Examples of GOP Leadership

Extremists Have Taken Over the Republican Party

Stuart Stevens and Michael Steele tell Jonathan Capehart why "Speaker Jim Jordan" is becoming more likely than "Speaker Kevin McCarthy" if Republicans take back the House.
Judge blocks Spicer, Vought bid to return to Naval Academy board
U.S. District Judge Dabney Friedrich in Washington, D.C., denied the motion by ex-White House press secretary Sean Spicer and former Office of Management and Budget Director Russell Vought for a preliminary injunction that would forced Biden to reinstate them to the board while the lawsuit plays out, Bloomberg reported.

Spicer and Vought sued Biden in September after he fired them from the panel, which advises the president on “the state of morale and discipline, the curriculum, instruction, physical equipment, fiscal affairs, academic methods, and other matters” at the Naval Academy, according to its website.

The two were among dozens ousted from various advisory boards in early September as part of the Biden administration’s bid to remove last-minute appointees by the Trump administration.

“The president’s objective is what any president’s objective is, which is to ensure you have nominees and people serving on these boards who are qualified to serve on them and who are aligned with your values,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said at the time.

President Trump, in his final weeks in office, stocked the advisory boards with loyalists such as Spicer, Vought, former counselor Kellyanne Conway and former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski.

In their gambit to be returned to the board, Spicer and Vought argued their removal would “silence dissenting views” on the panel, an argument Friedrich rejected.

The two “give no indication that their views on the governance of the Naval Academy actually differ from the other board members,” Friedrich wrote in an order filed on Saturday.
Devin Nunes is retiring, good riddance. Timing seems odd seeing that the GOP claim they will take back control of the senate and congress.
I think redistricting in CA will affect his district or eliminate it. His constituents are dying of covid and the farming district is being fucked by drought, though that might have been alleviated somewhat by recent rains. There is a shit storm of legal trouble coming for Trump and many republicans in 2022. With Trump's help ya might keep the house and gain in the senate, when he goes down he will take them with him.
yeah...i don't get it, can nunes be so stupid he believes trump will have a profitable media platform? does trump have some heavy duty shit on him?
can he possibly have his head that far up trump's ass?
Almost half the voters did. Witchcraft or demon sperm have not been excluded as possible explanations for this phenomenon.
lulz. Republican "leaders" argue at the level of HS sophmores. "you are trash" "she is crazy". McCarthy, the fount of wisdom and level headedness tells his fellow Republican Congressional delegates "this is not Jr High", so maybe I was giving the tards too much credit.

GOP infighting takes stupid to a whole new level

When historians look back on the first quarter of the 21st century, it's a good bet that social media will be judged a net-negative for politicians of both parties (as well as for the media covering them).

Exhibit A comes in the form of an online feud between Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) and Nancy Mace (R-S.C.). This wasn't your typical disagreement over public policy. This was a “Mean Girls”-esque exchange, with Greene referring to Mace as "trash" and Mace retorting with explicit emojis to describe her intra-party adversary as “crazy.”

The pointless war of words rightly generated headlines and certainly got the attention of House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), who privately urged his members to stop feuding ahead of the 2022 midterms, now only 11 months away.

No wonder the right wing trolls are saying they don't support either party. Of course they are lying. Of course they are carrying Republican wealthy peoples water for them. Of course they know it. But liars lie. What else would one expect?