Examples of right wing media propaganda

I just look at it as a figure of speech myself, an expression the young often use and was more focused on the general idea than grammatical slipups. It's the ideas expressed that are the point. It is a term that almost everyone does not take literally, like a lot of terms we human English speakers use. Language is not math, nor does it always follow logical rules, neither do people.
Republicans make up their own meanings of words when convenient

too. :lol:
If the democrats win big enough in 24, I think they will hold public hearings on media in America and foxnews, twitter and others could be in trouble with a variety of new laws and regulations as a result. Foxnews is a propaganda arm of the GOP and have given them billions in illegal contributions in the form of propaganda for decades, they are not a news organization they are a propaganda organization out to cut taxes for its owners and grid lock government if they can't do that.

Public hearings with lots of academic input from people who study fascism and propaganda are required IMO, remove the unfair advantages the republicans have using HR-1 and voting rights on steroids and dealing with the abuse of media and public airwaves that includes cable too.
