Everything MMA Thread


Well-Known Member
i always like mark though. Hes the old school get tired fat guy type though. Hes not a top contender by any means but its good to see him in a journeymans roll schooling the whipper snappers like struve. Didnt struve get his block knocked last fight as well? Hes no Semi Shilt or that monster asian guy whose name escapes me right now. (although minnowman beat his ass too)


Well-Known Member
yea good for a girl:
1. Renan Barao 2. Michael McDonald
3. Urijah Faber
4. Eddie Wineland
5. Bibiano Fernandes
6. Brad Pickett
7. Raphael Assuncao
8. Mike Easton
9. Erik Perez
10. Tyson Nam

which of those can she beat?
or fuck it
top 20:

she gets destroyed by any of them. so yea good for a girl.
can she beat me up. most likely... Im a lover and talker not a fighter :) but thats irrelevant to the topic. I dont choose to get in the ring.

I never saw that tranny fight but shell be in my dreams tonight --> insert humping emoticon here <--

Marla 420

Well-Known Member
For all the Mark Hunt nut-huggers out there:
Dana White says Mark Hunt turned down UFC 160 fight with Junior dos Santos:

"Hey dummy Mark Hunt turned down the fight with JDS as of last night so STFU when u don't know what ur talkin about," White tweeted in response to one of his followers.

He then suggested a big fight could be in order for the New Zealand kickboxer, who recently demolished Stefan Struve in this past week's UFC on FUEL TV 8 co-headliner in Japan. It marked Hunt's fourth straight win and continued a recent career resurgence.

"With his win last week he broke into the top 10," White tweeted. "He will get a top 10 fight but as of last nite he turned down JDS."

On Wednesday Hunt told MMAFighting.com he was open to the May 25 fight with Dos Santos if offered. However, he declined comment today.

He's OK, but he gets winded too easy. Puts him in the "good but not great" category imo. Plus turning down the JDS fight after saying he was down for it is sketchy.....
Hunt tweeted he never turned down the fight. Dana is full of shit, like always.


Well-Known Member
we'll see.......why would Dana lie about it tho? what does it gain Dana? it'll all come out in the wash.


Active Member
i always like mark though. Hes the old school get tired fat guy type though. Hes not a top contender by any means but its good to see him in a journeymans roll schooling the whipper snappers like struve. Didnt struve get his block knocked last fight as well? Hes no Semi Shilt or that monster asian guy whose name escapes me right now. (although minnowman beat his ass too)
Hunt broke his jaw. Hunt is currently on a 4 fight winning streak which is a record in the HW division. I agree, he's not taking any titles soon. I love that dude though. He gives exactly zero fucks.

That monster korean guy, Hong Man-Choi, was/is not a good fighter. Hunt would destroy him. Hong Man-Choi was a Freakshow fighter.

Semmy is beatable but he's actually a devastating kick boxer. I'm a Ghita, Spong, Saki fan. If you get a chance to see Robin Van Roosmalen fight do it. That kid is on fire. Of course Andy Sower is a beast as well.

I'm not even going to respond to your "good for a girl" idiocy.


Active Member
we'll see.......why would Dana lie about it tho? what does it gain Dana? it'll all come out in the wash.
Easy, Hunt is not a marketable fighter but has the ability to be a threat to other marketable heavyweights. Dana doesn't want to risk him knocking off JDS. Dana knows there is more money to be made with a JDS vs Overeem or JDS vs Cain III. Hunt is a potential spoiler.

It's going to be Hunt vs Nelson or Hunt vs Bigfoot because Bigfoot is getting mauled by Cain again. This way when Hunt looses to either of these grapplers Dana can keep him as a gatekeeper and not have to give him a title shot. However Hunt could very well continue to give zero fucks and knock either dude silly.

Who the fuck knows.

Marla 420

Well-Known Member
we'll see.......why would Dana lie about it tho? what does it gain Dana? it'll all come out in the wash.
Dana lies about what he has for breakfast. That's just what he does. He also just doesn't like Hunt, if Hunt beats JDS then we will hear rumblings of Pride>UFC Fedor is GoAT ect ect ect. Dana doesn't want that shit to happen, he already brainwashed 80% of MMA fans already. That's alot of years of work he put in.

Marla 420

Well-Known Member
What do you mean by brainwashed?
Exactly what I wrote. He spews bullshit to make Himself/Zuffa/UFC better in any threatening situation. UFC fans gobble that shit up and believe whatever he says is fact. He spent alot of years spewing his BS on Fedor and Pride, now he can't have Fedor's leftovers beating down one of his 2 top HW's.

I have been a fan for a long time and I know how Dana works, Hunt isn't gonna get a fair shot with Dana around. Hunt is on a 4 fight win streak, no other HW has that type of streak going and Dana already denied Hunt as being one of JDS's new opponents.

Dana may be a 40 year old man but he acts like a 14 year old girl.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure he can really deny performance, though.. New faces in each division means more money for the organization , just like Rory is up and coming in the WW division. Especially right now as Anderson and GSP have completely cleared out their divisions respectively, same thing with Henderson and LW and even to an extent Aldo at FW with the recent exception of Pettis. Up and comers tend to create talking points and controversy, especially if they have good records like Weidman. I love watching two undefeated guys fight, whatever the outcome, someone is walking way a winner and someone is walking away a loser! Even better if it's for a title!

Those fights make money, I think JDS v. Hunt would draw a pretty decent crowd, so there's really no reason for White to oppose it, I think Hunt's earned it..

Marla 420

Well-Known Member
I'm not sure he can really deny performance, though.. New faces in each division means more money for the organization , just like Rory is up and coming in the WW division. Especially right now as Anderson and GSP have completely cleared out their divisions respectively, same thing with Henderson and LW and even to an extent Aldo at FW with the recent exception of Pettis. Up and comers tend to create talking points and controversy, especially if they have good records like Weidman. I love watching two undefeated guys fight, whatever the outcome, someone is walking way a winner and someone is walking away a loser! Even better if it's for a title!

Those fights make money, I think JDS v. Hunt would draw a pretty decent crowd, so there's really no reason for White to oppose it, I think Hunt's earned it..
Sure he can deny performance, at least to a degree. If he really likes a fighter then he can rush them into big fights in their 2nd or 3rd fight, or if he doesn't he can make them go through the gauntlet like he did Fitch. Hunt is the last of a dying Breed, there are no Pride HW's anymore he doesn't have to deal with that anymore after Hunt/Nog(uncle tom to Dana)/Barnett are gone. I know it seems crazy but this is the way Dana is. Shit, he still dogs Frank Shamrock anytime he can. He holds grudges like a school girl. Hunt is not like Fedor though, he won't call Dana out or talk shit. If Hunt plays nice and plays the Sure Boss routine (The way Nog does) then Hunt will have a better chance. Dana just has such a big Ego though. Hunt basically is gonna have suck Dana's dick just so Dana can warm up to him.


Well-Known Member
OK, here's Hunts reply tweet to Dana:
Hunt responded on Twitter that he had done no such thing. "I have never turned down a fight and even wen I was injured I had to force myself not to fight," Tweeted Hunt. "Your general fears no man but the almighty."


Well-Known Member
Good for a girl? You know she was forced to compete with Judo black belts in the men's division and destroyed them right? You know she trains with those Armenian Judo beasts in North Hollywood right? She routinely tosses dudes around and has always trained with men.

Cyborg made a habit of coming in overweight, fighting smaller opponents and all this while relying on steroids. Cyborg employs a swarming attack which plays into Rousey's strength, ie, the clinch. Cyborg has signed with Invicta after asking to be released from the UFC because she claims she can't make 135. I'm not saying Cyborg isn't tough, she is for sure.

GSP will decision Diaz.

My suggestion; Head to a gym and train for a while, hang out with some professional fighters. Get choked out by a smaller dude or chick. Get punched in the head, have some ribs busted. It'll change the way you view these match-ups.

You have to strip away all the smoke and mirrors of the hype and promotion to be able to asses the fighters.
This suggestion was given by mother older brother almost 15 years ago and I have had all of the above done to me, yes by men and women. Best suggestion of the day.

I still believe Rhousey gets the "W" over Cyborg 9 times out of 10, and yes she is a beast even not on rhoids.


M Dogg

Active Member
Exactly what I wrote. He spews bullshit to make Himself/Zuffa/UFC better in any threatening situation. UFC fans gobble that shit up and believe whatever he says is fact. He spent alot of years spewing his BS on Fedor and Pride, now he can't have Fedor's leftovers beating down one of his 2 top HW's.

I have been a fan for a long time and I know how Dana works, Hunt isn't gonna get a fair shot with Dana around. Hunt is on a 4 fight win streak, no other HW has that type of streak going and Dana already denied Hunt as being one of JDS's new opponents.

Dana may be a 40 year old man but he acts like a 14 year old girl.
Dana is exactly like Vince MacMahon - he thinks that he can just write and rewrite MMA history as he goes along to suit his brands needs and objectives.


Well-Known Member
I stopped watching when they changed the rules and Gracie quit. Around #5 I think. He will always be the master of the octagon to me.


Well-Known Member
soccer kicks to a downed opponent's head makes me wince. Some rules are ok or the sport never becomes legit and dana dont make billions.


Well-Known Member
It was the time limit down on the mat rule I think. Thats where Royce did his work. But it got boring so they would separate them and make them stand up. Once Gracie had em on the mat, it was like watching a boa constrictor do its thing. It was unfair to Gracie because thats where he wanted you but the herd wanted action

Marla 420

Well-Known Member
Awwww SHiiiiit. HUNTVSJDS IS ON!!!!!!

After feeling pressure from the fans Dana has had to backtrack and give Hunt the shot at JDS. LOL at Dana actling like the mighty Hunto would turn down a fight. FIREWORKS!!!!


Well-Known Member
Beat me to it Marla420, Damn girl you quick!

[h=1]Mark Hunt vs. Junior dos Santos on for UFC 160[/h]via mmafighting/Ariel Helwani

A day after UFC president Dana White said Hunt turned down a fight against Junior dos Santos at UFC 160, "The Super Samoan" got the fight he wanted following a phone conversation with White Thursday night. As a result, Hunt will now meet dos Santos on May 25 in Las Vegas. White confirmed the news with MMAFighting.com Saturday morning.
When contacted by MMAFighting.com, an ecstatic Hunt called the opportunity "my title shot." Hunt, who denied ever directly turning down the opportunity, was pleased with the outcome of the call, as was White. They would not discuss exactly what they spoke about.
UFC 160, headlined by Cain Velasquez vs. Antonio Silva 2, will take place at the MGM Grand Garden Arena. Hunt vs. dos Santos will serve as the co-main event.

So now we'll get to see how the Super Somaon fares against a top 5'er.
Anybody think Hunt wins this?