Examples of GOP Leadership

they have a point, she may be popular in her own district, but once you get outside of it, people cannot stand her...she might stay in office for quite a while, if not indicted, but she'll cost the party votes, more than she brings with her, by far.
As Trump and his cronies go down and the J6 investigation grows into hundreds of political type indictments, her position will steadily weaken and she will be forced to STFU. I figure we might be in for a surprise in the house after Donald is indicted, the moderates in the republican party who only won by a few thousand votes in districts Biden won will be worried. They might form a alliance with the democrats to keep McCarthy out of the speakership. Mitch does not want these lunatics running around in the house, he wants to memory hole Trump and MAGA and if Jack has to clean the house so be it. Oh he will make all the right noises in public, but if the GOP stands a chance at power, it must be rid of these assholes or have them with the shit scared out of themselves. They tend to go quite when Jack is getting close MTG, Gym Jordan and others will be testifying before Grand Juries and they have no idea what Jack knows. They do know what they did however and in some cases requested a pardon for it. So there is hope! :lol:
I don’t believe Sherman came that way - she’s way up in the northeast corner of GA, Chicamauga & Chattanooga were the big fights, and Atlanta’s definitely between there & the sea, but I think Bill was in a different fight (Charleston?), maybe ‘commander of theater’, so to speak, then headed for Savannah from ATL.

I grew up with this stuff, used to know it ALL by heart…seem to be forgetting some o’ those details
More of a joke than history! Something got a hair up these folks asses. :lol:
As Trump and his cronies go down and the J6 investigation grows into hundreds of political type indictments, her position will steadily weaken and she will be forced to STFU. I figure we might be in for a surprise in the house after Donald is indicted, the moderates in the republican party who only won by a few thousand votes in districts Biden won will be worried. They might form a alliance with the democrats to keep McCarthy out of the speakership. Mitch does not want these lunatics running around in the house, he wants to memory hole Trump and MAGA and if Jack has to clean the house so be it. Oh he will make all the right noises in public, but if the GOP stands a chance at power, it must be rid of these assholes or have them with the shit scared out of themselves. They tend to go quite when Jack is getting close MTG, Gym Jordan and others will be testifying before Grand Juries and they have no idea what Jack knows. They do know what they did however and in some cases requested a pardon for it. So there is hope! :lol:
she has no "position"...she serves on no committees, she has no responsibilities, she votes for hateful shit and against anything that would be good for the country...what do they have to force her with? they'll tell everyone shes a white supremacist, christian nationalist, fascist, racist, bigot? they already fucking know...everyone already knows.
Multiparty parliamentary democracies are sometimes messy, and people are subject to the same stupidity as Americans are. However, in the UK the Tories are on the way out and perhaps so is Brexit. One thing though, they have majority rule by a single house, so ya know who to blame come election day! The president is often ceremonial and just takes care of changing the government if they start acting like dictators and running elections in some cases, that's about it and it can be a King or a president.
I think Brexit was a mistake for England,concerning US govt,I think the framers intentionally left some vagueness so that it could evolve and they were perhaps naive in that they probably assumed that future pols. would all have good intent in implementing changes, don't think they anticipated the self centered,brand conscious,party before country breed pols in today's govt.,how could they know such cowardice could be present in some of today's pols.?
Jack needs to talk to her about J6, she is stupid enough to hang herself with the FBI or a grand jury. Isn't she on that pardon request list? If so, why? Why did SHE THINK she needed a pardon from Trump?

She is pushing the envelope for how repulsive a human being can be,do any of the interviews w/Capitol and DC police who fought off those salivating Trumptards, and their physical and mental issues post Jan6 have any effect at all on these enabling,seditious scumbags.
Imagine that, Biden only leads Trump by 7% nationally, Jesus Christ, no wonder they print "DO NOT EAT" on hamburger wrappers FFS! So 40% of these people think Trump is an acceptable choice compared to Biden, shrewd judges of character they are not, or something really ugly is jerking their chains until their heads popped off, this is pathological to the point of suicidal. Normal people don't have judgement that is this spectacularly wrong and cling to such an obviously flawed and repulsive asshole. Maybe convictions will whittle Trump's support down, but the same character flawed hate and stupidity driven base will remain, looking for another "great leader" who can unite them.

  • Republican support for another Trump bid has significantly eroded.
  • Biden now leads Trump in a head-to-head matchup, 47%-40%.
  • Two-thirds of GOP and GOP-leaning voters want DeSantis to run.
Imagine that, Biden only leads Trump by 7% nationally, Jesus Christ, no wonder they print "DO NOT EAT" on hamburger wrappers FFS! So 40% of these people think Trump is an acceptable choice compared to Biden, shrewd judges of character they are not, or something really ugly is jerking their chains until their heads popped off, this is pathological to the point of suicidal. Normal people don't have judgement that is this spectacularly wrong and cling to such an obviously flawed and repulsive asshole. Maybe convictions will whittle Trump's support down, but the same character flawed hate and stupidity driven base will remain, looking for another "great leader" who can unite them.

  • Republican support for another Trump bid has significantly eroded.
  • Biden now leads Trump in a head-to-head matchup, 47%-40%.
  • Two-thirds of GOP and GOP-leaning voters want DeSantis to run.
i sometimes wonder if we shouldn't just let everything in this country crash into the ground full force, and just rebuild when the dust settles?
know why republicans are so terrified of critical race theory? because systemic racism is the basis of their party...it would all fall apart if their constituents, and their children, broke the chain of stupidity that they've been bound by.
not a real suggestion, but ...if we took the children of magats and raised them in creche where they were taught the actual truth during their impressionable, formative years, and were given good examples of how people should interact with each other, we could go a long fucking way towards leveling the playing field for everyone in the entire country. as it is, we have a generational task ahead of us...the goal doesn't change, but now we have to contend with those same children having deplorable bigots raising them...maybe we could start putting contraceptives into bud light and natural ice?
i sometimes wonder if we shouldn't just let everything in this country crash into the ground full force, and just rebuild when the dust settles?
know why republicans are so terrified of critical race theory? because systemic racism is the basis of their party...it would all fall apart if their constituents, and their children, broke the chain of stupidity that they've been bound by.
not a real suggestion, but ...if we took the children of magats and raised them in creche where they were taught the actual truth during their impressionable, formative years, and were given good examples of how people should interact with each other, we could go a long fucking way towards leveling the playing field for everyone in the entire country. as it is, we have a generational task ahead of us...the goal doesn't change, but now we have to contend with those same children having deplorable bigots raising them...maybe we could start putting contraceptives into bud light and natural ice?
We are taking their children through TV with the wider culture, their cellphones and the internet. Teaching critical race theory and don't say gay in schools is the least of their worries. A lot of history is taught these days with more engaging online content, just as other subjects like math geometry and science are supplemented by it. Burning books is pissing against the wind of history.

Just like Elon jerking the wheel of Twitter to the right as it heading down the road at highway speeds, it will rollover, crash and end up a smoking wreck in the righthand ditch. Elon might as well be King Canute and try and command the tides of the sea, as Elon, Foxnews, or the republican's try to stop the tide of history.
We are taking their children through TV with the wider culture, their cellphones and the internet. Teaching critical race theory and don't say gay in schools is the least of their worries. A lot of history is taught these days with more engaging online content, just as other subjects like math geometry and science are supplemented by it. Burning books is pissing against the wind of history.

Just like Elon jerking the wheel of Twitter to the right as it heading down the road at highway speeds, it will rollover, crash and end up a smoking wreck in the righthand ditch. Elon might as well be King Canute and try and command the tides of the sea, as Elon, Foxnews, or the republican's try to stop the tide of history.
no, we're not, if that was effective, we wouldn't even be having this conversation.
a child's parents are the single biggest influence on them, period. they see them every day, they associate food, safety, and stability with them, even if they offer very little of any of it. they actively tell their children how to behave, and constantly supply examples, whether intended or not. what you suggest does slow the tide, but it will not turn it. that has to be done incrementally, in the circumstances allowed, and that means it will be many generations before we see any significant changes in the attitudes of those raised by racists and bigots.
no, we're not, if that was effective, we wouldn't even be having this conversation.
a child's parents are the single biggest influence on them, period. they see them every day, they associate food, safety, and stability with them, even if they offer very little of any of it. they actively tell their children how to behave, and constantly supply examples, whether intended or not. what you suggest does slow the tide, but it will not turn it. that has to be done incrementally, in the circumstances allowed, and that means it will be many generations before we see any significant changes in the attitudes of those raised by racists and bigots.
I know of many who did and figured shit out on their own, despite the beliefs of their parents, it is a pernicious influence as far as they are concerned. It doesn't work in all cases, but over time it whittles them down and acclimatizes them to a new norm. TV had some impact even before it became more liberal and inclusive, but the internet and the wider culture are ripping up local culture and news for good or bad.