Examples of GOP Leadership

"So we have the worst education almost in the large world, the, the world people know about." -Loser45
If you could somehow separate out the Trump supporters and put them all in their own country and the sensible people of America into another. What kind of countries would you have after 10 years, assuming the Trump side didn't kill itself because Trump would be their leader... What would the sensible side be like without carrying all those assholes on their backs? :lol:
Trump is an idiot and only an idiot can't see it, unfortunately most people simply are not that stupid, so I guess it's got a be a mix of stupid and evil.
I think stupid covers it. It approaches tautology to say that the cognitive disconnect that underlies maga is stupid, as in stubbornly deluded.

Candidates campaigning on maga “principles” however are likely not fully stupid (with some glaring exceptions like Gan and Boebies). Some level of evil must then be supposed.
GOP up to its usual wrecking-ball politics

I do wish the media would not call Scalise and Jordan “more conservative” than MosCarthy. Conservative is false. The media need to cowboy up and call fascists what they are. The freedom caucus’s approach to actual freedom is a jackhammer.

Liz Cheney asks: Will the GOP really nominate this dangerous man?

226,407 views Oct 12, 2023 #LizCheney #Republicans #Trump
Former Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., on Thursday criticizes Donald Trump for his praise of Hezbollah and asks are '...Republicans really going to nominate this dangerous man to be President of the United States?'
Some of those who followed Trump over the cliff into the abyss, are beginning to realize that it's a long way to the bottom to be screaming while on fire and the end won't be nice either!

'Dangerous and unhinged': White House reacts to Trump complimenting Hezbollah
Yep, the news of today exceeds the Onion and Mad magazine of a decade ago, amazing to think that it's one psychopathic moron's doing, but he managed to gather every asshole in the country to his banner and we were all surprised by the number of idiots among us! Truth became stranger than fiction and many didn't believe the facts and truth or filtered it out in favor of their favorite propaganda that confirmed their biases. The republican base is base indeed and it has become the white trash party, a magnet for bigots and the mentally ill, also for the sociopathic and narcissistic grifters who want to ride the brainwashed herd for power and cash. They use their character flaws against them in a well-known formula of confusing the facts, making them up or spinning them to suit a narrative, propaganda fear, confusion and the Hegelian Dialect. The grifters will always serve the rich and be easily corruptible, they will con the base with culture wars while robbing them blind and reducing their rights. In a way Americans who follow Trump are a lot like those who follow Hamas, both are mostly motivated by hate, grievance and despair, the losers driven to threats, violence and terrorism and even more who passively support them.
Ready for another shit show?

Steve Scalise drops out of Speaker’s race
House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) on Thursday dropped out of the race for Speaker, just one day after he won the Republican nomination for the role.

Scalise narrowly prevailed in a secret ballot internal GOP election on Wednesday, but it was clear almost immediately that he would struggle to get the 217 votes needed on the House floor.

Momentum swung further against him, and as Thursday progressed an increasing number of Republicans declared they would not cast their votes for him.

It’s not clear where the fractured Republican conference will go next, as the House closes in on 10 days without an elected Speaker.

“It’s been quite a journey. And there’s still a long way to go. I just share with my colleagues that I’m withdrawing my name as a candidate for the speaker designee,” Scalise said Thursday night.

He added, “This country is counting on us to come back together. This House of Representatives needs a Speaker and we need to open up the house again. But clearly, not everybody is there. And there’s still schisms that have to get resolved.”

Those schisms were on full display this week.

Scalise won the Republican nomination over Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) by a vote of 113-99. Jordan threw his support to Scalise but many of his supporters didn’t follow.

Republican leaders held back from calling a vote on the House floor as the conference held several multi-hour, closed-door meetings but left each one reporting little progress.

At the same time, the U.S. is approaching another government shutdown deadline and war has broken out in Israel.
every Democrat: “no problem! Hakeem Jeffries. Thank us later.”
They just need a half dozen republicans from swing districts for a coalition house with Jefferies as compromise speaker until the election. Israeli aid is forcing the issue for republicans and being weak on national security and attacks on the military. Now they have to deal with Trump's public pronouncements, and they leave the magats twisting in the wind and isolated. Like I said Israeli aid will be tied to Ukrainian aid along with keeping the government running. Support for Israel is a pillar of the GOP and important to evangelicals and assorted religious nuts, so the heat is on for a speaker and a resolution.

The problem with the republicans is they are auto selecting psychos, narcissists and other antisocial personality types who can't function as a group, except under the iron hand of Trump. When Trump goes down the division in the GOP should increase as he freaks out and panics and he will go down smack dab in the middle of their primaries after hopefully being disqualified in December by the SCOTUS