Exausting outside of grow room

Ok you are using a lot of power .
Heres what i got from what you listed
Without new 320w light
2368w roughly =19.8amps

Heres same figure without new light or the bedroom stuff (tv, console etc 650w)
1718w = 14.4 amps

All those figures are close estimates and with everything on .
You might want to think about streamlining things where you can or running another extention lead in thats rated 15amp at least ,plugged into another circuit thats not loaded up already .

And here's figure with new light and no bedromm stuff
2038w = 16.98 amps

The 2300w is everything I plan on running Im just not there yet but was going to in less than a month. 300w is just in pumps that go off at separate times briefly.

So not 2300 plus 300w its 2300 altogether and may be over estimated by 100w or a little more. So thats still too much?
The 2300w is everything I plan on running Im just not there yet but was going to in less than a month. 300w is just in pumps that go off at separate times briefly.

So not 2300 plus 300w its 2300 altogether and may be over estimated by 100w or a little more. So thats still too much?
Yes you will need to run another extension lead
I could get rid of moving bed and plug somewhere else, turn all clip fans off I dont use them. Change my 100w pumps to 28w pumps only. Take down 50w strip lights in cabinet. That will have me at 1930w is that still too much?

I could avoid the viparspectra and use a light with 100 less watts. That would put me at 1830w. Hows the prior sound? How does it sound at 1830w if the initial isnt good enough?
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So if my room should have 15a then I shouldnt pass 1800w? I dont get how the fuse never blew again if Im at 2300w. Could it be 20a? Probably 15, damn I didnt realize that.

I guess I ought to get to 1800w with 1500w constant.
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So if my room should have 15a then I shouldnt pass 1800w? I dont get how the fuse never blew again if Im at 2300w. Could it be 20a? Probably 15, damn I didnt realize that.

I guess I ought to get to 1800w with 1500w constant.
1800w is 15amp everything has probably turning on at different times just avoiding overloading
And on top of that I should only be using 1500w to not overwelm the circuit right? Running a cord would be hard without upsetting roommates having cord run through the house.

How hard would it be to make my room 20a? Would it be fine if I just stayed below 1800w? If its running fine is it ok as is if fuse isnt blowing? It blew so it functions to do so if needed.

Luckily I didnt do anything for my 3/3 tent so I can still just not buy the light or use it. Crap I really want to keep everything if possible.

Crap maybe I can put bedroom stuff on a line and plug outside and save 500w. What a humbling hobby.
Erry little thing, gonna be alright!! Im trippin and probably good. My improv skills just havent kicked in yet, lucky its 12/12z So its equal. That means I can have one light or two, mix match schedules! Muahaha!

Im dedicated. Just needa keep putting my mind to it.
And on top of that I should only be using 1500w to not overwelm the circuit right? Running a cord would be hard without upsetting roommates having cord run through the house.

How hard would it be to make my room 20a? Would it be fine if I just stayed below 1800w? If its running fine is it ok as is if fuse isnt blowing? It blew so it functions to do so if needed.

Luckily I didnt do anything for my 3/3 tent so I can still just not buy the light or use it. Crap I really want to keep everything if possible.

Crap maybe I can put bedroom stuff on a line and plug outside and save 500w. What a humbling hobby.

Being that the circuit also turns some lights off it would pay to have the wiring checked before upgrading from 15amp breaker to a 20amp breaker .
Nothing to worry about at the moment dont panic thec15amp breaker is doing its job
So if my room should have 15a then I shouldnt pass 1800w? I dont get how the fuse never blew again if Im at 2300w. Could it be 20a? Probably 15, damn I didnt realize that.

I guess I ought to get to 1800w with 1500w constant.
Circuit breakers wear.
Often appliances will draw a high current to start.
Some times moving circuit breaker in the box will solve issues, the connection point in the box can wear. (This would be above your comfort level get an electrician)
If Im good and just need to keep being mindful and keep minimizing the load Im happy with that. Whatever keeps everything for now until I build a workshop but I may not be able to afford it.

Id need to do the best budgeting and planning Ive EVER done before if to succeed. I thought I was considering bailing on the idea since I figured out how to yield more as is.

But I guess having the grow separate from the house would make things safer. But then again if you just dont understand the danger and therefor are more scared than need to be.

Kind of like the propane tanks. Scary but if I knew what I was doing theres no need to be nervous. So like with growing maybe it can stay in home just fine maybe not.

I just cant imagine what would happen if my grow destroyed the home somehow. But cant let fear monger me either. Were talking 15-20k easy for that workshop.
Id be removing 800w from the load by plugging bedroom stuff in hallway, I used to have a pedestal fan out there plugged in to cool my room. They werent too bothered. Fudge it let it be raunchy.

My room is more a grow than a bedroom wtf lol.

Then 300w is in pumps going off individually but can down size the pumps to 28w each vs 100w. Idk why I got those 100w pumps they arent mich stronger than the 28w pumps.

Wooof my shitty math guestimates im at 1200w at once now. If thats ok then Im in state of nirvana. And I havent even wake baked yet!
Man the brainstorming sometimes. Like the workshop, why do it if the equipment your running is safe? Google search says grow houses are 25x more likely to catch fire than non growing homes.

Theres osha stuff like no extention cords into another etc but those guides came out when things used to all be high wattage. You can if you do it right.

Thats not my dumbass assumption thats what Ive read others say that know more than I do. I could use that money to move out and have outdoor space too.

Too many people younger than me I see getting houses. We just hit rock bottom several times together so were just rebuilding. But to dream and plan goals hell Idk why I cant do it.
You will be ok just be mindfull of how much you are running ,thats why i run my set up the way i do it uses less power and its pretty simple to run with limited ongoing costs
You will be ok just be mindfull of how much you are running ,thats why i run my set up the way i do it uses less power and its pretty simple to run with limited ongoing costs

Again, thank you so much for your time! I get anxious sometimes doing social media, I dont do it but this is quite different. Idk where I would be without yalls help!

My grow is only where its at for that reason. I wouldnt of put all this together so fast and be where Im at with my skills. Much thanks! May the ganja gods bless yall with a bountiful harvest!

Again, thank you so much for your time! I get anxious sometimes doing social media, I dont do it but this is quite different. Idk where I would be without yalls help!

My grow is only where its at for that reason. I wouldnt of put all this together so fast and be where Im at with my skills. Much thanks! May the ganja gods bless yall with a bountiful harvest!
No problem happy safe growing:peace:
I am going to rant a bit.

I feel sorry for the current generation. Too many just don't understand how things work.
I fall into the special case, I started in a chemistry lab at 12. I used to setup machines and check standards. My aunt was chair of chem dept.
Been into electronics since the 60's. Started working on race cars in 1978 worked for race teams during warm weather took machinist machine builder jobs during winter. Started working on PC at the track in 1984. When I left racing in the 90's did computer service on Wall street and finished up as a technology director. Then in 2004 went back to racing as race engineer.

Have run apprentice programs to train race personal. Years back I had much interest now it is like finding hens teeth. I have showed pictures of the type of race car I ran and many times the response was that looks dangerous. Where years ago the response was how can I get to drive that. Currently teaching one person to weld working on different processes and materials, and he gets reading assignments along with torch time.

My son just called me from college he doesn't know how to put a plunger together. I have built race cars that showed up on pallet with no assembly instructions.
I really feel sorry for the up coming generation.
That's how some growers are able to run 2 whole grows with only a little more than half the amperage needed at any given time, instead of running all the lights and some of the equipment at the same time.

As soon as the lights go out in one tent, the other turns on a few minutes later. Set one or both the timers for roughly 11:55 on and 12:05 off, or however you have too to make sure there is a few minute delay in between lights on/lights out, so they aren't overlapping each other or both running at the same time and overloading the circuit..
Yea running a lead is the only way if I want to also grow a 3x3. Shit. Well when I want something usually weed related I figure it out and move mountains.

Ill be running a safe 1200w constant which sounds much better. Yea they can be on sep schedule but common sense says you can only have 2/3’s of it on sep schedule.

So the 3/3 being the same watts as the other tents I really cant mix match any other way to save more than 320w.

Just gonna force my way into it just see if it can be the new norm. I can run it to the next room for minimal nuisance. Last resort I just run two flower tents.

I already have a internet cord running out there and just kind of let ourselves go a little here. Meaning lots of junk everywhere and helps get my way like hey ya know.
I think theyll let me run it to the other room I can see that being the least impact via tripping and visual compremise. I planned to have it burdensome at first but now I think about it they probably wont mind this way.

It will help that they see Im concious of what Im doing and just trying to do it safely. By the way I have family that bought a similar generator in crowded neighborhood.

They use it appearently. Im like see! lol. It is just for the grow but its an awesome thing to have during an outage.