Everyone on this website.

I'm not just saying i expect the internet to be fine and dandy and complain when its not, but I'm a new grower, i wanted advice so i came to a website were people can give you advice but instead i get misled from every direction.
Listen to me.. I'm 100 percent legit..you're an idiot.. you don't even know if you're able to grow....no one here can do it for you...no one knows how lucky you're going to get the first time you grow weed...and no one can help you with getting customers. ..selling weed is illegal...This is a grow site we're gardening bro not drug dealing..you just need to grow it already and find out if you can keep it alive and healthy...As you run into problems you research and ask questions if you have to... I didn't learn how to grow from this site. being on here weeding out the bullshit from the truth does make me better most importantly more confident in what I'm doing as a grower...I know who to ask if I need to ask a grow question.. for the first 6 months I didn't ask a single grow question I was just happy talking to other people that grow..As time passes you can see who's really growing and who's really acting...just stop being a little bitch and grow the plant already. ..If you're OK or lucky and you keep the plants relatively healthy and fed. You will pull a pound a thousand watt...I estimate for ME it would cost 100 dollars to run one thousand watt hid light per month. Let's say I veg clones for 2 weeks and flower for 10 that's three hundred something just to run the light.. add in everything else u gotta plug in don't forget the seeds/clones and the food, soil, pots, and who knows what else u might need it's not cheap and at the end you might get nothing. .or ABOUT A POUND!
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But you start threads with stoopid a$$ questions. Estimated income: learn to grow, then do the math, but first learn to grow.
How to get customers: come on man, what the hell, learn to grow first, on top of that we're not here to advocate crime.
I understand you're young, I understand you feel bullied, sit back smoke one, rub one out and then go make some flyers advertising you're weed sales. After you get those customers maybe one of them will be able to teach you to grow. Or maybe........ You could get serious about growing, and start reading, reading, reading, then when you don't understand something, come back here and start a real thread instead of one bitching about the sites own members.
I've been on this website for three days and its sad how you can't get an honest answer anywhere.
There is a certain etiquette here. You cant come here as a non grower and start asking questions about how much you will yield and how to sell it. If you ask serious grow related questions that cant easily be answered with a quick google search and post pictures as well you will get a much more positive response.
Do like most other successful people have done, find someone successful and copy them.

Exactly what I did, i knew I was going soil, i read a grow journal/how to article where the grower used fox farms ocean forrest and the FF liquid trio Grow Big, Big bloom, and Tiger bloom. He was using cfls. I made a dope ass 4' cube grow cab ventilation and a cfl hood. I started by copying that grow, but I googled and read everyone else's grow journals using FFOF and FFtrio, I learned a lot. My grow was going great so I upgraded to a 400w MH. Then created a lung room with an AC and Heater, then built a flower chamber with a 1k hps, then brought city water out to the garden, next is a drain to empty my runoff instead of carrying out buckets. I'm watching HBbum learn hydro and am reading elsewhere as well, soon I'll be copying someones hydro grow. You copy to learn then adjust from there.

Don't come on here asking yield and sales questions when you don't even know what PH or PPM's are, or anything else about growing, read, read, read.
As a noob I spend more time reading, and just time in the garden thinking (and reading more) than I do with my family. My wife understands though, she's awesome. Anyway back to the topic, I'll be reading and come across something I haven't read and I can spend days reading about the topic, searching every detail until I understand it all. The last bit being Nugbucket's mainlining thread, just started the technique on 6 Purple D seedlings! A lot of time, money, (sweat and blood) and sacrifices are made to learn to grow, so when someone comes on and comes across as a fuckin' idiot no one (well a few will) is going to take you serious. Step back and think about how you want to come across.
about a pound.

I Love this joke hahahah

ahhhh the dude that started the thread ill let you on in something, never estimate yield, thats like 2 people grow the same strain with different nutes, they end up with different yields, I'm not trying to be anything but a helper, to get customers I think I may have answered this or another, you yourself know the people, make sure they dont speak to anyone, never let people in that someone else knows, air circulation, I grow outdoors I cant help you their buddy although after a big gust the next day my plant shot off so yeah, thats my help
I'm not trying to be anything but a helper, to get customers I think I may have answered this or another, you yourself know the people, make sure they dont speak to anyone

You have smoking buddies? Is your weed any good? They'll want to buy some. Just tell them you only have a quarter of personal. Don't let them know you are growing it (Duh). If it's any decent smoke they'll be asking to buy some before you even open the bag.
bugs can fuck you up slow your growth all bugs do different things, look out for spider mites they can hermie your plants if you let them!
Yeah, but what happens if an idiot drops your name and the cops decide to come to you, you cant act like you dont grow if they have a warrant:bigjoint:
What? People think the life of a grower/dealer is all sunshine and rainbow-colored unicorn farts?
Yes sir