Examples of GOP Leadership

The black kid that took your lunch money every day in school, what did he look like?

So this is one of those times when you think its okay for you to publicly state that you think black people are criminals with no morals?

You gonna tell us next that you think blacks are irrational and violent and they would "beat me up for not hating white people"????

Im no fan of "racism", but the ACCIDENTAL RACISM from the uncultured "anti-racists" is always the funniest
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So this is one of those times when you think its okay for you to publicly state that you think black people are criminals with no morals?

You gonna tell us next that you think blacks are irrational and violent and they would "beat me up for not hating white people"????

Im no fan of "racism", but the ACCIDENTAL RACISM from the uncultured "anti-racists" is always the funniest
It was a black girl wasn't it?......
It was a black girl wasn't it?......

so what made you ashamed of your views on race?

it was a white guy wasnt it - in a forum - totally ripping apart everything you thought was true - dismantling it - throwing it in the trashbin right in front of you - all you can do is make up a fictional cartoon land where you are full of "love" and all the smart people making valid points are full of "hate"

so what made you ashamed of your views on race?

it was a white guy wasnt it - in a forum - totally ripping apart everything you thought was true - dismantling it - throwing it in the trashbin right in front of you - all you can do is make up a fictional cartoon land where you are full of "love" and all the smart people making valid points are full of "hate"

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I didn't even read this post. I just replied because, lol, JJ just owned you. Take the L

What did a black person ever do you?

No need to reply, I won't read it.

What did a black person ever do you?

What did White kids do to YOU to make you argue in favor of turning them into hated minorities in Europe & America?

Is it because you have a 2nd grade child's education on world history and think only white people practiced conquest & slavery?

An entire race needs to be destroyed because YOU have the education & emotional IQ of a 4 year old child?

MEHHH sorry but that's not gonna fly

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You think you're so smart & cool just because you would morally & intellectually dismantle me if i ever got the courage to stand up for my pathetic anti-white worldview in a debate? Does it make you feel like a big man to make us afraid & ashamed to debate? Does it make you better than us?

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The toxics left it wide open. The diety can be anything you wish, mother earth, a ham sandwich or a bullet. And that's all it takes to claim right that no man may take, if you want to wax philosophical about it. If you want to go the science and reason route, simply being born will suffice.

I asked “[being born] will suffice for what?”

You replied with this non sequitur.

Fine, thorough deist fearful of organized religion but aware that a Creator was necessary as grantor to override man.

To imagine me a deist is offensive. Why would I submit to medieval claptrap?

More to the point: how, without invoking dogma, does being born suffice? You offered no response that was to the point.

(not insulting but pitiable): the toxics, by definition, are strict unto draconian about imposing their broken concept of god. You would do better to read up before you throw down. My opinion, that last.
Nobody's doing that
Stop projecting your fucking racist insecurities
and up yours

you keep telling us that you think you would endure a moral & intellectual beat down if you worked up the courage to discuss/debate/defend your worldview


you can't even stand up for EVERYTHING YOU'VE STOOD FOR IN YOUR LIFE
nowadays people like me have you DENYING EVERYTHING YOU'VE EVER STOOD FOR

you keep telling us that you think you would endure a moral & intellectual beat down if you worked up the courage to discuss/debate/defend your worldview


you can't even stand up for EVERYTHING YOU'VE STOOD FOR IN YOUR LIFE
nowadays people like me have you DENYING EVERYTHING YOU'VE EVER STOOD FOR

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Tell us how white genocide affected you personally.
I'm beginning to think this guy might be white....

If i was non-White - you guys would call me a martyr and a hero

but since i defend whites, and you've been brainwashed since childhood to have an irrational hatred for white people - you have to paint a cartoon fairy tale where i am the BAD GUY

and you are a GOOD guy by pushing GENOCIDE

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You see my ultimate objective is for Whites to be allowed to have OPEN, HONEST, FAIR discussions about the demographic genocide taking place.

These discussions can even include people like DoubleJJJ FOG NAPS- who can speak their views in public and tell everyone why they think genocide is okay & why they feel white kids deserve it.

but the fact is - when the discussions start - people like them are going to have eternally self censored themselves out of existence, in fact these guys are such frauds & cowards they will almost certainly start pretending they were on MY side the whole time.

If i was non-White - you guys would call me a martyr and a hero

but since i defend whites, and you've been brainwashed since childhood to have an irrational hatred for white people - you have to paint a cartoon fairy tale where i am the BAD GUY

and you are a GOOD guy by pushing GENOCIDE

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bro asking you wait your turn & go to the end of the line like everybody else is not genocide. Your ancestors have been receiving preferential treatment for centuries. That's over now, time to give others a chance
bro asking you wait your turn & go to the end of the line like everybody else is not genocide. Your ancestors have been receiving preferential treatment for centuries. That's over now

Why do black people get preferential treatment in black countries?
It's been going on for CENTURIES!

Asia for Asians
Africa for Africans
