Everything was going OK until I checked my ph, now its not.....


Basically, I'm about 4/5 weeks into things and everything looked fine and healthy, my plants are about 12"s tall in soil and were green all the way through. I hadn't checked my ph until the feed before last and wondered if it was worth doing so as everything seemed fine. I asked in a thread on here if I could carry on without checking and was advised that ph was the most important thing and that i should buy a tester! I did so and found that my ph was measuring about 8.5, I adjusted it on my following feed to 6.5 and when I checked on them later that day I noticed that the lower canopy was going droopy and yellow, and tonight they seem to be getting worse!! Does anybody know what this may mean?? As everything was going fine until I adjusted the ph :-(


Well-Known Member
Such a drasic change in ph has made them stress. Keep your ph at 6.5 (make sure your caliberated) and ride it out. Ph is very important.


Well-Known Member
i would keep the feeding schedule about the same. but i second the other post keep it at 6.5 and ride it out. it will come back strong. at 8.5 you were gonna run into problems soon anyway.. its just way too high.


Well-Known Member
Basically, I'm about 4/5 weeks into things and everything looked fine and healthy, my plants are about 12"s tall in soil and were green all the way through. I hadn't checked my ph until the feed before last and wondered if it was worth doing so as everything seemed fine. I asked in a thread on here if I could carry on without checking and was advised that ph was the most important thing and that i should buy a tester! I did so and found that my ph was measuring about 8.5, I adjusted it on my following feed to 6.5 and when I checked on them later that day I noticed that the lower canopy was going droopy and yellow, and tonight they seem to be getting worse!! Does anybody know what this may mean?? As everything was going fine until I adjusted the ph :-(
Are you checking pH of water or soil?


Well-Known Member
ph is the worst thing IMO, i mean you definitely need to check it and keep it at the right lvl but god is it a pain in the ass. When i started i went a whole grow without checking it and i was fine luckily. but then i started checking and its the most tiedious part of growing i think.


I'm only checking the water not the run off....should i do this?? they seem a little better today already, temps are at 85 and humidity is at 53%, does sound about right?


Well-Known Member
Only check the water going in and keep it at 6.5 You can add nutes and molases,etc. but check ph after adding such.