Everything MMA Thread

What happens if he beats Diaz?
then he'd still be alive I guess lmao...i know mcgregor is going to look good early, but in a 5 round fight i just don't see it being his night.....unless nate gets stopped on cuts or gets hit with one of those wheel kicks.

ps I'd love to see noons and diaz rematch. diaz would never sign that contract though.
i knew conor would hit someone... but who knows if its really tru since the girl is apart of diaz camp...
lol,,, bro why you hitting kids with bottles...
he's just lucky it didnt hit a fan... lawsuit written all over it.... you can here dana say into he mic dont throw bleeping bleep...
McGregor is gonna get his ass whooped. Didn't Mcg push someones daughter when he hopped the fence to yell at Aldo?
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Cowboy and rumble were badass. Rumbles got scary power. It's too bad jones didn't already rematch DC...that way we could see Anthony Johnson ko jones. Definitely rooting for Johnson in the rematch with DC