Examples of GOP Leadership

She has nothing to lose, the death threats she is already getting will just increase in volume.

Nikki Haley stands by praising verdict in E. Jean Carroll case

2024 Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley is standing by comments that she made supporting the jury in E. Jean Carroll's $83M defamation verdict against Donald Trump.
As Fox News melts down over Taylor Swift - calling her influence a “ democratic Psy-Op “ ….
Trump tells his clan of chuckleheads that he is more popular than Taylor Swift.


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Considering the hot reproductive rights issue, she could mobilize a lot of young women and their boyfriends, husbands, mothers etc. She could turn out tens of thousands of door knockers and volunteers, not just voters, but workers too. They could drag in the youth vote, call them on election day and make sure they vote, text them too.

You don't just want to win the election, you want to beat the shit out of the GOP in a landslide of unlikely voters, a hattrick, full control, a mandate for change.
Waiting for Melania to pull the plug on the Orange Titanic- he is bleeding money and after the dust settles - pocket of sheckles and Betamax Pee Tape.

No way she could risk barron’s silver spoon. No way she will hold up her manly chin and play first lady 2.0.

Sure she is another grifting piece of shit - no love for her - just waiting for momma rat to run .

My Spidey bladder is twitching ( and its never wrong ) about shit.

As Fox News melts down over Taylor Swift - calling her influence a “ democratic Psy-Op “ ….
Trump tells his clan of chuckleheads that he is more popular than Taylor Swift.


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Pseudo politicians that pick on artists and musicians irks me. Bigly. Did in the 80's and it does now. I'm surprised with Dee Snider's take on letting Trump use "We're not gonna take it", but Snider stands by the theme of that song. I have to respect that. It's another reason I don't totally poo poo people like The Nuge as well. Hard to explain, I know.
Pseudo politicians that pick on artists and musicians irks me. Bigly. Did in the 80's and it does now. I'm surprised with Dee Snider's take on letting Trump use "We're not gonna take it", but Snider stands by the theme of that song. I have to respect that. It's another reason I don't totally poo poo people like The Nuge as well. Hard to explain, I know.
Just posted a great takedown video of them on the junk thread.