EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

so, why are you here? wouldn't that make you a gullible useless idiot as well?

I'm here because this is MY country. It may be suffering from a bad case of liberal mental illness, but I hold out hope. The good news for me is I'm beyond the reach of any negative impact from progressive ideology. The bad news for you is you're probably not, from what I've read of your financial situation.

I almost doubled my net worth during the last recession, if we're going to give the same liberal shitheads another chance to fuck it up again, bonus. I'm looking at a vacation home in either Boulder or Colorado Springs, I'd love nothing more than to have property values in the shitter so I can just stroke a check for it.
I'm here because this is MY country. It may be suffering from a bad case of liberal mental illness, but I hold out hope. The good news for me is I'm beyond the reach of any negative impact from progressive ideology. The bad news for you is you're probably not, from what I've read of your financial situation.

I almost doubled my net worth during the last recession, if we're going to give the same liberal shitheads another chance to fuck it up again, bonus. I'm looking at a vacation home in either Boulder or Colorado Springs, I'd love nothing more than to have property values in the shitter so I can just stroke a check for it.

i was once like you, however learned the value of quality over quantity.

i envy you not one iota.
Not sure what those posts signify. I agree with every word except destroying Obama. I hadn't realized the country was so fucked in the head. He's still one of the few candidates that doesn't make me want to vote libertarian.

The first and last quotes are still balls on accurate.

Thank you for highlighting a few of my past brilliant thoughts.
This is why you're so angry all the time, because you choose to see what you want to see instead of what's actually there. The country is decidedly moving in a more progressive direction because the majority of Americans are fed up with a government run by Christian conservatives. You guys had your shot, it didn't work out, now it's time to take a step back and let a newer generation of people decide how they want things to be. If what you said is true - "I almost doubled my net worth last recession" - then it wouldn't come as a surprise you'd be against any actionable change to the system that enriched you and a tiny number of others at the expense of everyone else. These changes are happening, you can see them and you don't like it because I'm sure you were taught growing up in the "Me generation" everything is about you. My dad is a baby boomer but my mom comes from the same era you do, fortunately for me she's a lot less abrasive and dickish about discussing the time period and doesn't have any eggs in the basket of winning fake points on the internet, so she's open and honest about how selfish her generation was and she see's the results of it - like you do - right before her eyes..

So get comfy in that backseat, buddy. You'll be there a while until another generation relegates you to the trunk and I'll be in the back seat. Cycle of life, and in the immortal words of Nick Diaz... "Don't be scared, homie"
no it's not.

this country does not belong to homicidal racist retards.

your views are on par with the KKK.

Stolen Land and it sure as Hell don't belong to you Bucktard.. ..

are you this bitter all the time, vanilla face?

maybe on the inside, flour bag.

i'm gonna blame the mexicans and fags for this.

these thug savage animals look pretty white to me.

i'm jewish though, so suck it.

i know who i'd rape.

it takes an especially shameless hypocrite to try to accuse others of that which he is guilty of himself.

You are Racist though are you not Bucktard. ..
I favor quality as well. Quantity only when needed or easily acquired.

I seek neither your envy, nor your acceptance.

if you get a medium size styrofoam container, 2" pvc pipe a few inches long and a battery fan..you make a hole in the lid to fit the pipe and fan..fill the container with ice and it will cool your car or van by 10 degrees.

- homeless blog
Bernie Goes Big in NH


This Sanders thing has ceased to be a sideshow and is now steamrolling the entire field...

Sanders in '16; a vote for sanity.

i like this pic..this is our america!

i can see four persons of diversity, minimally.

can you, irish?

today's history lesson, in case you've forgotten..

God, I love that character. I use it as my avatar on Facebook. With a huge nod to Billy Bob Thorton in Slingblade, Daniel Day-Lewis's Bill "The Butcher" Cutting is one of the most transformative roles by any actor. What a performance.
Name one candidate, in either party, who you think is better on racial issues than Sanders

By better, do you mean who is the best at pandering? Promising free shit? Demonizing successful fellow citizens?

Or, do you mean which candidate has an agenda that will ultimately benefit (insert race) the most? If that's what you mean, I can think of about five to ten.