Exactly who has "stakes" in any proposed mmj bills up for vote?

Again, I don't have any historical perspective, but given the comments from a few here, the actual issues have been lost on some ongoing grudge match. There's a spec of useful info, then pages of 4th grade.
lol, looks like someone showed bloody how to embed videos. I support special education. Doesn't add anything to the discussion, but cute. So bloody, how many sides does a cube have? I'm sure you can count them using the fingers of one of your hands.

Seriously it is great to have a court jester.

Dr. Bob
well bob looks like you got your answer .now i see why you sapport special ed .cuz your a pretty dumb mother fucker..[video=youtube;NtlN7ykIZ_I]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtlN7ykIZ_I&feature=share&list=PLDB3DC7865 7F7CC3B[/video]
Roof top would be the way to go. Barn with a balcony would be tits.
"I puts my garden up in da air, ta gets it closer to da sun, and ta keep
dem sons a bitchin' tweekers out me shit!"
I have never smoked any fantastic Michigan greenhouse weed. If I had, me and risk would be going to dinner and a movie, and risk would be giving it up.
An enclosed balcony greenhouse is an amazing concept. Been thinking about elevating it all, so rippers have to climb to get to meds and not just fall into garden w some bolt cutters. Great Idea!
An enclosed balcony greenhouse is an amazing concept. Been thinking about elevating it all, so rippers have to climb to get to meds and not just fall into garden w some bolt cutters. Great Idea!
Sure would take care of the smell as long as your the only one with roof access!
This was actually was a patio on the roof. Was hidden from the ground even. Good thing they have the money to spend on helicopters at about 5K a flight hour to go bust a retired attorney and his retired corrections captain wife.

I still chuckle about it. Never heard the results though.
Dr. Bob

Everyone does not seem to get it? They would have spent 100k in hr to find and bust guys like him or I, there making it known that they are not giving up. They don't give a rat's ass what laws have been passed, they are going to challenge them over and over to let everyone know that they are not backing down and they don't give a fuck what you have in your arsenal to defend yourself in court. They are going to keep doing this stuff until they get there way again! Drug wars are big business and help employ millions of idiots that otherwise would not have a job. It will never end!