Ew, what insect is this and how bad is this 'mold' residue?


Well-Known Member
You can actually see the pest in this photo, it's the white thing. I'll look through the pest guide to see what it is but if anyone could chyme in with some info that'd be good.
The plant was an indoor plant, then became an outdoor plant. It was dying outdoors, poor sunlight + slug damage, so I brought it back. It looks 'healthy' now aside from the white stuff however...


Well-Known Member
Seems to be a mealybug, someone correct me if they think otherwise.

Blasted it off the plant with a stream of water from the spray bottle, avoiding using insecticidal soap for the moment (not sure if organic?)
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Well-Known Member
Seems to be a mealybug, someone correct me if they think otherwise.

Blasted it off the plant with a stream of water from the spray bottle, avoiding using insecticidal soap for the moment (not sure if organic?)
I like tht u blasted it off with watr instead of running for the pesticides. mealybug or an woolly aphids is my guess