Examples of GOP Leadership

I don’t think outreach is a viable option when the mental poison of maga is driving a wedge between “follower” Republicans and a more centrist/liberal philosophy of government.

I don’t think Biden or moderate Democrats are at all lacking in the desire to build bridges and consensus. What I see however is a ruthless emphasis on ideology on the right. All the talk about baby-eating Demonrats points at equating compromise with “making a deal with the devil”. It pretty well kills any impulse toward coalition politics. So the Democrats are well-advised to remember the aphorism about pearls and swine.

“… not cast pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.

That is a/the conundrum; at this point in time I don't think it's worth it to reach out that hand...but you kind of have to keep doing that if the situation is to improve. Or we can fight or whatever.

But yeah...idk wtf to do about the broken brains. Normally I would say the dems need to work on jobs and kitchen table type stuff and that could/should pull some back over, but damn, I think they would cut off their noses to spite their face at this point.
That is a/the conundrum; at this point in time I don't think it's worth it to reach out that hand...but you kind of have to keep doing that if the situation is to improve. Or we can fight or whatever.

But yeah...idk wtf to do about the broken brains. Normally I would say the dems need to work on jobs and kitchen table type stuff and that could/should pull some back over, but damn, I think they would cut off their noses to spite their face at this point.
I fear we haven’t had a “Mexican standoff” of entrenched political philosophies at war like this … since the Civil War. People holding onto what you and I see as a broken and dangerous ideology “come Hell or high water”.

I think we simply have to wait them out, and be somewhat grateful that the Republicans are dissipating their campaign against a pluralistic society with their internal conflicts.

What just happened to MTG is tragicomic, getting punted out of the Fascism Caucus because she’s too far left now!

If or when That Man and key conspirators are placed on trial for their sedition, we will probably see more “internal combustion” as the maga movement shakes itself apart to some degree.

So far, the Democrats have done an adequate job of uniting behind a platform of cooperation in the face of the counterrepublican threat. I hope they can keep that up for long enough. The progressives are being frustrated in their objectives, but they seem grounded enough in reason that for now, they’re closing ranks with the moderates to hold the (it sounds dramatic, but) enemies of governance through inclusive representation at bay.

We live, alas, in interesting times. The best outcome I can imagine from this is hundreds of high-quality Ph. D. theses in history and perhaps cultural anthropology (and that magnificent oxymoron, political science).

Glenn Kirschner is right about one thing. Our institutional failure to detain that man pending trial, now that he has plainly acted to endanger his accusers, is hard to understand, and harder to accept. Anyone else (except perhaps a Koch or a Crow) would be in the cooler at this point.
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That is a/the conundrum; at this point in time I don't think it's worth it to reach out that hand...but you kind of have to keep doing that if the situation is to improve. Or we can fight or whatever.

But yeah...idk wtf to do about the broken brains. Normally I would say the dems need to work on jobs and kitchen table type stuff and that could/should pull some back over, but damn, I think they would cut off their noses to spite their face at this point.
I think it doesn't matter what we do, cult members do as their cult leader say, which is almost certainly not vote for Joe Biden. Barring wooing cult members with policies THEY want, I'd prefer Democrats continue doing what's best for everybody. Respect human rights, value people, their lives and pursuit of happiness, work to improve educational opportunities, protect worker's rights, work toward the day when everybody has affordable access to healthcare, be good stewards for the environment and so on. Cult members can gripe all they want about Democrats not worshiping Mammon or Baal or whatever it is they worship (it is surely not Christ). Hopefully one day when their cult leader goes away, they might see we aren't as bad as they say.
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Who will entitled white people blame now that affirmative action is over?
The poor, the unorganized, the off-grid, the real-facts alternative crew
The unbuttoned-down. The not-with-the-program actors
The ‘miss me w/ that’ white people

Assuming of course that they’ve ‘dealt with’ problems like black people, feminists, (((them))), ‘heathens’, LGBQTI, free immigrants, & public expectations

What? The kicking down becomes reflex after a lifetime, no matter how nice you think you are: power will indeed corrupt the corruptible. It’s good at it

Whatever the sequence, we’ll be commoditized, exfranchised, unhooked, “indentured” to some wealthy house that wants to ‘help the indigent’…and needs servants. Who can’t complain.

The MAGA crowd will be the last to go, once all the other bodies are buried.

They won’t be needed anymore, aside from some few of the overthrow party who made it happen:
the new aristos will own & control everything that falls within their grasp

Making the world *safe* for oligarchs again

…IF they get what they want. A constitution that gives them control - that gives them everything, that lets them do what they want. Plato’s republic, confederate-style
Hopefully one day when their cult leader goes away, they might see we aren't as bad as they say.
They're cultist...they're badly broken, or they wouldn't be cultist. Not one single thing is being done to repair their broken brains.
They will remain cultist until the day they die. They will train their children to believe the same fucking dangerous horseshit that they believe.
This will NOT be over if we jail every maga republican in the country, and shut down the worst of the rich fucks enabling them...It will still take GENERATIONS to break that cycle.
Texas - wants to curb renewable energy use but of course …

According to the latest version of the bill (as of late May), any Texas resident with a large solar or wind system who wants to connect to the grid would need a permit. The lengthy permitting process requires a public meeting to allow comments, multiple surveys and assessments, and a website with information about the project.

SB 624 also requires that wind turbines be placed a whole 3,000 feet — more than half a mile — away from the property line, except with the permission of neighboring property owners.

Texas #SB624 would turn all of Texas into an HOA where your neighbors are now going to be able to tell you what you can and can’t do on your own property,” tweeted Rhodes.

As it’s currently written, the bill applies to facilities with a capacity of 10 megawatts or higher to connect “with a transmission facility.” That wouldn’t include small residential systems, which are usually between one and four kilowatts (0.001 to 0.004 megawatts), according to Yes Energy Solutions.

However, it would apply to the many wind farms set up by rural property owners across Texas, Rhodes said.

According to Rhodes, some ranch owners may even have to sell their properties as this bill would end their right to use the land the way they want.

Power Up Texas claims the new bill will not only harm Texas landowners financially but it will also make the energy grid less stable and raise the cost of electricity for everyone.

According to state legislators, the bill’s purpose is to protect wildlife, water, and land from the effects of energy generation. But it’s telling that the proposed law applies only to nonpolluting wind and solar, rather than heavily polluting energy sources like coal and oil that have a much harsher impact on our air and our planet.
Texas - wants to curb renewable energy use but of course …

According to the latest version of the bill (as of late May), any Texas resident with a large solar or wind system who wants to connect to the grid would need a permit. The lengthy permitting process requires a public meeting to allow comments, multiple surveys and assessments, and a website with information about the project.

SB 624 also requires that wind turbines be placed a whole 3,000 feet — more than half a mile — away from the property line, except with the permission of neighboring property owners.

Texas #SB624 would turn all of Texas into an HOA where your neighbors are now going to be able to tell you what you can and can’t do on your own property,” tweeted Rhodes.

As it’s currently written, the bill applies to facilities with a capacity of 10 megawatts or higher to connect “with a transmission facility.” That wouldn’t include small residential systems, which are usually between one and four kilowatts (0.001 to 0.004 megawatts), according to Yes Energy Solutions.

However, it would apply to the many wind farms set up by rural property owners across Texas, Rhodes said.

According to Rhodes, some ranch owners may even have to sell their properties as this bill would end their right to use the land the way they want.

Power Up Texas claims the new bill will not only harm Texas landowners financially but it will also make the energy grid less stable and raise the cost of electricity for everyone.

According to state legislators, the bill’s purpose is to protect wildlife, water, and land from the effects of energy generation. But it’s telling that the proposed law applies only to nonpolluting wind and solar, rather than heavily polluting energy sources like coal and oil that have a much harsher impact on our air and our planet.
It is all adding up to a government change in in Texas one day, provided they still have elections there that mean anything there.
They're cultist...they're badly broken, or they wouldn't be cultist. Not one single thing is being done to repair their broken brains.
They will remain cultist until the day they die. They will train their children to believe the same fucking dangerous horseshit that they believe.
This will NOT be over if we jail every maga republican in the country, and shut down the worst of the rich fucks enabling them...It will still take GENERATIONS to break that cycle.
Right, the adults probably won't change. In any case, to me, Plan A is Democrats continue with their own plans to enrich the lives of the people of the US and cultists can take from it what they want without protected status. I think demographic drift will eventually take care of the problem.

Millenials and Plurals will be the majority of potential voters by 2028 and 60% by 2036

2026 is the tipping point.