EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Manufactured outrage over an economic policy with broad popular support is a great way to end up second in the primary. :mrgreen:
Understand what? That we already spend 10 times more on " defenses military" than the next top ten nations COMBINED ?

It's the next TWELVE largest defense budgets combined. Get it straight! Lol

The only justification for this is that the defense establishment runs our country and wants its profits, too.
If you had asked me that in 2008 and even 2012, it would have been a definitive yes. In 2016, it's a coin toss. If the Republicans actually nominated a Conservative that could inspire the base to turn out in force and simply maintain the status quo on Independents...sure.

Since they won't, I'm all for a big lib in the White House for the next eight years. Best thing that could happen for Conservatives. The best thing about a Hillary presidency is she perfectly personifies what the Democrat party and those that make up its ranks have become...perfidious scumbags.
So your plan is to electronic a scum bag so that Republicans are forced to change out of desperation?
Sounds like reprogramming or praying the gay away..
Totally unrelated.

You always try to make it about how much you dislike christians.

Tell us again how you are forced to be a Christian or worship god.

Or maybe you would prefer christians keep their religion to themselves because it is so offensive to you.

If you are correct and all religion is false, then it shouldn't bother you at all if some people choose to worship or talk about it.

All you have to do is not be around those people. Take your business, company, feelings elsewhere.

It's that easy. No repercussions to you.
Totally unrelated.

You always try to make it about how much you dislike christians.

Tell us again how you are forced to be a Christian or worship god.

Or maybe you would prefer christians keep their religion to themselves because it is so offensive to you.

If you are correct and all religion is false, then it shouldn't bother you at all if some people choose to worship or talk about it.

All you have to do is not be around those people. Take your business, company, feelings elsewhere.

It's that easy. No repercussions to you.

Except when they muck up my government's policies with their religiosity. THAT'S my problem with how religion is practiced in politics in this country.
Totally unrelated.

You always try to make it about how much you dislike christians.

Tell us again how you are forced to be a Christian or worship god.

Or maybe you would prefer christians keep their religion to themselves because it is so offensive to you.

If you are correct and all religion is false, then it shouldn't bother you at all if some people choose to worship or talk about it.

All you have to do is not be around those people. Take your business, company, feelings elsewhere.

It's that easy. No repercussions to you.

Totally related and stop being so nasy to me Sistah before you end up with pie on your face.
Except when they muck up my government's policies with their religiosity. THAT'S my problem with how religion is practiced in politics in this country.

I agree with what you said, it can certainly can be the case.

But it's not any more goofy or detrimental than the "loony" left religious belief that "guns" make decisions to kill people or the belief that “few things can have as negative an impact on our economy as climate change” or their constant denial that the "probability" of increased terrorism can be associated with an "ideology" that they refuse to name because of their religious preoccupation with "PC".

No one population has a monopoly on goofy.