok with it as long as it doesn't cause problems, which it is only helping so she is ok, thus i am only taking 1 med now, they keep increasing it though, pissing me off

Maybe your husband needs to see my doc? We can talk more if you like not so public
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my lungs would hurt haha
That's gonna be next on the list of health hazards due to marijuana consumption, lung damage.
My wife smokes around 1.5 oz's a month with rolling papers & has been doing that for over 30 years, never smoked tobacco & according to her Dr. has early onset symptoms of COPD.
I smoke with a pipe just for that reason, the cleaner the smoke the better and I prefer matches actually instead of sucking in butane which is inevitable.
What I have to do is convince her to do edibles, but she's old school & she's right in a way, there is really nothing better that a nice deep hit of some good weed :)
Ah, fuck it, we all have too die from something right?
Might as well be as a result of something you love.
How much weed is to much to smoke a month
Depends on the weed.
Some shit you have to smoke an entire joint to get a buzz, but other herb (mine :) ) 3 hits & your good too go.
I figure that a somewhat functional human can smoke 3 joints a day, like 1 for breakfast, 1 for lunch & 1 in the evening.
That averages out to around 3 grams a day x 30 days = 90 grams divided by 27 grams per = 3.333 oz's per month
That's the formula I go by :)
Sanders has no chance in a general election, though. He panders to the kids. He wants teachers to get raises while making college free. This is impossible, also the Dems lose the House if a socialist wins the Presidency......He's fake news, like Trump. If the Dems are dumb enough to elect Sanders prepare for a Trump re election with a GOP majority in both the House and Senate. Scary times.
The fucking Russians are working to support Sanders to be the nominee.
Doesn't that tell you something?
Fucking stupid Millennials are buying into his pie in the sky, probably drug induced la la land fantasies and as a result we, the REAL Democratic Party are going too lose come November.
I've sat talking to drunks that make more sense than Sanders, like his ideas too eliminate all student debt, free college, eliminate health insurance & install a single payer plan, when Obamacare to this day is still under attack.
That shit might work in Norway or Iceland, but in this country?
No fucking way
The fucking Russians are working to support Sanders to be the nominee.
Doesn't that tell you something?
Fucking stupid Millennials are buying into his pie in the sky, probably drug induced la la land fantasies and as a result we, the REAL Democratic Party are going too lose come November.
I've sat talking to drunks that make more sense than Sanders, like his ideas too eliminate all student debt, free college, eliminate health insurance & install a single payer plan, when Obamacare to this day is still under attack.
That shit might work in Norway or Iceland, but in this country?
No fucking way
It's almost like he has to keep adding free shit to give away as he gets more information on what the different pockets of the minority communities care about through the micro-targeting that him and the Russians are doing on his behalf.

As Trump and every other cult leader ever have demonstrated, it is easy to get people to worship you if you offer them a lot of promises to people scared enough to desperately want what you are offering. And the Russians have been scaring the shit out of every community for years now unchecked since Trump has gutted the agencies that would be protecting us otherwise.

Something interesting about scaring people (Russians) in these communities, then coupling the I'll give you free shit (Bernie) combination might have a lot to do with this kind of fear-based marketing.

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All I'd like to do would be able to grow a few plants and not have to worry about the law.
Currently the state in which I reside has recently brought back hemp but the law has banned the selling of smokeable hemp .
This upcoming July will be 5 years since I got busted with 3 plants
My charges were printed in 3 area newspapers and it cost me about
7 K in legal fees and fines and a 36k job for 3 plants. They charged me with over 1100 grams and if you've never been thru this the law weighs the whole freaking plant rootball and all . I may have had maybe 3 oz's of finished product but they took all my equipment but they overlooked some jarred product that was right there for everybody to see but they missed it somehow.
I layed low for a while I took the time and completely gutted my grow room and rebuilt it and slowly started acquiring lights and other equipment and 18 months later I
Was back at it. To my enjoyment the schmucks that got me were investigated by our State Bureau of Investigation for being corrupt as well as the Sheriff and the whole drug task force was dissolved and many of the drug boys were fired none of them went to jail to my knowledge .
My charges were all dismissed way before all of this happened
I never set foot in the courthouse.
But I did pay dearly for doing something that I've enjoyed doing for about 45 years !
I've become active in my area as far as legalization goes and I'll continue to be vocal about this archaic law !
I hope to see it legalized here before I leave this earth !