Examples of GOP Leadership

Domestic Abusers Are Using Abortion Bans to Control Their Victims

After Roe v. Wade fell, the National Domestic Violence Hotline saw a 99-percent increase in callers reporting that people were trying to control their reproductive choices.
Donald running around loose is fucking Ron the most and Ron needs a good fucking, he is also hurting the GOP and energizing the democrats. Donald will most likely end up going rouge if he loses the nomination and will endorse his own slate of candidates for the house and senate while making a bull moose run for POTUS himself, from a cell if required. DeSantis is just as dangerous as Trump and more electable in the general election, so throwing him off during the primaries or having Trump attack and run against him if he ends up the nominee is Joe's best bet. Much depends on when Donald is finally convicted, after that we might not see or hear much of him, except at his trials of course and he would be appearing in orange for them!

I hear ya! Down here in the Antarctic it’s colder than a witch’s heart.
"The air temperature in Antarctica is unusually high right now. Along the Antarctic peninsula, the bit that juts toward South America, it’s more than 18 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than average for this time of year. Normally it’s about 14 degrees Fahrenheit. "

"The air temperature in Antarctica is unusually high right now. Along the Antarctic peninsula, the bit that juts toward South America, it’s more than 18 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than average for this time of year. Normally it’s about 14 degrees Fahrenheit. "

I figure Florida is one good hurricane year away from being fucked, nobody will insure anything there and with a meter or 2 rise in sea levels much of it would be inhabited by fish. Ron could have an epic disaster on his hands this year or next, and I hope he can take time away from the campaign trail. A big one striking in the right spot could even take out Mar A Logo while Trump is on trial... Send MONEY and help Donald rebuild his mansion!
The Trillion-Dollar Grift: Inside the Greatest Scam of All Time
The pandemic relief was the biggest bailout in history, and it opened the door to wide-scale fraud the likes of which no one had ever seen — more than three years later, we still don't know how much damage was done
"The air temperature in Antarctica is unusually high right now. Along the Antarctic peninsula, the bit that juts toward South America, it’s more than 18 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than average for this time of year. Normally it’s about 14 degrees Fahrenheit. "


I wonder what kind of a horrible, foul woman he is married to? What woman with any self respect could allow this filthy lying piece of shit to impregnate her multiple times? What are their children going to be like? I can only imagine that they will be on the forefront of the white christian nationalist hate movement, just like dear old dad...