Examples of GOP Leadership

The former chief of Texas’s power grid testified today that Greg Abbott *instructed* officials to charge the maximum amount for power during the winter storm. Texans still owe $3.4 billion.

oh yeah....that's true....and there is another one too......think Bryan Tyler Cohen found it......when abbott or ab-shit sign that law that power grids must winterize, he made a loop hole for the ng gas people, saying if the don't say they're critcal infastructor they don't have too, and he got a million dollar donation from one of the companies that made 2.4 billion when that freeze happened....ck it out..

Well he straddled the fence nicely..compliments Putin then in the same breath, says it would've never happened if he still president.

So which is Putin? Genius or Trumps Bitch Boi since Putin's so fearful of him?
i think the bitch boot is on the other foot. That man adored Vladolf.
The former chief of Texas’s power grid testified today that Greg Abbott *instructed* officials to charge the maximum amount for power during the winter storm. Texans still owe $3.4 billion.

And to this date, that is all their Governor has done for his citizens- charge them more; didn't lift a finger for Infrastructure..Texans know they're responsible for this bill too especially when they Succeed. Good luck with that!
oh yeah....that's true....and there is another one too......think Bryan Tyler Cohen found it......when abbott or ab-shit sign that law that power grids must winterize, he made a loop hole for the ng gas people, saying if the don't say they're critcal infastructor they don't have too, and he got a million dollar donation from one of the companies that made 2.4 billion when that freeze happened....ck it out..

So they click their gas heels three times and they're not critical infrastructure..kind of like water..you don't really need it..every appliance they have and some heating IS GAS.

Sure hope climate changes Arctic Wave doesn't hit them or they'll be peeling dead folks off their lounge chair like last year.

I knew Abbott didn't do anything but not the loophole for NG AND THE $1M donation..so neat and complete good ole boy network of cheating as many as possible.
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So they click their gas heels three times and they're not critical infrastructure..kind of like water..you don't really need it..every appliance they have and some heating IS GAS.

Sure hope climate changes Arctic Wave doesn't hit them or they'll be peeling dead folks off their lounge chair like last year.

this is one of the reason's why i hope Beto takes him out, in the elections
Cruz says he will lift hold on Biden nominees
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) on Wednesday announced he would lift his hold on President Biden’s State Department nominees amid news the administration planned to allow sanctions on the company behind Russia’s Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline to move forward.

“President Biden made the right decision today. Allowing Putin's Nord Stream 2 to come online would have created multiple, cascading, and acute security crises for the United States and our European allies for generations to come,” Cruz said in a statement. “Today's announcement is critical to preventing such scenarios.”

Cruz had delayed dozens of Biden nominees for posts at the State Department over the administration’s decision to waive congressionally mandated sanctions on Nord Stream 2 AG, the company behind the controversial pipeline that would carry natural gas from Russia to Germany.

Shortly after Cruz issued the statement, Biden announced that he had ordered sanctions on Nord Stream 2 AG and its corporate officers.

“These steps are another piece of our initial tranche of sanctions in response to Russia’s actions in Ukraine,” Biden said in a statement released by the White House. “As I have made clear, we will not hesitate to take further steps if Russia continues to escalate.”

The development means that the Senate will be able to quickly move to confirm nominees who had been stalled when it returns to Washington.

Germany on Tuesday halted certification of the pipeline project, which was still going through the regulatory process, as part of its response to a renewed Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Cruz says he will lift hold on Biden nominees
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) on Wednesday announced he would lift his hold on President Biden’s State Department nominees amid news the administration planned to allow sanctions on the company behind Russia’s Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline to move forward.

“President Biden made the right decision today. Allowing Putin's Nord Stream 2 to come online would have created multiple, cascading, and acute security crises for the United States and our European allies for generations to come,” Cruz said in a statement. “Today's announcement is critical to preventing such scenarios.”

Cruz had delayed dozens of Biden nominees for posts at the State Department over the administration’s decision to waive congressionally mandated sanctions on Nord Stream 2 AG, the company behind the controversial pipeline that would carry natural gas from Russia to Germany.

Shortly after Cruz issued the statement, Biden announced that he had ordered sanctions on Nord Stream 2 AG and its corporate officers.

“These steps are another piece of our initial tranche of sanctions in response to Russia’s actions in Ukraine,” Biden said in a statement released by the White House. “As I have made clear, we will not hesitate to take further steps if Russia continues to escalate.”

The development means that the Senate will be able to quickly move to confirm nominees who had been stalled when it returns to Washington.

Germany on Tuesday halted certification of the pipeline project, which was still going through the regulatory process, as part of its response to a renewed Russian invasion of Ukraine.
FUCK YOU TED CRUZ, NO ONE NEEDS OR WANTS YOUR APPROVAL....cocksucking scumbag obstructionist piece of shit
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Here's the story, sad as it is

This is a huge story and is getting hardly any play.

Parents who support their children are abusers? What the fuck? The people who support this shit are the same ones worried about their child learning about racial inequity, so that just about says it all.
Sidney Powell must comply with nonmonetary sanctions, court rules
A federal appeals court on Thursday ruled that Sidney Powell and other attorneys who unsuccessfully sued to block President Biden’s 2020 electoral win in Michigan must comply with nonmonetary sanctions imposed by a federal judge.

The ruling rebuffed a request from the group of six pro-Trump lawyers who had asked the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit to pause enforcement of a Detroit-based federal judge’s sanctions determination ahead of a Friday deadline.

In a brief order, a three-judge appellate panel blasted the attorneys for failing to seek relief directly from U.S. District Judge Linda Parker, who imposed the penalties in August, and for dragging their feet before filing their 6th Circuit motion.

“They waited more than two months to seek a stay, knowing the February 25 deadline was imminent,” the panel wrote.

Parker’s August ruling ordered the lawyers to complete at least 12 hours of legal education as part of their punishment for filing a lawsuit targeting Michigan’s voting results, which Parker said represented “a historic and profound abuse of the judicial process.”

The Michigan-based suit on behalf of Trump accused public officials of illegally manipulating ballots in order to assist Biden in getting elected and sought to decertify Michigan's vote count.

The attorneys involved in the litigation were also ordered to pay $175,000 in legal fees, though Parker agreed to pause enforcement of the payments while appeals play out.

Those costs were ordered to be divided equally among the nine sanctioned attorneys, who included Powell and Lin Wood, two of the more prominent promoters of former President Trump’s false claims about the 2020 election results being tainted by widespread voter fraud and irregularities.

Wood and two other sanctioned attorneys were not parties to the matter that was ruled on Thursday by the 6th Circuit.