Examples of Democratic Party leadership

Nope I refer to the animosity from you.
You claim peace,love,compassion, empathy all the good characteristics and assign all negative to the "magats".

I dont see any magats here wishing incarceration and death.
I do see quite a bit of vitriol,anger and wishes for violence from the other side........yours.
Just curious how you mentally reconcile that?
If that's the case why so much animosity towards the other half of the population?
First, you overestimate. The other 25-30% of the population.
Being aware doesn't mean allowing mean, spiteful, ignorant assholes to run rampant over you...You treat people with the respect they deserve...people who support republicans don't deserve any respect, they destroy everything they touch and harm everyone they come in contact with, whether they're doing it actively, or just through their support of a fascist, racist, misogynist, homophobic party.
Nope I refer to the animosity from you.
You claim peace,love,compassion, empathy all the good characteristics and assign all negative to the "magats".

I dont see any magats here wishing incarceration and death.
I do see quite a bit of vitriol,anger and wishes for violence from the other side........yours.
Just curious how you mentally reconcile that?
oh, you mean why decent folk don’t like rogue Republicans?
They’ve gone all in on:

- lies layered on lies
- the overthrow of the republic
- war on women, people of color, the genderfree
- a corrupt religion-driven moral hypocrisy
and lies bolstered by their own propaganda networks
- theft of the safety net for the old or disabled
- doing evil e.g. sex crimes and loudly blaming others for their misdeeds

Yeah, we don’t much respect people who carry the water of declared fascist revolutionaries.
oh, you mean why decent folk don’t like rogue Republicans?
They’ve gone all in on:

- lies layered on lies
- the overthrow of the republic
- war on women, people of color, the genderfree
- a corrupt religion-driven moral hypocrisy
and lies bolstered by their own propaganda networks
- theft of the safety net for the old or disabled
- doing evil e.g. sex crimes and loudly blaming others for their misdeeds

Yeah, we don’t much respect people who carry the water of declared fascist revolutionaries.


the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.
"his target was the hypocrisy of suburban life"
synonyms: sanctimoniousness, sanctimony, pietism, piousness, affected piety, affected superiority, false virtue, cant, humbug, pretense, posturing, speciousness, empty talk, insincerity, falseness, falsity, deceptiveness, deceit, deceitfulness, deception, dishonesty, dissembling, dissimulation, duplicity, imposture, two-facedness, double-dealing, phoneyness, Pharisaism, Tartufferie
Nope I refer to the animosity from you.
You claim peace,love,compassion, empathy all the good characteristics and assign all negative to the "magats".

I dont see any magats here wishing incarceration and death.
I do see quite a bit of vitriol,anger and wishes for violence from the other side........yours.
Just curious how you mentally reconcile that?
i don't know...it sure seems easy when you read about how they treat children, when you hear their hypocritical claims of "Grooming" when the republicans are the party of pedophilia...look that up...facts...
It's hard to have any positive feeling for the party that turned women into property of the state, denying them the right to make their own decisions about their healthcare.
Then when those babies are born, the republicans deny any responsibility for them, and actively try to shut down as many social aid programs as they can get their grubby finger around the throat of...force women to have babies, then cut off all aid to those women and babies...The republican way...

"Just curious how you mentally reconcile that?"

I don't recall too many people here calling for anyone's death...would you care to provide a link or two to that content so i can refresh myself?
incarceration now, that's another matter, THOUSANDS of republicans deserve incarceration...EVERY single government official that aided or assisted trump's incompetent, failed coup attempt or fake electors scheme should be kicked out of office straight into a jail cell.
i don't know...it sure seems easy when you read about how they treat children, when you hear their hypocritical claims of "Grooming" wh olen the republicans are the party of pedophilia...look that up...facts...
It's hard to have any positive feeling for the party that turned women into property of the state, denying them the right to make their own decisions about their healthcare.
Then when those babies are born, the republicans deny any responsibility for them, and actively try to shut down as many social aid programs as they can get their grubby finger around the throat of...force women to have babies, then cut off all aid to those women and babies...The republican way...

"Just curious how you mentally reconcile that?"

I don't recall too many people here calling for anyone's death...would you care to provide a link or two to that content so i can refresh myself?
incarceration now, that's another matter, THOUSANDS of republicans deserve incarceration...EVERY single government official that aided or assisted trump's incompetent, failed coup attempt or fake electors scheme should be kicked out of office straight into a jail cell.
Check your own posts for genocidal wishes........see the definition posted above.


the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.
"his target was the hypocrisy of suburban life"
synonyms: sanctimoniousness, sanctimony, pietism, piousness, affected piety, affected superiority, false virtue, cant, humbug, pretense, posturing, speciousness, empty talk, insincerity, falseness, falsity, deceptiveness, deceit, deceitfulness, deception, dishonesty, dissembling, dissimulation, duplicity, imposture, two-facedness, double-dealing, phoneyness, Pharisaism, Tartufferie
i'm not a hypocrite...i'm just honest.
Republicans have become an enemy of America and Deomcracy.
I have no sympathy for enemies of America or Democracy.
They're fascist christian nationalist white supremacists, either actively or through their support of the party.
They're the hypocrites, claiming to love America, to be christians, when they hate Americans and don't even come close to following the teachings of christ...


the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.
"his target was the hypocrisy of suburban life"
synonyms: sanctimoniousness, sanctimony, pietism, piousness, affected piety, affected superiority, false virtue, cant, humbug, pretense, posturing, speciousness, empty talk, insincerity, falseness, falsity, deceptiveness, deceit, deceitfulness, deception, dishonesty, dissembling, dissimulation, duplicity, imposture, two-facedness, double-dealing, phoneyness, Pharisaism, Tartufferie
you say that, but the hypocrisy these days is a wholly-owned Republican institution. Every word I laid down is true, which is why you’re going for the unsubstantiated diversion. You can’t disprove a word of it. All you can do is bring baseless dissent.
Nope I refer to the animosity from you.
You claim peace,love,compassion, empathy all the good characteristics and assign all negative to the "magats".

I dont see any magats here wishing incarceration and death.
I do see quite a bit of vitriol,anger and wishes for violence from the other side........yours.
Just curious how you mentally reconcile that?
Appealing to the good ole moral equivalence are we?
Here, i'll save you some trouble, here's a post where i'm hoping for the death of paid russian murders and their horrible evil fuck of a leader
so, you're right...i'm a blood thirsty hypocrite... :lol: and i'm going to stay one. If wishing for monsters to die makes me a bad person, when judged by you, then i couldn't give a fuck less if i tried as hard as i could...which i won't. I'm ok with you having me marked down in your book as a bad person, the only difference that will make in my life is that it confirms i'm doing the right thing.
Appealing to the good ole moral equivalence are we?

Darth Vader was the good guy, wake up sheeple!

The morale high ground crusaders are fucking dumb. You know if the Ukrainians wouldn't fight back, there wouldn't be war, so who's the real aggressor! Checkmate war mongers! Now let me tell you about why we should roll back environmental regulations you oppressors.
They forgot to mention covid, this is what morons swallow. Joe came into office grabbed the bull by the nuts and got vaccines distributed that knocked covid down, until it mutated later on causing far less death and disease. As joe got the vaccine distributed folks started to go to work and go out, they wanted things again including gas for their cars to go places again. All the supply chains were shut down or curtailed along with international trade, carbon emissions for the planet went way down. Businesses and people had to go on the dole to survive for over a year.

Sure, you'll get inflation and low unemployment as millions never returned to work and just retired, but that's not Biden's fault. Inflation is global in nature and blame its continuance on Putin and his war driving food prices up, Joe already tamed fuel prices which were high when Russia started its war.

Cherry picked statistics taken out of context with lies of omission, these people are liars, and this is an example of lying and deception used to fool fools.
