Skeet Kuhn Dough
Well-Known Member
what I found was cringe and funny and sad was when Dana was interviewing with Megan and she's bringing up CM and Jackson and he says something along the lines of "ya I should have had them on the fight pass prelims" and then realizes he put Megan's #1 ranked contender husband on the fight pass prelims
I felt like a lot of media were trying to sell the under cards and what not for those that felt shorted not getting on the ppv behind CM Punk and then Dana throws everyone under the bus. Fucking epic.
I think there was a lot of people, fighters included, that were taken aback, again, that Punk was getting the PPV. I do believe that it was all about money, and even though the dude is 0-2 and I'm supposing out of the UFC...... I guess his fight was a draw. But, like Dana said, Punk is 39-years-old. He ain't about to become this great fighter. He's done. Even if they kept him, at 0-2, he won't draw. Just the way it is. Bellator maybe?