• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Examples of GOP Leadership


Well-Known Member
If it wasn't for migrants the US economy would collapse and inflation would be through the roof. Here in Canada the immigration gates are wide open, 23% of the population are immigrants and there is an acute labor shortage with businesses freaking out, even here in Cape Breton FFS! Looks like the dreamers in the USA are gonna be in limbo if the republicans get in, we should scoop off the cream of the crop, the top 20% and make them an offer they can't refuse. They are culturally assimilated, speak English and Uncle Sam paid for their education, most have families by now. We need people and so do most developed countries, as women are emancipated populations shrink and families are smaller.
Migrants or illegal aliens? Where I come from, we call them illegals. I was born in Mexico. Im a Repbulican. Lets go Brandon!


Well-Known Member
Migrants or illegal aliens? Where I come from, we call them illegals. I was born in Mexico. Im a Repbulican. Lets go Brandon!
, American needs immigrants or it means inflation and economic stagnation. There are few sources these days, Africa, the middle east or south and central America, take your pick. Maybe some Russians might wanna come to America, but that's about it, competition is becoming fierce and America ain't a prize compared to many other liberal democracies who are also looking for people.

If you want to stop "illegal" immigration it is simple, bust the employers and give them mandatory prison time and life changing fines. Citizens have a responsibility to the state, and this is a betrayal of that, employers are the real guilty parties here, not desperate families looking for a better life. So, increase the penalties for employers and issue green cards or harvest the crops in the fields and do the hurricane repair yourself. Solve the problems of immigration and inflation or whine bitch and complain, the republicans offer no solutions, just more problems. Biden is stopping a lot of migration before it starts and stops much of it south of the border with intelligent programs, not some dumbass wall that can't possibly work. No jobs in America, no future, in many red states ya might as well be living in Afghanistan if yer unemployed. Mandatory minimums for employers of "illegal" immigrants, illegal to employ and jail time with fines if you do, even to do your gardening, treat it like slavery, which it kinda is.


Well-Known Member
they're going to ride this shit into the ground...if we get control of both houses, this shit needs to be fixed. there needs to be a national election commission that oversees ALL elections, and their rules supersede ALL other rules, period, no fucking discussion...
You speak a my language. We absolutely NEED federal-level consistency in district-drawing & map approval, #polling places per 10k residents, poll hours, handling procedures, oversight chains, ID, challenges - the whole ball o’ wax. We’re supposed to be A NATION, so you’d think we could run our elections AS A NATION & not fifty separate feuding satrapies -which is what we have been doing. “Laboratories of democracy”, my granddaddy’s *ass*: people complain about the electoral college, with good reason: one of its main design functions is to prevent someone *exactly* like Chump from taking the White House…and it clearly failed when put to the test in ‘20; however, the 50 Shades of Electoral Connivance & Shenanigans we’ve been struggling against is every bit as much a threat as partisan capture of the EC…and maybe more so.

Gerrymanders & poll manipulation affect the outcome of races EVERY TWO YEARS, regular as clockwork - the EC has only completely failed the once (TMK). 50 separate electoral ’systems’ corrode constantly.


Well-Known Member
I don't give a shit where you are from or why you'd want to cut your own throat, American needs immigrants or it means inflation and economic stagnation. There are few sources these days, Africa, the middle east or south and central America, take your pick. Maybe some Russians might wanna come to America, but that's about it, competition is becoming fierce and America ain't a prize compared to many other liberal democracies who are also looking for people.

If you want to stop "illegal" immigration it is simple, bust the employers and give them mandatory prison time and life changing fines. Citizens have a responsibility to the state, and this is a betrayal of that, employers are the real guilty parties here, not desperate families looking for a better life. So, increase the penalties for employers and issue green cards or harvest the crops in the fields and do the hurricane repair yourself. Solve the problems of immigration and inflation or whine bitch and complain, the republicans offer no solutions, just more problems. Biden is stopping a lot of migration before it starts and stops much of it south of the border with intelligent programs, not some dumbass wall that can't possibly work. No jobs in America, no future, in many red states ya might as well be living in Afghanistan if yer unemployed. Mandatory minimums for employers of "illegal" immigrants, illegal to employ and jail time with fines if you do, even to do your gardening, treat it like slavery, which it kinda is.
I am an immigrant. Dont insult me by calling illegals immigrants. They are not US citizens


Well-Known Member
Now post the sympathetic tweets from the left when Rand Pauls neighbor attacked him, Ill wait... My plants will be ready to harvest by then lol


Well-Known Member
I don't give a shit where you are from or why you'd want to cut your own throat, American needs immigrants or it means inflation and economic stagnation. There are few sources these days, Africa, the middle east or south and central America, take your pick. Maybe some Russians might wanna come to America, but that's about it, competition is becoming fierce and America ain't a prize compared to many other liberal democracies who are also looking for people.
Our dirty secret: despite abolishing slavery, attempting reconstruction, attempting the disassembly of Jim Crow, our entire economy is based on the premise of free (virtually free) labor, whether chattel, wage, or regulatory. It is the ONLY thing that will create the kind of boardroom payoffs the Owner class demands for itself. Wage theft, by every means imaginable. Capitalism is all about extracting as much value as possible & very explicitly includes human resources as a target for value-extraction.

If you want to stop "illegal" immigration it is simple, bust the employers and give them mandatory prison time and life changing fines. Citizens have a responsibility to the state, and this is a betrayal of that, employers are the real guilty parties here, not desperate families looking for a better life. So, increase the penalties for employers and issue green cards or harvest the crops in the fields and do the hurricane repair yourself. Solve the problems of immigration and inflation or whine bitch and complain, the republicans offer no solutions, just more problems. Biden is stopping a lot of migration before it starts and stops much of it south of the border with intelligent programs, not some dumbass wall that can't possibly work. No jobs in America, no future, in many red states ya might as well be living in Afghanistan if yer unemployed. Mandatory minimums for employers of "illegal" immigrants, illegal to employ and jail time with fines if you do, even to do your gardening, treat it like slavery, which it kinda is.
And here I go, spilling the tea again…it’s not that simple.

There has of course always been immigration into the US, but it became a key factor by the late ‘70s to mid-‘80s as a proxy for slave traffic. Not only would ‘conservative’ businesses get voiceless and anonymous bodies to work to death for bottom dollar, but they’d also get political points railing against immigrant labor and liberals, raking in donations while spreading as much FUD as possible.

I’d be willing to bet that there isn’t a “conservative” politician in the US who has not KNOWINGLY profited from immigrant enslavement of at least one variety since 1982 - if not directly then through donations & financial support. They’re still at it, too: demonizing and criminalizing the expendable, commoditized workforce they depend on, while doing NOTHING to reduce the payoff for the wealthy actors who literally do it for the money and are indifferent to the bodycount. Slavery has a long history - and in the US, we’ve industrialized it and decentralized it and run cover for it ever since Grant agreed to let Lee go home. They are still pushing to marginalize their disposable servants EVEN MORE while continuing to weaken every form of worker protection or public oversight that might interfere with the pipeline. Today.

Racism isn’t the CAUSE of slavery: it’s the effect of slavery - and the key to it: the evil brilliance of slavery, New World-style, was to color-code the slave class by skin color, and make it a hereditary (permanent) status; a convenience, nothing more. Long-ago stuff, I know, but nothing else seems to account for the persistent suspicion of POC that seems to permeate parts of our society. It took me a while to make out its shape, then to characterize it: to wit, POC are broadly viewed by some as inherently criminal and threatening, as if they were escaped slaves who are ‘legally’ allowed to walk where they want with their heads up…but who should be taken into custody & “returned to service” at the earliest opportunity.

An existing slave class already manifest in the public mind to some extent, brown immigrants get “servant class” - just as compromised, but more deniably abusable: just seize their documentation and they’re trapped; happens all the time.

We have those problems for the same reason that we have a minimum-wage that stayed stagnant for 40+ years: we require an endless supply of disposable workers we can underpay, overwork, and generally mistreat…or the wheels grind to a halt.

Aunt Wendy-Belle has to make her own iced tea today! There’s no one to drive her to the store!! Or carry her packages!!! Are we NOT having brunch???

it carries all the way to the bottom: Mom & Pop, Inc need help, so they need to hire…but they’re already thinking like a boss, about how little they want to pay & how much they expect to demand: the corrupt power of wealth, even as a far-off dream. By divine right, of course, just ask the Calvinists, Ferengi, etc.
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Well-Known Member
Why should I be embarrassed by following the rules to be a legal US citizen?
Are you talking about your dehumanization of these people? I wasn't asking if you were embarrassed by that, the willingness to plant your flag in a political party that has proven to only legislate for the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda told me what I needed to know there.

I meant the played out 'Let's go Brandon' stupidity.

It is just embarrassing to see supposedly grown adults thinking they are clever with it.
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Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I am an immigrant. Dont insult me by calling illegals immigrants. They are not US citizens
so how should i insult you? by telling you how profoundly stupid the party you belong to is? how totally morally bankrupt they are?
how they're a cult run by authoritarians and fascists, whose only game plan is to lie, cheat, and steal to get power, that they plan to use to remove the rights of everyone who doesn't conform to their standards? oh, wait, i forgot, once you go red, your shame is dead, and you can never feel it again...must be nice, never having to think about the millions of lives republicans shit on every day...


Well-Known Member
People in Mexico call *WHO* “illegals”? And migrants are illegal aliens? Even successfully rehomed emigrants like yourself?
This is why people like myself are not voting for ignorant Democrats. You keep grouping illegal aliens with people who immigrated properly. Keep abandoning legal citizens and support illegal aliens. Its gonna work out great for you


Well-Known Member
This is why people like myself are not voting for ignorant Democrats. You keep grouping illegal aliens with people who immigrated properly. Keep abandoning legal citizens and support illegal aliens. Its gonna work out great for you
What act of abandonment are you talking about? Do you mean how women have had their right to body privacy revoked by Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and West Virginia.. Totally agree with you about that but wasn't that done by Republicans.

Speaking of strange acts by Republicans. Why are Republicans defending Trump after he was caught red handed holding national secrets that he shouldn't have been holding and to top it off, he held them in a unsecure location?


Well-Known Member
What act of abandonment are you talking about? Do you mean how women have had their right to body privacy revoked by Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and West Virginia.. Totally agree with you about that but wasn't that done by Republicans.

Speaking of strange acts by Republicans. Why are Republicans defending Trump after he was caught red handed holding national secrets that he shouldn't have been holding and to top it off, he held them in a unsecure location?
You will find out when I vote Nov. 6th