Everything MMA Thread


Well-Known Member
Nick acts totally unprofessional..

I get he's not accustomed to press conferences and he distances himself with people he's not comfortable with, but it seems like he creates these imaginary scenarios in his head where everyone is out to get him, and if it doesn't play out the way he wants, it just seals his idea of some preconceived plan against him. I hate that he can't accept a loss for what it is. That is not the sign of a champion. Georges on the other hand is completely professional. Even during the press conference he says he does't wish any ill will towards Nick, it's a fight, it is what it is, why hold some imaginary grudge against the guy for his success?

This is why Nick won't win on Saturday. He isn't ready to be a champion. His heart is there, his skill is there, but his attitude is lacking. If he could be a little more humble and appreciative and act more professional, he'd be a goddamn superstar! He won't let himself..


Well-Known Member
Nick has all the tools and the skills to be top 5 for life, unfortunately as this press conference shows he has a long way to go to become a champ and handle associated responsibilities.

Nick with this press conference and the upcoming loss to GSP will fade in to UFC history!

Georges will have his way with Nick, 5 rounds of "Damn Nick, just tap and go home ;-)"

guerrilla medic

Well-Known Member
i agree with you guys for the most part. he is like a train wreck at press conferences, and is nonsensical at times. its pretty entertaining though. one point i might make; you do not become champion by acting professional at press conferences. while i admit there is probably a 90% chance gsp is going to take him down and lay on him for 5 rounds...there is a chance that in the later rounds of the fight gsp could start to tire. i guarantee that gsp is going to be more tense in this fight than any in recent history. tension causes fatigue, and he is going to be tense and angry in this fight... or maybe im just hoping for some semblance of parity for 54.99 lol!! WAR DIAZ!!!!

Marla 420

Well-Known Member
He just acts like that to mess with his oppenents and to try to throw them off mentally. Ive met him in person and have freinds who went to school with him and trust me the way he acts while on camera and in person is way different
Well I guess that could be true. I just always thought he was.


Well-Known Member
My picks for UFC 158:
GSP via TKO 4th round. I want Diaz to win but I dont see it happening but if he does I hope he chokes gsp out cold or breaks one of his limbs if gsp doesnt tap.

Condit via dec 29-28


Well-Known Member
IDK if any/many of u are fans of mma journalist Ariel Helwani, but just run across this little tid bit from yesterday's media presser where Dana gets all in Ariel's ass for basically trying to antagonize Nick w/ his questions about why Nick was a no-show @ the wed. open workouts.[video=youtube;IQtNlEWDj-w]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=IQtNlEWDj-w[/video] I like Ariel but am kinda glad it went down like this because Ariel and Nick already have a bit of a history (Nick once told Ariel that people like him got bitchslapped where he come from, lmao) so why he always try's to ask Nick about shit that he knows is gonna piss him off is like a reverse form of bullying or something, because Ariel knows Nick couldn't touch him for fear of being blacklisted for life for attacking a media member. He seems to try to upset him. I know he's a journalist vand is suppossed to ask the tough q's but like Dana said "do you have any questions about the fight?". Pissed me off when Ariel said no lol.


Well-Known Member
here's the interview from back in '11. it was before Diaz' match against Paul Daley. And he didn't say "bitch slapped" but still funny. [video=youtube;ObKZDVIRjyg]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObKZDVIRjyg[/video]

And idk...... after any of yall watch this.....does Ariel come off as a bit of a shit stirrer or is he just "doing his job"?


Active Member
Remind the last time GSP finished someone? Oh yeah, 2006 against Matt Hughes. GSP couldn't finish Dan Hardy for fucks sake. He sure as shit isn't finishing Nick Diaz.

It will unfortunately be GSP by decision.


Well-Known Member
Remind the last time GSP finished someone? Oh yeah, 2006 against Matt Hughes. GSP couldn't finish Dan Hardy for fucks sake. He sure as shit isn't finishing Nick Diaz.

It will unfortunately be GSP by decision.
im pretty sure gsp has won by stoppage against penn and serra since then. but I agree it will be tough to finish diaz unless diaz gets opened up with a cut


Well-Known Member
Who do you guys think is the best mixed martial artist to ever fight and why?

Who do you think is the current best mixed martial artist?

IMO, the best to ever fight is a tossup between Fedor Emelianenko and Anderson Silva. Fedors style, aggression, demeanor, and attitude skyrocketed him to success. He threw punches with 100% power from the hip! His technique was unmatched, and his aggression was comic-book-esque! Perfectly timed, with laser accuracy! Watching him was a goddamn privilege!

Watching Anderson Silva is like visual poetry, that guy can fight! Holy shit! His dissection of Forrest Griffin was a masterpiece, same with Leban, as well as Franklin. He just runs through motherfuckers! His accuracy is totally unmatched, his stamina is next to nothing, I've never seen him gas out in a fight. His intelligence shows through in every fight, and he's a finisher! GSP would have this position if he was more aggressive and finished more opponents, but Anderson throws caution to the wind in order to fuck people up. He's in it to fight, first and foremost, the paycheck is secondary. You can tell, just the way he fights, he loves smashing peoples faces. It's beautiful!

Usually, going into watching a fight, I think either guy could come out ahead, when I see Anderson fight, I KNOW I'm getting ready to see someone get fucked up! Nobody has figured out how to defeat this guy, he's been on a winning streak since 200 fucking 6! Unfuckingbeaten in the UFC. Dude!

Jon Jones, GSP, both excellent fighters, who I designate #2 and #3, but Silva gets #1, hands down. He deserves everything he's earned.

Weideman, I hope you've studied!