Examples of GOP Leadership

WashingtonCNN —
President Donald Trump keeps saying he wants Canada to become the 51st US state. To support his pitch, he keeps making false claims about Canada.

In 2025 alone, Trump has:

  • Falsely said the Canadian public likes the idea of becoming the 51st state, which the Canadian public overwhelmingly opposes
  • Falsely said the US trade deficit with Canada is “$200 billion,” though it is nowhere close
  • Falsely said Canada is one of the world’s highest-tariff countries, though it is actually low in global rankings
  • Falsely said Canada hiked its dairy tariffs during the Biden administration, though they haven’t changed since Trump’s first presidency
  • Falsely said Canada generally doesn’t “take” US agricultural exports, though Canada is the world’s second-biggest buyer of those exports
  • Falsely said Canada prohibits US banks, though more than a dozen US banks are operating in Canada today
  • Falsely said Canada is “constantly surrounded” by Chinese and Russian ships, though this is fiction
  • Falsely said outgoing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was using the ongoing tariff battle to run again for prime minister, though Trudeau clearly wasn’t running
  • Falsely said Canada spends less than 1% of gross domestic product on defense, though NATO figures showed it was an estimated 1.37% last year
Trump's hard on for bashing Canada is vile, I wonder if he's taking a special limited edition "Canadian Viagra".I only hope Canadian's attitudes towards Americans isn't irrevokably damaged by his unprecedented level dissing. Not to mention SO MUCH absolutely ridiculous shit comes out of his mouth I loath any potential Nat. security crisis w/him at the helm,how the FK did this national circus happen? AND what about his "alternative facts",it was not so long ago that uttering so many easily proven falsehoods led to questions of mental stability,fitness to lead. The mere fact half of Americans knew this prior and still marked a ballot confounds my sense of reason.
You mean like Trump dose 20x a day
With all the waters muddied concerning truths and alternative facts, let's consider the degrees of fibs, I don't see Dems lining up in a posse to support ex. Sen Melendez on his corruption conviction. Their not stirring up sediment to confuse over his guilt to save a Senate seat ,are they? They also haven't made up ridiculous accusations like "Pizza-gate" neither. So though I don't look at politics through rose colored glasses,it's pretty obvious who has the high ground concerning integrity.
I can name 10 direct lies, without much thought, from dems and legacy media in the last 10 years, that have cost the lives of many thousands of Americans, can you?

*to add to that, the place(s) you get info from lies to you so you can't really believe them, can you?
Ukraine started the war with Russia
Foreign governments pay tariffs
I will lower prices on day 1
I will have a cesse fire in 24 hrs
The deep start implants fed policy
The JD was weponized against me
Awg is a hoax
J6 was not an attempted insurrection
I have nothing to do with project 2025
Ukraine started the war with Russia
Foreign governments pay tariffs
I will lower prices on day 1
I will have a cesse fire in 24 hrs
The deep start implants fed policy
The JD was weponized against me
Awg is a hoax
J6 was not an attempted insurrection
I have nothing to do with project 2025
That's only nine. One more to add," I'm a stable genius".
With all the waters muddied concerning truths and alternative facts, let's consider the degrees of fibs, I don't see Dems lining up in a posse to support ex. Sen Melendez on his corruption conviction. Their not stirring up sediment to confuse over his guilt to save a Senate seat ,are they? They also haven't made up ridiculous accusations like "Pizza-gate" neither. So though I don't look at politics through rose colored glasses,it's pretty obvious who has the high ground concerning integrity.
Turn off the news. If want to form unbiased opinions study your sciences, talk to experts in thier field only about thier field of expertise, study your history, look at the data.

I don't really give a darn about what a politician or pundit has to say about the economy, I care what economist and economic institutions have to say.

I don’t need the news to tell me that AWG is real, the science is overwhelming.

Over 30,000 documented lies during his first presidency. Wow! Just wow! Pretty much everyone on the planet agrees that he is one of the biggest liars of all time.
How many hundreds of thousands died from COVID unnecessarily during his watch because of his total ineptitude. Some may have forgotten but I haven't.
Covid is the one spot where I will give Trump some credit and slack, at least at the start. In his first public address about the outbrake he did lay out a plan to rapidly develop and distribute a vaccine, and I belive did what was in his power to make that happen. And that promise was made good on.
Covid is the one spot where I will give Trump some credit and slack, at least at the start. In his first public address about the outbrake he did lay out a plan to rapidly develop and distribute a vaccine, and I belive did what was in his power to make that happen. And that promise was made good on.
He didn't believe it, though. First kept saying it will just go away. Then seemed to like the idea of eating horse paste, shining light inside the body, or drinking bleach, you know, almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. A lot of Darwin Award winners believe what that guy says.
Over 30,000 documented lies during his first presidency. Wow! Just wow! Pretty much everyone on the planet agrees that he is one of the biggest liars of all time.
How many hundreds of thousands died from COVID unnecessarily during his watch because of his total ineptitude. Some may have forgotten but I haven't.
It was 500million and all his fault. That thing from the bat market that he caused.
Crazy how once he was out of office and weekend at Bernie’s started, it all just fizzled away.
Joe’s auto pen saved us all
. . . . . . . . The media seldom makes note of the fact that our ship building has atrophied to the point that we can't build 2 destroyers per yr. while China has several shipyards cranking out modern warships 3-4 at a time EACH.. . . . . . .
Sal from What's going on with Shipping was talking about what led to the US losing all it's shipyards. In 1980 we changed how we gave tax breaks for ship building. Up till then the shipyard and the buyer of the ship split the tax breaks. But we passed a law where the shipyard got all the breaks because in order for the owner to get any he had to have a set schedule. And shippers have to be able to go where they need to or they can't make a living. So the only ships built from then on were for the Navy and Coast Guard. (with the exception of all tankers having to be replaced after they required them to be double hulled after Exon Valdese) So from 1980 to 2000 Japan and South Korea built the bulk of the worlds ships. No huge deal since they are both allies. But now China has taken over as the number one ship builder. And it's not even Navy ships that is the problem, it's that the world moves with shipping, and we are not even in the game anymore.

He didn't believe it, though. First kept saying it will just go away. Then seemed to like the idea of eating horse paste, shining light inside the body, or drinking bleach, you know, almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. A lot of Darwin Award winners believe what that guy says.
He did know it was bad early on, per the Woodward book. He just pretended it wasn't because he was more worried about the politics of it.
He did know it was bad early on, per the Woodward book. He just pretended it wasn't because he was more worried about the politics of it.
I should have clarified that he didn't believe in the vaccine, or he was just playing to all sides, as usual.
Over 30,000 documented lies during his first presidency. Wow! Just wow! Pretty much everyone on the planet agrees that he is one of the biggest liars of all time.
How many hundreds of thousands died from COVID unnecessarily during his watch because of his total ineptitude. Some may have forgotten but I haven't.
These Trump supporters are so blinded by their hatred and assumptions that all D's are "squad members",the 10% way left,and this hatred allows them to accept a complete poser. Allows them to install a unprecedented ignoramus ,off the charts moral ineptitude,a man whose "word' is the equivalent of a bowel movement after consuming 3lbs. of cheese into the oval office. They will never own up to the fact that Trump played them,they think turning the nation into a political WWF style reality TV series is COOL,they'll even be onboard when Trump sodomizes their financial/economic situation w/a 2'4.

It's reached a point where I KNOW who Trump is, the more disturbing, confounding issue for me is WHO are the 50% of my fellow Americans,how were they raised? ,where is their moral compass? are they comfortable w/this as the face of our nation? are Americans applying the same standards electing a Pres. as hiring someone to pump gas?