Examples of GOP Leadership

All disobedience to most governments is ultimately a death threat, even if you are a peaceful person. Agree or not ?

So the serious answer to your question is, everyday, multiple times, if the fuckers were my government, which they're not, but the death threats are real.

Well, if you really want to say "all", then I'd have to disagree.
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I don't have any idea how many 'governments' that there are, but here in America we have over 89,000 governments.

So no I do not think that 'most governments blah blah blah'.

89,001. Me and the girls started ANOTHER government. We decided you're a citizen too. Now give us half your money and register for our draft, so we can force you to kill people to "protect your freedom".
Initiate? If society decides that we shouldn't drive faster than 65mph and creates a group to enforce that rule, and some narcissist thinks they're special and doesn't need to follow those rules, then they're the one initiating conflict.

So every time I drive 66 mph, I'm a baby killer!!?? Oh fuck, I'm soooo sorry.
I certainly don't want what you want,

I can see that.

I want people that are being peaceful not to be subsumed by others who are not being peaceful.

I want defensive force to be seen as just, and offensive force to be seen as offensive. You seem to want to rationalize the use of offensive force to get what you want and believe somehow if a lot of people do it, it ceases being wrong. That, again, is impossible. Have you been consuming mushrooms?
Bill Barr: 'Militantly Secularist Government' Caused Public School 'Disaster'
Former Attorney General Bill Barr has condemned what he referred to as the "secular progressive orthodoxy through government-run schools," while accepting the Alliance Defending Freedom’s Edwin Meese Award for ''Originalism and Religious Liberty,'' in Naples, Florida, on Friday.

Barr argued during his speech that "the time has come to admit that the approach of giving militantly secularist government schools a monopoly over publicly funded education has become a disaster.''

He went on to say that ''the greatest threat to religious liberty in America today'' is ''the increasingly militant and extreme secular-progressive climate of our state-run educational system.''

The former attorney general also claimed, ''Religious liberty is not safe in the United States as long as we have the kind of public school system we have, the forced monopoly and the indoctrination of children into these radical secular progressive orthodoxies.''

Barr said that up until the 1970s, the U.S. public school system was ''committed to Judeo-Christian values in the general sense,'' and that ''in the latter part of the 20th century ... the left embarked on a relentless campaign of secularization intent on driving every vestige of religion from the public square.''

He later claimed that ''we’re now seeing an affirmative indoctrination with a secular belief system and worldview that is a substitute for religion and is antithetical to the beliefs and values of traditional God-centered religion.''

Barr said that an example of this is schools teaching modern concepts about gender fluidity and sexuality, claiming that ''this is not established science," but the "moral, psychological, metaphysical dogma of the new orthodoxy."

He also said that his is "a broadsided attack on natural law."

Barr also criticized the subject of critical race theory, which he described as "Marxism substituting race for class antagonism,'' and saying, "it’s monstrous of the state to indoctrinate students into alternate belief systems.''

The former attorney general claimed that ''the tenets of progressive orthodoxy have become a form of religion with all the trappings and hallmarks of a religion. It has its notion of original sin, of salvation. It has its clergy. It has its penance. It has its dogmas, its sensitivity to the whiff of any heresy, and even the burning at the stake, so far only metaphorically.''

He then said, ''If secular-progressivism indeed occupies the same place as a religion — and by all appearances it does — then how is it constitutional to have state-run schools fervently devoted to teaching little else?''

Barr went on to argue in favor of universal school choice, saying, ''public funding of education does not require that instruction must be delivered by means of government-operated schools. The alternative is to have public funds travel with each student, allowing the student and the parents to choose the school.''

"we’re now seeing an affirmative indoctrination with a secular belief system and worldview that is a substitute for religion and is antithetical to the beliefs and values of traditional God-centered religion"

In colloquial language, can we say belief in science?

Bill Barr is Opus Dei, he's in a religious cult.
So every time I drive 66 mph, I'm a baby killer!!?? Oh fuck, I'm soooo sorry.

How weird to hyperinflate issues while simultaneously complaining about hyperinflated issues. You want peace, but hyperinflate the severity of speeding well outside the range of peacefulness.
How weird to hyperinflate issues while simultaneously complaining about hyperinflated issues. You want peace, but hyperinflate the severity of speeding well outside the range of peacefulness.

But what if the sign says 70 mph is the speed limit, citizen ?

How weird to fail to address your affinity for systems which coerce, while also suggesting you know what a range of peacefulness should consist of.
I can see that.

I want people that are being peaceful not to be subsumed by others who are not being peaceful.

I want defensive force to be seen as just, and offensive force to be seen as offensive. You seem to want to rationalize the use of offensive force to get what you want and believe somehow if a lot of people do it, it ceases being wrong. That, again, is impossible. Have you been consuming mushrooms?

Seriously, all I want is to understand your set of rules. If I'm a cop and I shoot a bad guy holding someone hostage, then I'm using offensive force to substitute the victim's inability to use defensive force to save themselves, which means I(gov't representative) have used offensive force for peace, which means your general rule needs some refinement in order to be true.
That's not true, all 3 of the women in the hot tub with me yesterday decided to get naked too.

Also, even if any hadn't, they'd have been free to leave or watch or go make me a sandwich or something.

Why do you hate individual consent so much you construct circuitous arguments to try to justify violating another persons consent?
Well done Bob. You got your mom and 2 sisters to take their tops off in the hot tub.
But what if the sign says 70 mph is the speed limit, citizen ?

How weird to fail to address your affinity for systems which coerce, while also suggesting you know what a range of peacefulness should consist of.

I drive 73mph right by the highway patrol all the time. Never been pulled over for it and certainly never experienced any coercion. I hear they can be dicks in Oregon though. Are you in Oregon?
Seriously, all I want is to understand your set of rules. If I'm a cop and I shoot a bad guy holding someone hostage, then I'm using offensive force to substitute the victim's inability to use defensive force to save themselves, which means I(gov't representative) have used offensive force for peace, which means your general rule needs some refinement in order to be true.

I will venture into addressing your desire to understand my set of rules.

How is the cop paid and can you decide not to pay him if you don't want his "services" ?
I drive 73mph right by the highway patrol all the time. Never been pulled over for it and certainly never experienced any coercion. I hear they can be dicks in Oregon though. Are you in Oregon?

You must be white.

No, I am not in Oregon. Didn't that plantation fall to the Commies ?
I will venture into addressing your desire to understand my set of rules.

How is the cop paid and can you decide not to pay him if you don't want his "services" ?

I choose to participate in a society, which that participation is proven by my choosing to live and work in said society, that collectively chose to pay for the police with a percentage of our wages.

Yes, I can decide not to pay them by not participating in society, but what I can't do, is decide to both selectively participate and not participate, nor choose for the majority, because I think I'm like, super awesome and stuff.
I choose to participate in a society, which that participation is proven by my choosing to live and work in said society, that collectively chose to pay for the police with a percentage of our wages.

So you voluntarily pay to incarcerate people for weed and to kill people with drones that haven't harmed you ?

That's a great society you participate in there Chief!

So if I take all of the fruit of your labor and call it a tax, you're okay with that then ? As long as I call it a tax, it won't be theft right ? Or is there a particular percentage threshold that once crossed makes it theft ? What is that percentage ?