Examples of GOP Leadership

And now the exploited natives are conquering them back......thanks for playing

so finally you ADMIT you've just been lying, being deceptive, and a fraud this ENTIRE TIME!

we FINALLY agree

you are NOT anti-conquest or anti-genocide
you are just ANTI-WHITE

thanks for playing!
The same bunch of troll feeders saying the same stuff to the rabiddog78 that invades all these threads with the exact same bullshit using the same trigger points and memes every f'n time and you knobs fall for it and keep giving him his jollies.

At least the war in Ukraine thread can stay on topic for the most part.

I asked “[being born] will suffice for what?”

You replied with this non sequitur.

To imagine me a deist is offensive. Why would I submit to medieval claptrap?

More to the point: how, without invoking dogma, does being born suffice? You offered no response that was to the point.

(not insulting but pitiable): the toxics, by definition, are strict unto draconian about imposing their broken concept of god. You would do better to read up before you throw down. My opinion, that last.

It suffices for the endowment of Rights, weather you view a strand of DNA as a deity or not or weather you were born at conception or not.
I didn't even read this post. I just replied because, lol, JJ just owned you. Take the L

What did a black person ever do you?

No need to reply, I won't read it.

I can’t understand why everyone hasn’t put the racist bunny on ignore by now, tbh.

I may be missing a few clever burns but it’s still not worth it. The pice of shit might actually go away if nobody responds to it.
It seems almost half the voting public like those tax cuts for the rich, or perhaps something other than common fucking sense and self interest is jerking their chains? I'm sure many of these republican voters benefitted from those tax cuts for billionaires. Just think how many republican voters on medicare had the price of their insulin capped, makes no difference, imagined culture wars are more important than facts. Anybody who would vote for Trump or the republicans is in a suicide cult and if these fools gain power, they will make you all drink the poisoned Koolaid.
It seems almost half the voting public like those tax cuts for the rich, or perhaps something other than common fucking sense and self interest is jerking their chains? I'm sure many of these republican voters benefitted from those tax cuts for billionaires. Just think how many republican voters on medicare had the price of their insulin capped, makes no difference, imagined culture wars are more important than facts. Anybody who would vote for Trump or the republicans is in a suicide cult and if these fools gain power, they will make you all drink the poisoned Koolaid.
Number of Republicans who say they support Trump over GOP rises: poll
Republicans who support former President Trump more than they support the GOP climbed to 41 percent in August, up 7 points from May when 34 percent said they supported Trump more than the party, according to an NBC News poll released Sunday.

A slim majority of Republicans, or 50 percent, say they support the party more than they do Trump, the poll finds. But that’s down from 58 percent in May.

The former president continues to wield immense influence over the Republican Party. He has heavily influenced the defeat of eight out of 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach him over the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, either by pressuring them to resign or backing primary challengers.

The most high-profile loss came last week, when Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), arguably his fiercest critic in the GOP, was defeated by more than 40 points from a Trump-endorsed challenger.

Trump saw Republicans rally behind him this month yet again after the FBI searched his home in connection to an investigation into whether he violated the Espionage Act, among other statutes, by taking classified documents home with him upon leaving the White House.

Republicans decried the unprecedented search of a former president’s home, calling it a politically motivated witch hunt.

Trump is also fending off a congressional investigation into the Capitol riot, which the panel of lawmakers has claimed was incited by the former president after he failed to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

Most Americans, or 57 percent, say the investigations into Trump should continue, according to the NBC News poll.
:lol: As if mere facts matter! Only when they are bitch slapped in the face with reality like Trump, will their attitude change and then almost always just another bullshit rationalization. Some ideas and lies will need to die with the people holding on to them and the Trump bunch are not very psychologically flexible, many of them are pigheaded and weak minded.
Number of Republicans who say they support Trump over GOP rises: poll
Republicans who support former President Trump more than they support the GOP climbed to 41 percent in August, up 7 points from May when 34 percent said they supported Trump more than the party, according to an NBC News poll released Sunday.

A slim majority of Republicans, or 50 percent, say they support the party more than they do Trump, the poll finds. But that’s down from 58 percent in May.

The former president continues to wield immense influence over the Republican Party. He has heavily influenced the defeat of eight out of 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach him over the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, either by pressuring them to resign or backing primary challengers.

The most high-profile loss came last week, when Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), arguably his fiercest critic in the GOP, was defeated by more than 40 points from a Trump-endorsed challenger.

Trump saw Republicans rally behind him this month yet again after the FBI searched his home in connection to an investigation into whether he violated the Espionage Act, among other statutes, by taking classified documents home with him upon leaving the White House.

Republicans decried the unprecedented search of a former president’s home, calling it a politically motivated witch hunt.

Trump is also fending off a congressional investigation into the Capitol riot, which the panel of lawmakers has claimed was incited by the former president after he failed to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

Most Americans, or 57 percent, say the investigations into Trump should continue, according to the NBC News poll.
WAR inside the GOP is what ya want, don't bust Donald yet, let Mitch wrestle with the pig in the mud for a spell first! They don't wanna indict Donald and have a judge muzzle him until closer to the election, they do want him to announce a run for the presidency and force everybody to refight 2020 and spout the big lie, as he's going down in flames. Donald dividing the republicans and attacking the party establishment during election season is just what the democrats need, along with the abortion issue, to stand a chance in November.
Ron should have retried the “I’m on the phone” trick instead of incriminating himself.

Testy Sen. Ron Johnson Claims He Was Only Involved In Fake Electors Plot For 'Seconds'

He is sitting on a possible senate seat for the democrats in 2022, J6 and the fake electors scheme could pick him off, being a moron isn't enough...
Number of Republicans who say they support Trump over GOP rises: poll
Republicans who support former President Trump more than they support the GOP climbed to 41 percent in August, up 7 points from May when 34 percent said they supported Trump more than the party, according to an NBC News poll released Sunday.

A slim majority of Republicans, or 50 percent, say they support the party more than they do Trump, the poll finds. But that’s down from 58 percent in May.

The former president continues to wield immense influence over the Republican Party. He has heavily influenced the defeat of eight out of 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach him over the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, either by pressuring them to resign or backing primary challengers.

The most high-profile loss came last week, when Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), arguably his fiercest critic in the GOP, was defeated by more than 40 points from a Trump-endorsed challenger.

Trump saw Republicans rally behind him this month yet again after the FBI searched his home in connection to an investigation into whether he violated the Espionage Act, among other statutes, by taking classified documents home with him upon leaving the White House.

Republicans decried the unprecedented search of a former president’s home, calling it a politically motivated witch hunt.

Trump is also fending off a congressional investigation into the Capitol riot, which the panel of lawmakers has claimed was incited by the former president after he failed to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

Most Americans, or 57 percent, say the investigations into Trump should continue, according to the NBC News poll.
there is nothing in the entire world quite so satisfying as watching your enemies destroy themselves

i hope the party splits...two useless parties that hate each other as much as they hate democrats?
plankton laugh.gif
It suffices for the endowment of Rights, weather you view a strand of DNA as a deity or not or weather you were born at conception or not.

okay, by the numbers.

1) before the first comma: no. The delusion that there are natural rights is a bad left turn some 18th-century thinkers made. For the last century, the idea has been solely kept on life support by the lunatarians. The empirical support is absent.

2a) if all you wanted to discuss was the weather, we could have spared you, O gentle lurker, some grief.

2b) I am unaware of any basis that is not entirely arbitrary by which a molecule might be assigned divinity.
I prefer Gould’s hypothesis of nonoverlapping magisteria. That puts prepaid to obvious claptrap like creationism.

2c) There is no science suggesting we are born at conception. In fact, reduced ad absurdum, we are born at, well, birth. The lie is being told for a specific purpose; vide infra.

The idea that we attain our humanity while still a zygote is ridiculous on the face of it. It is given authority only by those who have deliberately perverted (toxics) or added canonical superstructure to (popers) the core text. Since there is no scriptural basis, the ploy is a component of the comprehensive demonization of a basic biological drive. It is a tool of authoritarian control made to erode healthy skepticism to the point where the toxics have become a major political mover.

So to suggest I might subscribe to any of these scientifically bankrupt yet socially corrosive* ideas is, by rigorous derivation from first principles, to call me an idiot.

*witness Gan Greene pushing Christian Nationalism, a totalitarian ambition.

unlike the rabbit, you are not psychotic. Your evil is deliberate and organized, and you bear full responsibility as a vector of totalibertarian liarrhea.

It is as consciously deceptive as your decidedly toxic (and completely without scriptural, let alone objective, basis) concepts of sex and sexuality, which you have used to speak to @hanimmal with shockingly crass contempt. Your Weltanschauung is viciously false.

2n+1) have a nice day.